. 2023 - in Facebook - MY Latest Posts as User 'Evangelos Volotas'


MY History Of Philosophy Without Any Gaps - 686 videos – The Complete List ! - Indexed from HoP 01 to HoP ...


the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy …  BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



HoP 192 - The Stronger Sex - Women Scholars and Islam



HoP 196 - Arts of Darkness - Introduction to Medieval Philosophy



HoP 156 - Sarah Pessin on Jewish Neoplatonism



HoP 168 - Chariot of Fire - Kabbalah



HoP 190 - Turkish Delights - Philosophy under the Ottomans



HoP 272 - A Close Shave - Ockham’s Nominalism



HoP 288 - Men in Black - The German Dominicans



HoP 301 - The Empire Strikes Back - Introduction to Byzantine Philosophy



and for more information please visit the following web pages ...


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and ...

- MY Robert Frost's Poems and Quotes

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and ...


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ENGLISH - Zecharia Sitchin - the true scholar who de-mythologized Mythology


Zecharia Sitchin was an author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Nibiru is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the sun.

Zecharia Sitchin was the true scholar who de-mythologized Mythology. and who brought into life a civilization that was hardly known before, and that is the Sumerian civilization, which was really the most amazing civilization, which blossed out in what is now Southern Iraq. So abouth 6,000 thousand years ago, an incredible civilization appeared there and all those who dealed with that used such words as: suddenly, unexpectedly, out of nowhere, because there was no gradual or any kind of precedential civilization that you have this ... and this ... and this ... and this was a higher level ... a higher stage ... Suddenly from you may call primative people such as farmers ... hunters ... etc ... suddenly appeared cities ... high rise buildings ... society organization ... kings ... priests ... codes of law ... literature ... arts ... music ... musical instruments ... all of that in a very short period appeared about 6,000 years ago.




and for more information please visit the following web pages ...







ESPAÑOL - Zecharia Sitchin - el verdadero erudito que desmitificó la mitología


Zecharia Sitchin fue autor de libros que proponían una explicación de los orígenes humanos que involucraban a los antiguos astronautas. Sitchin atribuyó la creación de la antigua cultura sumeria a los Anunnaki, que afirmó que era una raza de extraterrestres de un planeta más allá de Neptuno llamado Nibiru. Afirmó que la mitología sumeria sugiere que este hipotético planeta de Nibiru se encuentra en una órbita elíptica alargada de 3.600 años alrededor del sol.

Zecharia Sitchin fue el verdadero erudito que desmitificó la mitología. y que dio vida a una civilización que apenas se conocía antes, y esa es la civilización sumeria, que fue realmente la civilización más asombrosa, que floreció en lo que ahora es el sur de Irak. Entonces, hace unos 6.000 mil años, apareció allí una civilización increíble y todos los que se ocuparon de eso usaron palabras como: de repente, inesperadamente, de la nada, porque no hubo una civilización gradual ni ningún tipo de precedente que tenga esto... y esto... y esto... y esto era un nivel más alto... una etapa más alta... De repente de ustedes pueden llamar gente primitiva como granjeros... cazadores... etc... de repente aparecieron ciudades. .. edificios de gran altura ... organización de la sociedad ... reyes ... sacerdotes ... códigos de leyes ... literatura ... artes ... música ... instrumentos musicales ... todo eso de una manera muy período corto apareció hace unos 6.000 años.




y para más información por favor visite las siguientes páginas web...







FRANÇAIS - Zecharia Sitchin - le véritable érudit qui a démythifié la mythologie


Zecharia Sitchin était l'auteur de livres proposant une explication des origines humaines impliquant d'anciens astronautes. Sitchin a attribué la création de l'ancienne culture sumérienne aux Anunnaki, qu'il a déclaré être une race d'extraterrestres d'une planète au-delà de Neptune appelée Nibiru. Il a affirmé que la mythologie sumérienne suggère que cette planète hypothétique de Nibiru se trouve sur une orbite elliptique allongée de 3 600 ans autour du soleil.

Zecharia Sitchin était le véritable érudit qui a démythifié la mythologie. et qui a donné vie à une civilisation qui était à peine connue auparavant, et c'est la civilisation sumérienne, qui était vraiment la civilisation la plus étonnante, qui s'est épanouie dans ce qui est aujourd'hui le sud de l'Irak. Donc, il y a environ 6 000 000 ans, une civilisation incroyable est apparue là-bas et tous ceux qui s'en sont occupés ont utilisé des mots tels que : soudainement, de manière inattendue, sorti de nulle part, parce qu'il n'y avait pas de civilisation graduelle ni aucune sorte de civilisation précédente que vous avez ceci... et ceci ... et ceci ... et ceci était un niveau supérieur ... une étape supérieure ... Soudainement de vous pouvez appeler des gens primitifs tels que des fermiers ... des chasseurs ... etc ... des villes apparurent soudainement . .. immeubles de grande hauteur ... organisation de la société ... rois ... prêtres ... codes de lois ... littérature ... arts ... musique ... instruments de musique ... tout cela d'une manière très courte période est apparue il y a environ 6 000 ans.




et pour plus d'informations s'il vous plaît visitez les pages Web suivantes ...







DEUTSCH - Zecharia Sitchin - der wahre Gelehrte, der die Mythologie entmythologisierte


Zecharia Sitchin war Autorin von Büchern, die eine Erklärung für die menschliche Herkunft vorschlugen, an der antike Astronauten beteiligt waren. Sitchin führte die Erschaffung der alten sumerischen Kultur auf die Anunnaki zurück, von denen er sagte, dass sie eine Rasse von Außerirdischen von einem Planeten jenseits von Neptun namens Nibiru seien. Er behauptete, dass die sumerische Mythologie darauf hindeutet, dass sich dieser hypothetische Planet Nibiru in einer langgestreckten, 3.600 Jahre langen elliptischen Umlaufbahn um die Sonne befindet.

