Stuff to Bring

The National Park Service requires permittees to recycle. As you purchase the supplies

for your encampment, please keep this in mind and limit your purchases to items that

can be recycled (see other side of this sheet). In an effort to reduce the carbon

footprint, trash and harmful cleaning supplies should be kept to a minimum. Permittees

will be held accountable through the check-out process. Retrieval of trash/recyclables

from the dumpsters may be required by the permittee, if deemed necessary.


                1. Personal Items/Clothing
                2. Sleeping Bag/Bedding/Pillow
                3. Personal Hygiene Items/Soap
                4. Insect Spray (DEET/Eucalyptus Oil)
                5. Closed Toe Shoes
                6. Towel

Absolutely no tents or sleeping outside will be allowed in the Cabin Camp.

Character Sheets - Will be Provided when you check in - Item Cards Need to be Reviewed