Ghoul Rules

Ghoul Creation Rules - Changed 7/7/20

Retainers/Spirit Slaves:

You may have retainers (up to five dots), that can do minimal daily tasks (as an example they could not perform a haven raid) and have no sheets. Or you may create sheets for your retainers to allow them to perform tasks that are more involved (such as attack someone or something). If you elect to create a sheet for your character than your first dot allows you to create a basic retainer and each successive dot allows you to add ten experience points to that retainer. Your retainers may not purchase any backgrounds. You are allowed to purchase up to five – five point retainers using this method, but they all must have sheets. You as the player are responsible for their sheets when you want to use them in game, but the sheets are subject to ST approval. All spirit slaves must have character sheets.


Retainers are an ancillary part of the game. You come to game to role-play your character, not your retainer.


NPC Ghouls may be created as followed:

Attributes: 6/4/3

Abilities: 5

Bonus Points: 5


You get one basic level of either potence or fortitude. You also get two basic disciplines of the dormitor’s in clan disciplines. Ghouls may have a maximum of 8 traits in each attribute category.


Ghouls must have a 7th generation dormitor to get level 5 disciplines. They must have a 6th generation dormitor to get level 6 disciplines and so on.


Wraith creation is per Wraith: The Oblivion MET guide.