Zecharia Sitchin war der wahre Gelehrte, der die Mythologie entmythologisierte. und der eine Zivilisation zum Leben erweckte, die vorher kaum bekannt war, und das ist die sumerische Zivilisation, die wirklich die erstaunlichste Zivilisation war, die im heutigen Südirak erblühte. Vor ungefähr 6.000.000 Jahren erschien dort eine unglaubliche Zivilisation, und alle, die sich damit befassten, verwendeten solche Worte wie: plötzlich, unerwartet, aus dem Nichts, weil es keine allmähliche oder irgendeine Art von Präzedenzzivilisation gab, dass Sie diese haben ... und dies ... und dies ... und dies war eine höhere Ebene ... eine höhere Stufe ... Plötzlich können Sie Urmenschen wie Bauern ... Jäger ... etc ... plötzlich Städte nennen . .. Hochhäuser ... Gesellschaftsorganisation ... Könige ... Priester ... Gesetzbücher ... Literatur ... Kunst ... Musik ... Musikinstrumente ... all das in einem sehr kurze Periode erschien vor etwa 6.000 Jahren.




und für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die folgenden Webseiten ...







ITALIANO - Zecharia Sitchin - il vero studioso che ha demitizzato la mitologia


Zecharia Sitchin era un autore di libri che proponevano una spiegazione delle origini umane coinvolgendo antichi astronauti. Sitchin attribuì la creazione dell'antica cultura sumera agli Anunnaki, che affermò essere una razza di extraterrestri provenienti da un pianeta oltre Nettuno chiamato Nibiru. Ha affermato che la mitologia sumera suggerisce che questo ipotetico pianeta di Nibiru si trova in un'orbita ellittica allungata di 3.600 anni attorno al sole.

Zecharia Sitchin è stato il vero studioso che ha demitizzato la mitologia. e che ha dato vita a una civiltà che prima era appena conosciuta, e cioè la civiltà sumera, che era davvero la civiltà più sorprendente, che è esplosa in quello che oggi è l'Iraq meridionale. Quindi, circa 6.000.000 di anni fa, apparve lì un'incredibile civiltà e tutti coloro che si occuparono di ciò usarono parole come: improvvisamente, inaspettatamente, dal nulla, perché non c'era alcun tipo di civiltà graduale o precedente che tu abbia questo ... e questo... e questo... e questo era un livello più alto... uno stadio più alto... Improvvisamente da te potresti chiamare persone primitive come contadini... cacciatori... ecc... improvvisamente apparvero città. .. grattacieli ... organizzazione della società ... re ... sacerdoti ... codici di legge ... letteratura ... arti ... musica ... strumenti musicali ... tutto questo in un modo molto breve periodo è apparso circa 6.000 anni fa.




e per ulteriori informazioni si prega di visitare le seguenti pagine web ...






PORTUGUÊS - Zecharia Sitchin - o verdadeiro estudioso que desmitificou a Mitologia


Zecharia Sitchin foi autor de livros propondo uma explicação para as origens humanas envolvendo antigos astronautas. Sitchin atribuiu a criação da antiga cultura suméria aos Anunnaki, que ele afirmou ser uma raça de extraterrestres de um planeta além de Netuno chamado Nibiru. Ele afirmou que a mitologia suméria sugere que este planeta hipotético de Nibiru está em uma órbita elíptica alongada de 3.600 anos ao redor do sol.

Zecharia Sitchin foi o verdadeiro estudioso que desmitificou a mitologia. e que trouxe à vida uma civilização que era pouco conhecida antes, e essa é a civilização suméria, que foi realmente a civilização mais incrível, que floresceu no que é hoje o sul do Iraque. Então, cerca de 6.000 mil anos atrás, uma civilização incrível apareceu lá e todos aqueles que lidaram com isso usaram palavras como: de repente, inesperadamente, do nada, porque não havia nenhuma civilização gradual ou qualquer tipo de precedente que você tem isso ... e isso... e isso... e isso era um nível mais alto... um estágio mais alto... De repente você pode chamar pessoas primitivas como fazendeiros... caçadores... etc... cidades que apareceram de repente. .. arranha-céus ... organização da sociedade ... reis ... padres ... códigos de lei ... literatura ... artes ... música ... instrumentos musicais ... tudo isso de uma forma muito curto período apareceu cerca de 6.000 anos atrás.




e para mais informações, visite as seguintes páginas da web ...






ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ - Ζαχαρία Σίτσιν - ο αληθινός μελετητής που απομυθοποίησε τη Μυθολογία


Ο Zecharia Sitchin ήταν συγγραφέας βιβλίων που πρότειναν μια εξήγηση για την ανθρώπινη προέλευση που αφορούσε αρχαίους αστροναύτες. Ο Σίτσιν απέδωσε τη δημιουργία του αρχαίου Σουμερίου πολιτισμού στους Ανουνάκι, οι οποίοι, όπως είπε, ήταν μια φυλή εξωγήινων από έναν πλανήτη πέρα από τον Ποσειδώνα που ονομάζεται Νιμπίρου. Ισχυρίστηκε ότι η μυθολογία των Σουμερίων υποδηλώνει ότι αυτός ο υποθετικός πλανήτης Nibiru βρίσκεται σε μια επιμήκη ελλειπτική τροχιά 3.600 ετών γύρω από τον ήλιο.

Ο Ζαχαρία Σίτσιν ήταν ο αληθινός μελετητής που απομυθοποίησε τη Μυθολογία. και ο οποίος έφερε στη ζωή έναν πολιτισμό που ήταν ελάχιστα γνωστός πριν, και αυτός είναι ο πολιτισμός των Σουμερίων, ο οποίος ήταν πραγματικά ο πιο εκπληκτικός πολιτισμός, που άνθισε στο σημερινό Νότιο Ιράκ. Έτσι περίπου πριν από 6.000 χιλιάδες χρόνια, ένας απίστευτος πολιτισμός εμφανίστηκε εκεί και όλοι όσοι ασχολήθηκαν με αυτόν χρησιμοποίησαν λέξεις όπως: ξαφνικά, απροσδόκητα, από το πουθενά, επειδή δεν υπήρχε σταδιακός ή κανενός είδους προηγούμενος πολιτισμός που να το έχετε αυτό... και αυτό ... και αυτό ... και αυτό ήταν ένα υψηλότερο επίπεδο ... ένα υψηλότερο στάδιο ... Ξαφνικά από εσάς μπορεί να καλέσετε πρωτόγονους ανθρώπους όπως αγρότες ... κυνηγούς ... κλπ ... ξαφνικά εμφανίστηκαν πόλεις. .. πολυώροφα κτίρια ... κοινωνικός οργανισμός ... βασιλιάδες ... ιερείς ... κώδικες δικαίου ... λογοτεχνία ... τέχνες ... μουσική ... μουσικά όργανα ... όλα αυτά σε ένα πολύ σύντομη περίοδο εμφανίστηκε πριν από περίπου 6.000 χρόνια.




