
The history of  the Twinning Association


In the early 1970s, there was a car accident near Castelnaudary, midway between Toulouse and Carcassonne. A lorry had collided with the caravan belonging to Mr Roger Massé, Mayor of Lavaré and also pushed into the car owned by the Walters family, residents of Old Catton. The two families had to stay in an hotel in Castelnaudary for a week until a caravan was obtained for the Massé family and the Walters car was replaced by the AA.


A friendship developed and they exchanged addresses before continuing their journeys; the Walters to join up with their friends, the Trotts, also residents of Old Catton, in Argeles-sur-Mer and the Massés towards Carnet Plage. A week later the Massés met the Trotts and the Walters in Argeles-sur-Mer; it was the beginning of a long friendship.


Roger Massé was interested in twinning Lavaré with Old Catton and Mr Trott contacted the Parish Clerk, then Mr Jack Thorpe, who organised a meeting. Fifty residents agreed with the idea, a steering committee was formed, and after some weeks of discussions with the European Twinning Organisation a visit was arranged on Bastille Day – 14th July 1988.


We were compatible and the first full visit was over Easter 1989.


Our tours have alternated on a yearly basis usually over a 3 or 4 day period and include interesting, varied and convivial activities. We stay in their residents’ homes and this is reciprocated when they travel to Old Catton.


Many friendships have grown over the years.


Membership of Old Catton Twinning was broadened in 2009 to include Old Catton and surrounding districts, such as Spixworth, Horsham St Faiths, Sprowston and Hellesdon, as well as other close areas of Norwich.


Twinning Constitution




1.       NAME

The Association shall be known as the “OLD CATTON TWINNING ASSOCIATION”



The aims and objectives of the Association shall be to promote international friendship and understanding by strengthening by all possible means the links formed between Old Catton and Lavaré, stimulating and fostering mutual exchanges at all levels between the peoples of the twinned municipalities and other such towns as the Association may accept, and by organising fund raising activities to support the objectives of the Association.



Membership of the Association shall be open to any resident of Old Catton and district subject to Committee approval over 16 years of age, but the Association shall have the right, for good and sufficient reason, to refuse or to terminate membership of an individual member at any time.



All members shall pay such subscriptions as the Association may from time to time determine.


5.       MEETINGS

An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held within two months following each exchange visit or as determined annually by the Committee and other ordinary meetings of the Association shall be held as required. The Association shall appoint, at each annual meeting, a Committee consisting of seven members (excluding “ex-officio” members) and have the power to co-opt up to four members of the Association to serve on the Committee. The Committee shall, at its first meeting after the Annual Meeting elect one of its members to be the Chairman and one to be the Vice-Chairman. The Chairman of the Committee shall act as Chairman at any meetings of the Association during his term of office.

The Committee shall meet from time to time, as required, and shall be responsible to the Association for the day to day administration of the affairs of the Association and for making arrangements for visits to Lavaré and the return visits by the residents of Lavaré to Old Catton; these duties to include arrangements for money-raising functions to cover the expenses of the Association.


6.       OFFICERS

The Association shall appoint, at its annual meeting, an Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Membership Secretary and other such officers of the Association as it may from time to time determine. Such Officers shall be ex-officio members of the Committee and shall act in their capacities as officers to the Committee also.


7.       VOTING

Voting at all meetings (including Committees) shall be by show of hands and a quorum for meetings of the Association and its Committee shall be five members.


8.       FINANCE

All monies raised by, or on behalf of, the Association shall be applied to further the objectives of the Association and for no other purposes and the Honorary Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Association and an audited statement of account for the last financial year and a balance sheet for the previous year shall be submitted by the Honorary Treasurer to each Annual General Meeting.

All payments and receipts shall be reported to the Committee who will have full power to deal with any financial matters arising, including the power to manage and invest the funds of the Association. All cheques shall be signed by not less than two of the officers of the Association, one of whom shall be the Honorary Treasurer.



All members of the Association shall be given fourteen days prior to notice of any proposal to dissolve the Association which shall be decided by a simple majority of those present at a General Meeting of the Association called for that purpose. Any funds remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be applied towards charitable purposes for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area.



Notification of any alteration to this Constitution must be delivered in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the Association not less than twenty-eight days before the date of the General Meeting of the Association at which it will be considered. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be circulated to all Officers and Members not less than seven days before the said General Meeting. Any alteration may be approved by a simple majority of the members of the Association present at the meeting.


Dated:   16th July 2009