Crafting Rules


In order to Craft an item successfully, you need to have an appropriate craft skill. With a craft skill of 3 or lower, everyday items (including gear from Dark Epics) can be crafted with varying ease. Items crafted at 1 or 2 may be more fragile, or prone to mishaps at ST discretion. At Craft skill of 4 or higher you are able create true works of art, or items that fit outside of the normal realm for that item type. To represent this, any item crafted over Crafts 3 will have additional

Function Points that can be used to improve the design if appropriate.

  • Craft 4 - 1 point
  • Craft 5 - 1 additional point

In some cases, additional and related Crafts or Sciences over 3 can add Function Points. For instance, a sword being made with Crafts 5 and Science: Metallurgy x4 will have a total of 3 Function Points (2 from having Crafts at 5, 1 from having Science at 4). When crafting weapons, Function Points can add various bonuses to weapons.

All weapons use a model from Dark Epics for a base. A weapon can be crafted with up to craft rating of the following options.

  • Improve bonus traits by +1. Cost: 1 Function Point
  • Remove a negative trait: Cost: 1 Function Point
  • Add an extra damage trait: Cost: 2 Function Points (Requires at least 1 associated skill at 5 traits)
  • Make weapons from non-standard materials (such as a silver sword or a non-metallic gun): Cost: 1 Function Point (must have an associated Science such as Metallurgy)
  • Make the Melee Weapon Potence Resistant (note, this is not Puissance Proof. Beating a Puissance resistant sword into a solid concrete wall with Puissance may still cause the weapon to break): Cost: 1 Function Point (Crafter must also possess Puissance)
  • Add a special ability to the item such as High Caliber, Mass Trauma or Collapsible any idea must be approved by ST: Cost: 1 Function Point (and a good reason why it should get the ability!)


Crafting an item takes time and concentration. Crafting items at Crafts 3 or lower take a week to create. For each level of crafts used to improve an item, an additional week is added to the creation time. (Examples: Crafts 5 Painting - 3 weeks. A Crafts 4 Pistol with a bonus trait – 2 weeks. A great sword with a bonus trait, extra damage, a negative trait removed, lacing the weapon with silver, and making it Potence resistant - 7 weeks.)

“But ST I need it now and I have not made anything in months?” Ok so you can chop for an item at the game to have it be created during your downtime. Theses chops are Static and ST will determine difficulty. Win or tie for the rating of crafts. Win for each function point you wish to use. NO MORE THAN THREE ITEMS MAY BE MADE IN THIS FASHION AT GAME.


To mass produce well-crafted Item you must have a full completed initial item. You must also have access to a production facility. Whatever the craft rating is on the Item Mass Production lowers the Craft Rating by one level. Limit of mass production is up to ST Discretion. Resources allocated to a production cycle will aid in production speed.