και για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε τις παρακάτω ιστοσελίδες...






ENGLISH and - The Moon is An Alien Space/Command Center – ESPANOL - La luna es un espacio extraterrestre/centro de mando – FRANCAIS - La Lune est un espace extraterrestre/centre de commandement – DEUTSCH - Der Mond ist ein außerirdisches Raum/Kommandozentrum – ITALIANO - La Luna è uno spazio/centro di comando alieno – PORTUGUESE - A Lua é um Espaço Alienígena/Centro de Comando – RUSSIAN - Луна — Луна — инопланетный космос/Командный центр – ARABIC - القمر هو الفضاء / مركز القيادة خارج كوكب الأرض – GREEK - Η Σελήνη είναι ένα Εξωγήινο Κέντρο Διοίκησης του Διαστήματος

ALIENS On The MOON... – Multilingual Playlists of Youtube Videos



the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



7 Alien Starships on the Moon Menacing the Apollo 11 Astronauts,

00:38 minutes


film #1,

A Top Secret of 50 years since July of 1969. On the Moon, in the Moltke lunar impact crater, near the southern edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility ) ... == They were observing several spaceships and very tall beings, with white and tight suits. When they wanted to film it, spaceships and beings disappeared. == The conversation between the Apollo 11 Astronauts, and the Base at Houston, Texas, U.S.A. is as follows approximately … But what is it? Can you explain this? No, do not worry. Proceed to the process. It's ... really incredible. It's great here. You could never imagine it. Received. We know it. Can you go from the other side; Go back, on the other side. What is this ? It is impressive ! Oh my god ! What is it, there?

01:67 minutes


and / or …

film #2

06: 27 minutes


and / or …

The Moon is An Alien Space Command Center – 38 youtube videos


and / or …



Moon Musings - Bill Bryson - 97 videos Last updated on Jun 22, 2014

Videos taken through my Celestron Nexstar 8SE telescope of the moon and space...



The Aerospace Corporation - Moon 101 - Playlist of 12 Videos





[ ENGLISH ] 2023-02-28 Greece - The 57 dead - The collision between the two trains could be avoided !

[ ESPANOL ] 2023-02-28 Grecia - los 57 muertos - ¡La colisión entre los dos trenes podría evitarse!

[ FRANCAIS ] 2023-02-28 Grèce - Les 57 morts - La collision entre les deux trains pourrait être évitée !

[ DEUTSCH ] 28.02.2023 Griechenland - Die 57 Toten - Die Kollision zwischen den beiden Zügen konnte vermieden werden !

[ ITALIANO ] 2023-02-28 Grecia - I 57 morti - La collisione tra i due treni potrebbe essere evitata!

[ PORTUGUES ] 28-02-2023 Grécia - os 57 mortos - A colisão entre os dois comboios pôde ser evitada !

[ RUSSIAN ] 28.02.2023 Греция - 57 погибших - Столкновения двух поездов можно было избежать!

[JAPANESE] 2023-02-28 ギリシャ 死者57人 列車同士の衝突は避けられた!

[中文] 2023-02-28 希腊-57人遇难-两列火车相撞本可避免!

[ TÜRKÇE ] 28-02-2023 Yunanistan - 57 ölü - İki trenin çarpışması önlenebilir !


the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



Estados Unidos produce aviones. Alemania produce automóviles. Grecia produce santos y tumores cerebrales... TUMOR CEREBRAL, SIN HOGAR, en Atenas, GRECIA, por favor haga una pequeña donación, mi tumor cerebral está creciendo, para obtener más información sobre mí, visite mi página web MÉDICA ...



[ ITALIANO ] -  TUMORE AL CERVELLO, ad Atene, GRECIA, Si prega di fare una piccola donazione, nella mia lotta contro il mio tumore al cervello, che è in crescita, per ulteriori informazioni su di me, si prega di visitare la mia pagina web MEDICA …





[ ENGLISH ] the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



[ ESPANOL ] Estados Unidos produce aviones. Alemania produce automóviles. Grecia produce santos y tumores cerebrales... TUMOR CEREBRAL, SIN HOGAR, en Atenas, GRECIA, por favor haga una pequeña donación, mi tumor cerebral está creciendo, para obtener más información sobre mí, visite mi página web MÉDICA ...



[ ITALIANO ] - TUMORE AL CERVELLO, ad Atene, GRECIA, Si prega di fare una piccola donazione, nella mia lotta contro il mio tumore al cervello, che è in crescita, per ulteriori informazioni su di me, si prega di visitare la mia pagina web MEDICA …



Alien Mind - The Thought and Behavior of Extraterrestrials


   Signs of the Times

   A Critical Threshold

   How Aliens View the Universe

   When the Cosmic-scale Meets the Micro-scale

   How Aliens View Us

   Interactions Between Aliens

   Alien Communities and Hyper-dynamics

   Large-scale Disagreements

   A Universal Standard?

   A Mega-Population Problem Case

   Our Pending Merger with Andromeda

   A More Alien-like Model of Mind

   Hyperversals - A New Category of Aliens?

   Extending a Universe Cycle

   How to Locate Aliens and “See” their Energy Networks

   Within a Hyper-Advanced Alien Community

   Hyper-Advanced Alien Behavior

   A Most Singular Limitation

   A More Evolved Humility

   A Second Depth of Awareness

   Frustrated Aliens’ Impulses

   Surviving the New Technologies

   Further Dangers of Electrogravity

   The Negative Cycle Mindscape


   Eliminating the Troublemaker Gene

   Averting an Over-reaction to Aliens

   Crime in Alien Societies

   The Notion of Physicality

   A Hyper-advanced Problem Case

   An Advanced Alien Case Study

   A Test of Higher Mind

   Do Aliens Sleep?

   Are Aliens Religious?

   Ultimate Implications

   Appendix - How to Contend with Aliens During Direct Interactions *






[ ENGLISH ] the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



[ ESPANOL ] Estados Unidos produce aviones. Alemania produce automóviles. Grecia produce santos y tumores cerebrales... TUMOR CEREBRAL, SIN HOGAR, en Atenas, GRECIA, por favor haga una pequeña donación, mi tumor cerebral está creciendo, para obtener más información sobre mí, visite mi página web MÉDICA ...



