13th Meeting 2011 Jyväskylä

Programme for the meeting (pdf)

Minutes of the 13th NORSIB-meeting in Jyväskylä June 15-16, 2011



Helle Cordua, Danish Disability Sport/Information centre, Roskilde

Nina Holst, Danish Disability Sport/Information centre, Roskilde

Stine Maria Zink, Sports Library, Aarhus

Majbritt Ursula Johansen, University Library of Southern Denmark


Hege Underthun, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo

Anne Grete Gabrielsen, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo

Karianne Hasledalen, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo

Dag Ivar Uri, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo

Bente Hatlevoll, Sogn og Fjordane University College, Sogndal

Anita Svedal, Sogn og Fjordane University College, Sogndal


Mats Hagström, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Stockholm

Anna Ekenberg, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Stockholm

Karin Jäppinen, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Stockholm

Heléne Karlsson, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Stockholm

Inger Thomas-Sundin, Umeå University Library


Matti Hintikka, Sports Library of Finland, Helsinki

Birgitta Järvinen, UKK Institute´s library, Tampere

Jari Kanerva, Finnish Society of Sport Sciences, Helsinki

Anitta Pälvimäki, Jyväskylä University Library, Jyväskylä

1. Opening

There were no remarks on the notice of the meeting.  The agenda (appendix 1) was approved.

Chair: Anitta Pälvimäki

Secretary: Birgitta Järvinen


2. Minutes of the 12th NORSIB meeting in Aarhus 2009

The minutes are on display in the website of the NORSIB and were approved by the meeting. The chair and secretary of the previous meeting were reminded to send the official and signed version of the minutes to the archive in Helsinki.  

3. Report of the period 2009-2011

The report has been sent to the members of NORSIB. Anitta Pälvimäki shortly referred to the report (appendix 2). 

4. NORSIB website

The Jyväskylä University Library has hosted the website since 1995, but is not going to continue it anymore. It was decided that NORSIB should look for ways to create a wiki-service instead. Karin Jäppinen and Anna Ekenberg from the GIH promised to find out what kind of solutions there are and send the results to the members of the NORSIB by the end of the year 2011.

5. NORSIB List (email)

The function of the NORSIB email list and the purpose of NORSIB’s website / new wiki site were discussed. It was agreed that Karin Jäppinen and Anna Ekenberg promote this discussion in the NORSIB List. It was stated that the email list is still useful and Anitta Pälvimäki is going to administrate it as long as necessary.

The language of the new wiki site was also discussed, and it was agreed that all the formal information should be in English, whereas the documents etc. can also be in Nordic languages.  

6. International relations

The members of the meeting discussed the experiences on IASI 2.0. It was noted that many participants, but not everybody is a member in this group. The importance of the service is slight, the main advantage being the contacts with other persons working in the same field. The meeting decided to concentrate on the cooperation within the future NORSIB wiki site and the NORSIB list.

Anitta Pälvimäki shortly referred to the report (appendix 3) on the actions of the Interim Steering Group of IASI formed in 2009. The group will meet in Leipzig, in Germany 28-30 June, 2011 in conjunction with the international workshop “Information and Communication in Modern Elite Sport – Progress, Trends, and Challenges. The ratification of IASI’s revised governance structure, operations framework and future business priorities is the aim of the meeting (appendix 3).

7. Working plan for 2011-2013

The main task is the NORSIB-wiki -project which is carried out by Karin Jäppinen and Anna Ekenberg. Furthermore the members will share information and communicate informally through the NORSIB List. 

8. Next meeting

Anita Svedal from Sogn og Fjordane University College invited the meeting to Sogndal, Norway one week before Midsummer (Monday – Wednesday) in 2013.

9. Election of a new steering group

The new steering group is:

Anita Svedal, chair

Anitta Pälvimäki

Anna Ekenberg

10. Other business

NORSIB has not succeeded in having a representative from Iceland. NORSIB has received a member application from Eva-Gun Paldán from Gothenburg. She will be added to the NORSIB List, and the application of her institute is going to be handled in the next meeting.



Anitta Pälvimäki, Chair   

Birgitta Järvinen, Secretary