2016 Visit to Old Catton



Confirmed dates for the people of Lavaré to visit Old Catton 4th-8th May 2016


Here is the programme of events for our French guests.

The Twinning Association pays for all entry fees and excursions for the French visitors.

The Party Night is free to our French visitors.

English members of the Association are charged entry fees on excursions and the Party Night for themselves at cost.

Details of costings for English members will be issued around the Easter Break.

Long Range Weather Forecast

Toujours froid à la côte


Wed 4th May

Arrival and Reception

17:00 - 19:00 approx - we will phone you when we know of their imminent arrival.

Drinks & nibbles when French arrive at Pavilion, Recreation Ground.

Meal + evening with host families


Thurs 5th May

Vegas Comes To Old Catton (AM)

09:30 - 12:00 at the Diamond Centre, School Lane, Sprowston, NR7 8UA

Make your own way there - Private Car Park available round the back

Pour le chauffeur - pas besoin du car avant 13:00

09:30 sharp for start - please be there a bit before

(09:00 set-up for Committee)

Fun Casino Events for all

Roulette & Blackjack + Tea&Coffee and a Chat

Includes Professional Croupiers that have vast casino experience, and an experience like no other whilst letting you enjoy the morning along with your guests.



12:00 - 12:45 PICNIC LUNCH at The Diamond Centre, Sprowston

Bring your own picnic for sit down lunch inside hall


Coach Trip to NWT Cley Marshes (PM)

Depart Diamond Centre at 12:45 for return to Old Catton Rec Ground - own car

13:15 French Coach leaves Old Catton Rec Car Park for North Norfolk Coast

Pour le chauffeur - départ de Old Catton en car à 13:15

14:15 Arrive Cley Marshes Visitor Centre

Visit the Norfolk Wildlife Trust's oldest and best know nature reserve.

Visitor Centre - Exhibition - Wildlife Education Centre - Cafe - Toilets

We will not be paying entry into the actual marshes due to lack of time

Cley Marshes Website

Blakeney Point Seal Trip with Bishops Boats (PM)

15:15 Coach leaves Cley Marsh Centre

15:45 to 16:00 Boat departure from Morston Quay, depending on tide.

See the SEALS & BIRDS in their natural environment at BLAKENEY POINT.

We will have our own privately chartered 50-seater boat.

Bishops Boat Seal Trips have been a family run business for over 50 years and are a very popular and safe way to enjoy a close up view of the wildlife - without disturbing it.

Toilets available in National Trust car park


Bring waterproofs and warm clothing


18:15 RETURN back at Old Catton

Meal + evening with host families


Fri 6th May

Day in Great Yarmouth (AM)

09:00 Depart by French coach/car from Old Catton Rec Car Park

Pour le chauffeur - dépose au centre ville à 10:00

Va au parking pour les cars avec Richard - après, journée libre

Le jummelage va payer le parking

Addresse Parking: Nelson Road North, Great Yarmouth, NR30 1EN

Reprendre tout le monde au centre ville à 16:00 pour le retour



Morning in Great Yarmouth (AM)

10:00 Entrance to:

Visit to Great Yarmouth Sea Life Centre




12:30 - 13:30 PICNIC LUNCH

Bring your own picnic or get fish and chips along the sea front


Afternoon in Great Yarmouth (PM)

Visit to Merrivale Model Village - Railway and Gardens

Includes Crazy Golf in the admission ticket

Ticket is an all day ticket so you can come and go as you please

Best if we enter in small groups, rather than all at once.



Yarmouth Beach

Please bring appropriate clothing and footwear



17:00 RETURN back at Old Catton


Party Night (Soirée) Hainford Village Hall - NR10 3LX

Committee/Caterers/Band gain entrance at 17:00

19:00 - 23:00 - Out by 23:30 - Make your own way there

Pour le chauffeur - pas besoin du car le soir

Meal starts at 19:30

Download Village Hall DIRECTIONS HEREAperitif 19:00, Hainford Village Hall - map to be posted here

3 course evening meal with wine

Music & dancing with Dean O'Regan and his 70s & 80s Band

Bring your own selection of drinks for after the meal as there will be no bar on the night


Sat 7th May

Free Day with guests

Pour le chauffeur - journée libre

 – suggest you join with one or more other host families to do something. 

(Journée libre avec hôtes)

Some of us are spending the afternoon at Baseline Extreme Centre at Horsford

For the teenagers and the young at heart!

Sports may include quad bikes, climbing wall, segways, land zorbs, downhill zorbing, archery, karting,  roller skating, synthetic ice rink, scooter and skateboard park, snow tubing, mountain bikes, boulder wall, trampolines, circus skills, multi sports cages



Sun  8th May

08:00 French guests depart from the Recreation Ground. 

Time to be confirmed


If you would like to join in with our activities or simply find out more about the Old Catton Twinning Association, please contact the Chairman, Richard Moore, details from the contact page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's it like to host someone from Lavaré?

In many respects the French are just like us. They will be very curious in the English way of life and customs and often take delight in things and food that we take for granted. Most of them speak some English and a simple dictionary will fill in the rest. Be relaxed and they will be relaxed.

What do the French do during the day?

During Thursday and Friday, we are all together in the French coach with visits arranged by the Committee. Hosts to provide a picnic lunch each day. Trips out are optional on these two days for the English who may be working.

Saturday is a free day. Hosts are encouraged to get together with other Hosts and arrange a mutual visit somewhere locally, with all costs met by the hosts.


What about costs?

The French pay for their own travel, including a coach which is available to take them (and us) on excursions around Norfolk on the Thursday and Friday.


The Old Catton Twinning Association pay for the French entry on outings and venues on Thursday and Friday. Any English accompanying them on the outings will be charged at cost.

Friday night is party night and all costs for the French are met by the Association. The English are charged at cost, usually in the region of £18-£20 per ticket, less for children. This normally includes a three course meal with wine, a pre-dinner drink and dancing to live music.

Hosts will cover food for their French guest(s) other than Friday's party night and any costs associated with the free day on Saturday.

We are a not-for-profit organisation and the French pay for us in return when we go over to Lavaré the following year.


Will I be obliged to go over to Lavaré the following year?

No, you are not under any obligation. However, if you have made friends with the people that stayed with you, you will probably be keen to make the journey back to Lavaré to experience their way of life. You will find the Lavarians very warm and welcoming.


I don't speak any French. How will I communicate?

Many French will be able to speak English to some degree or other. And if you can remember the odd word or two of school French, then you will be able to communicate. And you will be with other English people during the day, and some of the evenings.


If you have any real difficulties, your Chairman speaks fluent French and can help out if required. If you'd like a little help with communicating, just ask him.

And anyway, as the Lavaré Mayor always says: You can communicate fine with a glass of red wine in one hand and wave a piece of cheese around with the othe hand! Seems to work!


I'm worried they won't like our food.

The French love food and are generally happy to try most things.  They will appreciate any meals you do provide, keeping things fairly neutral and English based. They probably aren't used to very hot curries for example!

What happens if I don't get on with my hosts?

In the Chairman's twelve years of involvement with Old Catton Twinning, this has never been known to happen. The people of Lavaré are such genuine, lovely and warm people that I am sure you will get on OK. It's only for a short time. Yes, there needs to be a little give and take, but there is a common understanding of what it is like to experience foreign cultures and people. Try to be curious about your hosts, where they live and what they do and I'm sure you will be fine. And in many cases life-long friendships develop.