[ ITALIANO ] -  TUMORE AL CERVELLO, ad Atene, GRECIA, Si prega di fare una piccola donazione, nella mia lotta contro il mio tumore al cervello, che è in crescita, per ulteriori informazioni su di me, si prega di visitare la mia pagina web MEDICA …



Mente Alienígena

Un Detonador

….comienza donde otros libros generalmente suelen dejar.

Más que debate sobre la existencia de OVNIs y alienígenas, Mente Alienígena cita a experimentadores humanos y alienígenas informativos en una nueva y asombrosa nueva exploración de los pensamientos y suposiciones de nuestros vecinos extraterrestres.

Sesenta años después de Roswell, los alienígenas están tratando de conseguir que los seres humanos caminen más allá de los límites de la avaricia de la élite y de la ecología fallida para desarrollar una clase más madura de ciudadanía cósmica.

Aunque algo del contenido pudiera ser inquietante, esta primicia deberá ayudar a llenar algunos de los vacíos en el conocimiento público, acerca de los alienígenas.

Mente Alienígena presenta fuentes anteriormente no reportadas, y ayuda a los lectores a entender cómo piensan los alienígenas y sienten acerca de sus interacciones con humanos y otros alienígenas. Discute la ciencia alienígena y de cómo los humanos pueden, tanto entender como identificar diversos tipo de alienígenas y sus redes de energía.



   Señales de los Tiempos

   Un Umbral Crítico

   Cómo ven los Alienígenas el Universo

   Cuando la Escala Cósmica se encuentra con la Micro-Escala

   Cómo nos Ven los Alienígenas

   Interacciones entre Alienígenas

   Desacuerdos a Gran-Escala

   ¿Un Estándar Universal?

   Un Caso Problema de la Mega-Población

   Nuestra Fusión Pendiente con Andrómeda

   Un Modelo de Mente Similar a la Alienígena

   Hyperversales - ¿Una Nueva Categoría de Alienígenas?

   Extendiendo un Ciclo de Universo

   Cómo Localizar Alienígenas y “Ver" su Electrogravedad

   Dentro de una Comunidad Hiperversal

   Comportamientos Hiperversales

   Una Limitación Muy Singular

   Una Humildad Más Evolucionada

   Una Segunda Profundidad de Conciencia

   Impulsos Alienígenas Frustrados

   Sobreviviendo las Nuevas Tecnologías

   Más Daños por la Electrogravedad

   Energía Negativa Como Escape Mental


   Eliminando el Gene “Causante de Problemas”

   Evitando una Sobre-reacción a los Alienígenas

   El Crimen en Sociedades Alienígenas

   La Noción de la Fisicalidad

   Un Caso-Problema Hiperversal

   Un Estudio Avanzado de Casos Alienígenas - La Mente de un Reincidente

   Una Prueba de una Mente Superior

   ¿Duermen los Alienígenas?


   Cómo Hacer Frente a los Alienígenas Durante las Interacciones Directas






[ ENGLISH ] the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



[ ESPANOL ] Estados Unidos produce aviones. Alemania produce automóviles. Grecia produce santos y tumores cerebrales... TUMOR CEREBRAL, SIN HOGAR, en Atenas, GRECIA, por favor haga una pequeña donación, mi tumor cerebral está creciendo, para obtener más información sobre mí, visite mi página web MÉDICA ...



[ ITALIANO ] -  TUMORE AL CERVELLO, ad Atene, GRECIA, Si prega di fare una piccola donazione, nella mia lotta contro il mio tumore al cervello, che è in crescita, per ulteriori informazioni su di me, si prega di visitare la mia pagina web MEDICA …



Alien Mind - A Primer

....begins where other books usually leave off.

Rather than debate whether UFO's and aliens exist, Alien Mind quotes human experiencers and informative aliens in a startling, new exploration of the thoughts and assumptions of our extra-terrestrial neighbors. Sixty years after Roswell, aliens are trying to get humans to step beyond the bounds of elite greed and failed ecology in order to develop a more mature kind of cosmic citizenship.

Although some of the content may be unsettling, this primer should help to fill in some of the blanks in public knowledge about aliens. Alien Mind introduces previously unreported sources and helps readers understand how aliens think and feel about their interactions with humans and other aliens. It discusses alien science and how humans can both detect and identify different types of aliens and their energy networks.



   Sign of The Times

   A Critical Threshold

   How Aliens View The Universe

   When The Cosmic-Scale Meets The Micro-Scale

   How Aliens View Us

   Interactions Between Aliens

   Large-Scale Disagreements

   A Universal Standard?

   A Mega-Population Problem Case

   Our Pending Merger With Andromeda

   A More Alien-like Model of Mind

   Hyperversals - A New Category of Aliens?

   Extending a Universe Cycle

   How to Locate Aliens and "See" Their Electrogravity

   Within a Hyperversal Community

   Hyperversal Behaviors

   A Most Singular Limitation

   A More Evolved Humility

   A Second Depth of Awareness

   Frustrated Aliens’ Impulses

   Surviving the New Technologies

   Further Dangers of Electrogravity

   The Negative Energy Mindscape


   Eliminating The “Troublemaker” Gene

   Averting an Over-reaction to Aliens

   Crime in Alien Societies

   The Notion of Physicality

   A Hyperversal Problem Case

   An Advanced Alien Case Study - The Mind of a Repeat Offender

   A Test of Higher Mind

   Do Aliens Sleep?


   How to Contend With Aliens During Direct Interactions






the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



and / or ..

ENGLISH - Vladimir Putin on Mount Athos

RUSSIAN - РУССКИЙ - Владимир Путин на Афоне зан


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RUSSIAN - РУССКИЙ - МОЯ Святая Гора АФОН в Греции - Ковчег Православия


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ENGLISH - MY Holy Mountain ATHOS in Greece - the Ark of Orthodoxy


and / or ...

ESPANOL - MI Montaña Sagrada ATHOS en Grecia - el Arca de la Ortodoxia


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ITALIANO - IL MIO Monte Santo ATHOS in Grecia - l'Arca dell'Ortodossia


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PORTUGUES - MINHA Montanha Sagrada ATHOS na Grécia - a Arca da Ortodoxia


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Arabic - بالعربية - جبلي المقدس آثوس في اليونان - تابوت الأرثوذكسية


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JAPANESE - 日本語 - MY ギリシャの聖なる山 ATHOS - 正統派の箱舟


and / or ...

