Temakveld om Astrostatistikk 04.11.15: "Mapping the universe"

Post date: Oct 26, 2015 12:07:02 PM

Norsk statistisk forening avdeling Oslo inviterer til temakveld med gratis pizza onsdag 4.november kl. 17.00 til 18.30. Temaet for kvelden er astrostatisikk, og vi har invitert postdoc Signe Riemer-Sørensen og seniorforsker Håkon Dahle, begge Institutt for Teoretisk Astrofysikk ved UiO for å prate om dette.

Tid: Onsdag 4. november 2015 kl. 17 – 18.30

Hvor: Norsk Regnesentral (kart), rom Alfa&Omega.

For hvem: Åpent og gratis for alle; både medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer. Tips gjerne dine kollegaer og andre bekjente.

Servering: Pizza og brus.

Påmelding: På epost til torgeir@dharmicdata.com innen onsdag 4. november kl. 12:00.

Foredragsholder: Signe Riemer-Sørensen


"The universe is huge and in order to study it astronomers collect a lot of data. Our Sun is a rather normal star among approximately 300 billion other stars in the galaxy called the Milky Way. And the Milky Way is only one among hundreds of billion galaxies in the Universe. Mapping these galaxies not only tell us about how the universe looks today, but also how structures such as galaxies formed, and even how this process was affected by tiny unseen particles such as neutrinos. I will take you through the steps of creating and analysing a three-dimensional galaxy map leading to constraints on the neutrino mass that are 10 times stronger than what is provided by laboratory experiments."

Foredragsholder: Håkon Dahle


Massive objects in the universe act as gravitational lenses, magnifying and distorting images

of more distant objects. This is a rich source of information about the physics of structure formation

in the universe. The distortions caused by gravitational lensing can be strong or very weak,

and measuring them in large data sets poses different challenges. I will focus on approaches to the problem of

finding new strong gravitational lenses in current large data sets, including “citizen science" projects within the

Galaxy zoo framework, and how these methods need to be improved to be applicable to the larger data

sets planned for the future.

Vi ser fram til to spennende foredrag om bruk av statistikk i astronomi, og håper å se deg der!