GREEK - MY Holy Mountain ATHOS in Greece - the Ark of Orthodoxy - ΤΟ ΔΙΚΌ ΜΟΥ Άγιον Όρος, η κιβωτός της Ορθοδοξίας


and / or ...




[ ENGLISH ] Jesus and Planet X Nibiru and the The Untold Truth Of Mary Magdalene) / [ ESPANOL ] Jesús y el Planeta X Nibiru (y La verdad no contada de María Magdalena) / [ FRANCAIS ] Jésus et la planète X Nibiru (et la vérité indicible de Marie-Madeleine) / [ DEUTCH ] Jesus und Planet X Nibiru (und die unerzählte Wahrheit von Maria Magdalena) / [ ITALIANO ] Gesù e il pianeta X Nibiru (e La verità indicibile di Maria Maddalena) / PORTUGUÊS ] Jesus e o Planeta X Nibiru (e a verdade não contada de Maria Madalena) / [ GREEK ] Ο Ιησούς και ο πλανήτης Χ Νιμπίρου (και η ανείπωτη αλήθεια της Μαρίας Μαγδαληνής) / [ Arabic ] يسوع والكوكب العاشر نيبيرو (والحقيقة التي لا توصف لمريم المجدلية) / ...


the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



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Facebook hashtags

#God #RELIGION #quotes #christianity #bibleverse #bible #Jesus #jesuslovesyou #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #jesuschrist #JesusIsLord #JesusIsKing

#marymagdalene #magdalene



the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



The Ballad Of Mauthausen Mikis Theodorakis - the "most beautiful musical work ever written about the Holocaust"

Soul-stirring album of Mikis Theodorakis dedicated to all those who experienced the cruelty of fascism and resisted. The 4 songs have lyrics of the poet Iakovos Kambanellis who passed two years of his life (1943-45) in the terrible Mauthausen camp in Austria and survived.


Absolutely the best way the life in Concentration Camp lyrically described.

Even if you don't understand modern Greek....you can feel the anger ,the pain , the hope and the 'désespoir'.

Such a kind of powerful dramatic ballads with a distinctly feel for 'pathos' is seldom heard in modern music.

Maria Farandouri has the perfect 'timbre' to sing this kind of song.


please visit the following web page …


and enjoy the playlist of youtube videos


HEBREW - 7 videos

The Ballad Of Mauthausen Mikis Theodorakis - עברית - הבלדה של מאוטהאוזן מיקיס תיאודורקיס

הבלדה של מאוטהאוזן מיקיס תיאודורקיס - "היצירה המוסיקלית היפה ביותר שנכתבה אי פעם על השואה"



GREEK - 14 videos



DEUTSCH ( GERMAN ) - 4 videos



DUTCH ( the NEDERLANDS ) - 5 videos



ENGLISH - 6 videos



ESPANOL ( SPANISH ) - 1 videos



FRANCAIS ( FRENCH ) - 2 videos



ITALIANO ( ITALIAN ) - 4 videos



#Mauthausen #MauthausenMemorial #wewillrememberthem #WeRemember  #Mikis Theodorakis',  #IakovosKambanellis #concentrationcamp #Concentration   #Memoir #History #WWII


The Ballad Of Mauthausen Mikis Theodorakis - עברית - הבלדה של מאוטהאוזן מיקיס תיאודורקיס


and / or …



[ ENGLISH ] Jesus the Alien Etraterrestrial Sumerian Anunnaki ?/ [ ESPANOL ¿Jesús el extraterrestre sumerio Anunnaki? / [ FRANCAIS ] Jésus l'extraterrestre Sumérien Anunnaki ? / Jesus der außerirdische sumerische Anunnaki? / [ ITALIANO ] Gesù l'alieno sumerico Anunnaki? / PORTUGUÊS ] Jesus, o Alien Anunnaki sumério? / [ GREEK ] Ο Ιησούς ο Εξωγήινος Σουμέριος Ανουνάκι; / [ Arabic ] يسوع السومري الأنوناكي أجنبي؟ / ...


the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



for more information please visit the following web page …




Ahead of the Ax-1 Mission launch , SpaceX astronaut Eytan Stibbe read from the poem “Ithaka” by Greek poet Konstantin Kavafis.

The US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints … and the braintumorguy in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ... https://sites.google.com/site/niactec/homeenglish



ENGLISH - C. P. Cavafy Ithaca


and for more information please visit the following web page ...



ENGLISH - C. P. Cavafy Ithaca The unsurpassed spirit of the Poet ... The excellent Recitation of the Actor .... The evocative atmosphere of the Musician ... The vividness of the image of the Cartoonist ... K.P. Cavafy, Sean Connery, Vangelis Papathanassiou ... Ithaca in comics ... A video work that gives another approach ... A didactic poem, written in the second person to intensify the feeling of the poet's admonition to the reader. With the use of the second person the poem gains in immediacy and each reader feels that the poem is addressed to him. Although the poem refers to Ithaca, it is not a poem of return, a poem of fasting, as was the journey of Odysseus. It's a journey of going. The traveler of the poem starts to Ithaca, does not return to Ithaca. We hope that the journey will last a long time and will be full of adventures and knowledge. On the journey to Ithaca there will be no obstacles like those encountered by Odysseus on his own journey. The trip to Ithaca will not have insurmountable difficulties if the traveler keeps his thinking at a high level, if he does not deal with small things and insignificant issues. During the journey, he must offer high quality emotions to his mind, as well as to his body, and not engage in meaningless pleasures. If the traveler does not take care of his spiritual cultivation, the Cyclops will not be needed to end his journey, any insignificant obstacle will be enough to get him out of his way. The difficulties encountered by Odysseus were very great and it took a lot of effort on his part to overcome them. But for the traveler of the poem, there is no risk of such significant problems. Only if the traveler is afraid and thinks negatively may difficulties arise in his journey, only if he magnifies his problems will he find it difficult to continue his journey. If the traveler is not afraid and does not have the tendency to dramatize the small problems of his life, he will be able to continue his journey unhindered. The people themselves are the ones who set up obstacles in their way, because they are afraid to dare, because they are afraid to claim their dreams. Ithaca was the motivation, it was the source of strength, to be able to cope with the needs of life and that is why it was finally worth every effort. Ithaca is the destination but it has nothing more to offer us than the journey we make to reach it, even though it's worth every effort, it's worth all our dedication, and all our gratitude that keeps us in a constant vigilance and effort.



ENGLISH - The Moon is An Alien Space/Command Center – ESPANOL - La luna es un espacio extraterrestre/centro de mando – FRANCAIS - La Lune est un espace extraterrestre/centre de commandement – DEUTSCH - Der Mond ist ein außerirdisches Raum/Kommandozentrum – ITALIANO - La Luna è uno spazio/centro di comando alieno – PORTUGUESE - A Lua é um Espaço Alienígena/Centro de Comando – RUSSIAN - Луна — Луна — инопланетный космос/Командный центр – ARABIC - القمر هو الفضاء / مركز القيادة خارج كوكب الأرض – GREEK - Η Σελήνη είναι ένα Εξωγήινο Κέντρο Διοίκησης του Διαστήματος

ALIENS On The MOON... – Multilingual Playlists of Youtube Videos



the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



7 Alien Starships on the Moon Menacing the Apollo 11 Astronauts,

00:38 minutes


film #1,

A Top Secret of 50 years since July of 1969. On the Moon, in the Moltke lunar impact crater, near the southern edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility ) ... == They were observing several spaceships and very tall beings, with white and tight suits. When they wanted to film it, spaceships and beings disappeared. == The conversation between the Apollo 11 Astronauts, and the Base at Houston, Texas, U.S.A. is as follows approximately … But what is it? Can you explain this? No, do not worry. Proceed to the process. It's ... really incredible. It's great here. You could never imagine it. Received. We know it. Can you go from the other side; Go back, on the other side. What is this ? It is impressive ! Oh my god ! What is it, there?

01:67 minutes


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film #2

06: 27 minutes


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The Moon is An Alien Space Command Center – 38 youtube videos


and / or …




[ ENGLISH ] Why Europe’s Royals Claim Descent from Jesus: JESUS’ SON JOSHUA’S DESCENDANT MERIRA brought Mother Mary’s mDNA (into the Merovingian Dynasty in France)* , including The Untold Truth Of Mary Magdalene


[ ESPAÑOL ] Por qué los miembros de la realeza europea afirman ser descendientes de Jesús: MERIRA, LA DESCENDIENTA DE JESÚS, EL HIJO DE JESÚS, trajo el ADNm de la Madre María (a la dinastía merovingia en Francia)*, incluida la verdad no contada de María Magdalena


[ FRANÇAIS ] Pourquoi les membres de la famille royale d'Europe revendiquent la descendance de Jésus : LE FILS DE JÉSUS, JOSHUA, DESCENDANT MERIRA, a apporté l'ADNm de Mère Marie (dans la dynastie mérovingienne en France)*, y compris La vérité indicible de Marie-Madeleine


[ DEUTSCH ] Warum Europas Könige behaupten, von Jesus abzustammen: JESUS’ SOHN JOSHUA’S DESCENDANT MERIRA brachte die mDNA von Mutter Maria (in die merowingische Dynastie in Frankreich)*, einschließlich Die unsagbare Wahrheit von Maria Magdalena


[ ITALIANO ] Perché i reali d'Europa affermano di discendere da Gesù: IL DISCENDENTE DI GESÙ FIGLIO DI GIOSUÈ MERIRA ha portato l'mDNA di Madre Maria (nella dinastia merovingia in Francia)* , tra cui La verità indicibile di Maria Maddalena


[ PORTUGUÊS ] Por que a realeza europeia afirma descender de Jesus: O FILHO DE JESUS O DESCENDENTE DE JOSUÉ MERIRA trouxe o mDNA da Mãe Maria (para a Dinastia Merovíngia na França)* , incluindo A Verdade Não Contada de Maria Madalena



Greece has opened its arms to tourists safely. and welcomes humans, and aliens, and extraterrestrials, to enjoy the hospitality of the Land of the Saints . A trip of a lifetime !


Magic Dance, in front of the Acropolis, in Athens, Greece

duration 01:10 minutes



the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



and / or ...


( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )




[ ENGLISH ] Jesus the Alien Etraterrestrial Sumerian Anunnaki ?/ [ ESPANOL ¿Jesús el extraterrestre sumerio Anunnaki? / [ FRANCAIS ] Jésus l'extraterrestre Sumérien Anunnaki ? / Jesus der außerirdische sumerische Anunnaki? / [ ITALIANO ] Gesù l'alieno sumerico Anunnaki? / PORTUGUÊS ] Jesus, o Alien Anunnaki sumério? / [ GREEK ] Ο Ιησούς ο Εξωγήινος Σουμέριος Ανουνάκι; / [ Arabic ] يسوع السومري الأنوناكي أجنبي؟ / ...


the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



for more information please visit the following web page …



#God #RELIGION #quotes #christianity #bibleverse #bible #Jesus #jesuslovesyou #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #jesuschrist #JesusIsLord #JesusIsKing


Greece has opened its arms to tourists safely. and welcomes humans, and aliens, and extraterrestrials, to enjoy the hospitality of the Land of the Saints . A trip of a lifetime !


Magic Dance, in front of the Acropolis, in Athens, Greece

duration 01:10 minutes



the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



and / or ...


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#Sirtaki, #acropolis, #Athens, #travel, #tourism, #allyouwantisgreece, #visitgreece,  #discovergreece, #Greektourism #Greece



[ ENGLISH ] - Is the Moon a spaceship ?

Could aliens reside in it now ?

Or is it an ancient starship with secrets of our past and even we humans ourselves ?

Or it could it be an observation platform, scrutinizind human endeavors as we grow and become a space-ferrying race as well.

Until we begin to take these curiosities about the Moon seriously, we may never know who parked the a starship in orbit around Earth.

The next time you look up at the Moon, ask your self, why ?

Carl Sagan --> "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object." Therefore, the Moon may not be a "natural" satellite at all."

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon's gravitational field ... indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow."

Isaac Asimov --> "It's too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been affected and the Moon then having taken up a nearly perfect circular orbit around the Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "If the astronomical data are recduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere."

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "No known natural process can explain such a structure."



¿Es la Luna una nave espacial?

¿Podrían los extraterrestres residir en él ahora?

¿O es una antigua nave estelar con secretos de nuestro pasado e incluso de nosotros mismos los humanos?

O podría ser una plataforma de observación, escudriñando los esfuerzos humanos a medida que crecemos y nos convertimos también en una raza de transbordadores espaciales.

Hasta que comencemos a tomar en serio estas curiosidades sobre la Luna, es posible que nunca sepamos quién estacionó la nave estelar en órbita alrededor de la Tierra.

La próxima vez que mires a la Luna, pregúntate ¿por qué?

Carl Sagan --> "Un satélite natural no puede ser un objeto hueco". Por lo tanto, la Luna puede no ser un satélite "natural" en absoluto".

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Los experimentos del Lunar Orbiter mejoraron enormemente nuestro conocimiento del campo gravitatorio de la Luna... lo que indica la aterradora posibilidad de que la Luna sea hueca".

Isaac Asimov --> "Es demasiado grande para haber sido capturado por la Tierra. Las posibilidades de que tal captura se haya visto afectada y la Luna haya tomado una órbita circular casi perfecta alrededor de la Tierra son demasiado pequeñas para hacer creíble tal eventualidad". ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Si se reducen los datos astronómicos, se encuentra que los datos requieren que el interior de la Luna se parezca más a un hueco que a una esfera homogénea".

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "Ningún proceso natural conocido puede explicar tal estructura".



La Lune est-elle un vaisseau spatial ?

Des extraterrestres pourraient-ils y résider maintenant ?

Ou est-ce un ancien vaisseau spatial avec des secrets de notre passé et même nous, les humains nous-mêmes ?

Ou cela pourrait-il être une plate-forme d'observation, scrutant les efforts humains à mesure que nous grandissons et devenons également une race de transport spatial.

Jusqu'à ce que nous commencions à prendre au sérieux ces curiosités sur la Lune, nous ne saurons peut-être jamais qui a garé le vaisseau spatial en orbite autour de la Terre.

La prochaine fois que vous regarderez la Lune, demandez-vous pourquoi ?

Carl Sagan --> "Un satellite naturel ne peut pas être un objet creux." Par conséquent, la Lune n'est peut-être pas du tout un satellite "naturel".

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Les expériences Lunar Orbiter ont considérablement amélioré notre connaissance du champ gravitationnel de la Lune... indiquant la possibilité effrayante que la Lune soit creuse."

Isaac Asimov --> "C'est trop gros pour avoir été capturé par la Terre. Les chances qu'une telle capture ait été affectée et que la Lune ait ensuite pris une orbite circulaire presque parfaite autour de la Terre sont trop faibles pour rendre une telle éventualité crédible ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Si les données astronomiques sont réduites, on constate que les données exigent que l'intérieur de la Lune ressemble plus à un creux qu'à une sphère homogène."

Dr Bruce Cornet --> "Aucun processus naturel connu ne peut expliquer une telle structure."



Ist der Mond ein Raumschiff?

Könnten jetzt Aliens darin wohnen?

Oder ist es ein uraltes Raumschiff mit Geheimnissen unserer Vergangenheit und sogar wir Menschen selbst?

Oder es könnte eine Beobachtungsplattform sein, die menschliche Bestrebungen unter die Lupe nimmt, während wir wachsen und auch zu einer raumfahrenden Rasse werden.

Bis wir anfangen, diese Kuriositäten über den Mond ernst zu nehmen, werden wir vielleicht nie erfahren, wer das Raumschiff im Orbit um die Erde geparkt hat.

Wenn Sie das nächste Mal zum Mond aufblicken, fragen Sie sich selbst: Warum?

Carl Sagan --> "Ein natürlicher Satellit kann kein hohles Objekt sein." Daher ist der Mond möglicherweise überhaupt kein "natürlicher" Satellit."

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Die Lunar Orbiter-Experimente haben unser Wissen über das Gravitationsfeld des Mondes erheblich verbessert ... was auf die beängstigende Möglichkeit hinweist, dass der Mond hohl sein könnte."

Isaac Asimov --> "Er ist zu groß, um von der Erde eingefangen worden zu sein. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein solcher Einfang betroffen war und der Mond dann eine nahezu perfekte kreisförmige Umlaufbahn um die Erde eingenommen hat, ist zu gering, um eine solche Möglichkeit glaubhaft zu machen ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Wenn die astronomischen Daten reduziert werden, stellt sich heraus, dass die Daten erfordern, dass das Innere des Mondes eher einem Hohlraum als einer homogenen Kugel gleicht."

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "Kein bekannter natürlicher Prozess kann eine solche Struktur erklären."



La Luna è un'astronave?

Gli alieni potrebbero risiederci ora?

O è un'antica astronave con segreti del nostro passato e persino noi stessi umani?

Oppure potrebbe essere una piattaforma di osservazione, scrutare gli sforzi umani mentre cresciamo e diventiamo anche una corsa spaziale.

Fino a quando non inizieremo a prendere sul serio queste curiosità sulla Luna, potremmo non sapere mai chi ha parcheggiato l'astronave in orbita attorno alla Terra.

La prossima volta che guardi la Luna, chiediti, perché?

Carl Sagan --> "Un satellite naturale non può essere un oggetto cavo." Pertanto, la Luna potrebbe non essere affatto un satellite "naturale".

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Gli esperimenti del Lunar Orbiter hanno notevolmente migliorato la nostra conoscenza del campo gravitazionale della Luna... indicando la spaventosa possibilità che la Luna possa essere vuota."

Isaac Asimov --> "È troppo grande per essere stato catturato dalla Terra. Le possibilità che una tale cattura sia stata influenzata e che la Luna abbia poi intrapreso un'orbita circolare quasi perfetta attorno alla Terra sono troppo piccole per rendere credibile una tale eventualità ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Se i dati astronomici vengono ridotti, si scopre che i dati richiedono che l'interno della Luna sia più simile a una sfera cava che a una sfera omogenea."

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "Nessun processo naturale conosciuto può spiegare una tale struttura."



A Lua é uma nave espacial?

Os alienígenas poderiam residir nele agora?

Ou é uma nave estelar antiga com segredos de nosso passado e até mesmo de nós mesmos humanos?

Ou poderia ser uma plataforma de observação, examinando os empreendimentos humanos à medida que crescemos e nos tornamos uma raça de transporte espacial também.

Até começarmos a levar a sério essas curiosidades sobre a Lua, talvez nunca saibamos quem estacionou a nave estelar em órbita ao redor da Terra.

Da próxima vez que você olhar para a Lua, pergunte a si mesmo, por quê?

Carl Sagan --> "Um satélite natural não pode ser um objeto oco." Portanto, a Lua pode não ser um satélite “natural”.

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Os experimentos do Lunar Orbiter melhoraram muito nosso conhecimento do campo gravitacional da Lua... indicando a assustadora possibilidade de que a Lua possa ser oca."

Isaac Asimov --> "É muito grande para ter sido capturado pela Terra. As chances de tal captura ter sido afetada e a Lua então ter assumido uma órbita circular quase perfeita ao redor da Terra são muito pequenas para tornar tal eventualidade crível ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Se os dados astronômicos forem reduzidos, descobre-se que os dados exigem que o interior da Lua seja mais parecido com uma esfera oca do que com uma esfera homogênea."

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "Nenhum processo natural conhecido pode explicar tal estrutura."


[ GREEK ] - Είναι η Σελήνη διαστημόπλοιο;

Θα μπορούσαν να κατοικούν εξωγήινοι σε αυτό τώρα;

Ή μήπως είναι ένα αρχαίο διαστημόπλοιο με μυστικά του παρελθόντος μας ακόμα και εμείς οι ίδιοι οι άνθρωποι;

Ή θα μπορούσε να είναι μια πλατφόρμα παρατήρησης, να εξετάζει προσεκτικά τις ανθρώπινες προσπάθειες καθώς μεγαλώνουμε και να γινόμαστε επίσης μια φυλή διαστημικών πορθμείων.

Μέχρι να αρχίσουμε να παίρνουμε στα σοβαρά αυτές τις περιέργειες για τη Σελήνη, μπορεί να μην μάθουμε ποτέ ποιος στάθμευσε το διαστημόπλοιο σε τροχιά γύρω από τη Γη.

Την επόμενη φορά που θα κοιτάξετε ψηλά στη Σελήνη, ρωτήστε τον εαυτό σας, γιατί;

Carl Sagan --> "Ένας φυσικός δορυφόρος δεν μπορεί να είναι ένα κοίλο αντικείμενο." Επομένως, η Σελήνη μπορεί να μην είναι καθόλου «φυσικός» δορυφόρος».

Δρ. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Τα πειράματα του Lunar Orbiter βελτίωσαν κατά πολύ τις γνώσεις μας για το βαρυτικό πεδίο της Σελήνης ... υποδεικνύοντας την τρομακτική πιθανότητα ότι η Σελήνη μπορεί να είναι κούφια."

Isaac Asimov --> "Είναι πολύ μεγάλη για να έχει συλληφθεί από τη Γη. Οι πιθανότητες να έχει επηρεαστεί μια τέτοια σύλληψη και η Σελήνη να έχει ακολουθήσει μια σχεδόν τέλεια κυκλική τροχιά γύρω από τη Γη είναι πολύ μικρές για να γίνει αξιόπιστο ένα τέτοιο ενδεχόμενο ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Εάν μειωθούν τα αστρονομικά δεδομένα, διαπιστώνεται ότι τα δεδομένα απαιτούν ότι το εσωτερικό της Σελήνης μοιάζει περισσότερο με μια κοιλότητα παρά με μια ομοιογενή σφαίρα."

Δρ. Bruce Cornet --> "Καμία γνωστή φυσική διαδικασία δεν μπορεί να εξηγήσει μια τέτοια δομή."


[ Arabic ] -

هل القمر مركبة فضائية؟

هل يمكن للأجانب الإقامة فيه الآن؟

أم أنها مركبة فضائية قديمة بها أسرار ماضينا وحتى نحن البشر أنفسنا؟

أو يمكن أن تكون منصة مراقبة ، تدقق في المساعي البشرية بينما ننمو ونصبح سباقًا للعبارات الفضائية أيضًا.

حتى نبدأ في أخذ هذه الفضول حول القمر على محمل الجد ، قد لا نعرف أبدًا من أوقف المركبة الفضائية في مدار حول الأرض.

في المرة القادمة التي تنظر فيها إلى القمر ، اسأل نفسك ، لماذا؟

كارل ساجان -> "لا يمكن أن يكون القمر الصناعي الطبيعي جسماً أجوف". لذلك ، قد لا يكون القمر قمرًا صناعيًا "طبيعيًا" على الإطلاق ".

الدكتور شون سي سولومون ، معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا -> "لقد حسنت تجارب المركبة القمرية إلى حد كبير معرفتنا بمجال جاذبية القمر ... مما يشير إلى الاحتمال المخيف بأن القمر قد يكون أجوفًا."

إسحاق أسيموف -> "إنه أكبر من أن تلتقطه الأرض. فرص تأثر مثل هذا الالتقاط والقمر بعد ذلك قد اتخذ مدارًا دائريًا شبه مثالي حول الأرض هي صغيرة جدًا لجعل مثل هذا الاحتمال موثوقًا به . "

د. جوردون ماكدونالد -> "إذا تم إعادة تكوين البيانات الفلكية ، فقد وجد أن البيانات تتطلب أن يكون الجزء الداخلي من القمر أشبه بجوف أكثر من كونه كرة متجانسة."

د. بروس كورنيه -> "لا توجد عملية طبيعية معروفة يمكنها تفسير مثل هذا الهيكل."





and please visit my web page ...



ENGLISH - The Moon is An Alien Space/Command Center – ALIENS On The MOON... – Multilingual Playlists of Youtube Videos - 38 youtube videos –


ESPANOL - La luna es un centro de comando/espacio extraterrestre - Extranjeras en la luna ... - Listas de reproducción multilingües de videos de Youtube - 38 videos de youtube -


FRANCAIS - La lune est un espace extraterrestre/centre de commande - Des extraterrestres sur la lune... - Des playlists de vidéos Youtube multilingues - 38 vidéos youtube -


DEUTSCH - Der Mond ist ein Alien-Weltraum/Kommandozentrum - Aliens auf dem Mond... - Mehrsprachige YouTube-Video-Playlists - 38 YouTube-Videos -


ITALIANO - - La luna è uno spazio alieno/centro di comando - Alieni sulla luna... - Playlist di video YouTube multilingue - 38 video YouTube -


PORTUGUESE - A lua é um espaço alienígena/centro de comando - Alienígenas na lua... - Listas de reprodução de vídeos do YouTube em vários idiomas - 38 vídeos do YouTube -


Arabic - عربي - القمر هو كائن فضائي / مركز قيادة - ALIENS On The Moon ... - قوائم تشغيل متعددة اللغات لمقاطع فيديو Youtube - 38 مقطع فيديو youtube -
