1. ENGLISH - Sumerian Annunaki creating the first man.

ENGLISH - Zecharia Sitchin - the true scholar who de-mythologized Mythology

Zecharia Sitchin was an author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He asserted that Sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet of Nibiru is in an elongated, 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the sun.

Zecharia Sitchin was the true scholar who de-mythologized Mythology. and who brought into life a civilization that was hardly known before, and that is the Sumerian civilization, which was really the most amazing civilization, which blossed out in what is now Southern Iraq. So abouth 6,000 thousand years ago, an incredible civilization appeared there and all those who dealed with that used such words as: suddenly, unexpectedly, out of nowhere, because there was no gradual or any kind of precedential civilization that you have this ... and this ... and this ... and this was a higher level ... a higher stage ... Suddenly from you may call primative people such as farmers ... hunters ... etc ... suddenly appeared cities ... high rise buildings ... society organization ... kings ... priests ... codes of law ... literature ... arts ... music ... musical instruments ... all of that in a very short period appeared about 6,000 years ago.


Annunaki - 450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind.

Around 5000 B.C. we ‘homo sapiens’ were genetically modified by Space Aliens. These Aliens first landed where the Eufrates river enters the Persian Gulf. The reason is that in that area a high concentration of monatomic gold is found in the sea water. The Aliens were members of the Annunaki Empire and they were on a quest to find this precious metal that is supposed to enhance and repair all bodily functions [These include hearing, eating, seeing, washing, reading, communicating, walking, drinking, sitting, sleeping, dressing or undressing, using the toilet, shaving, shampooing and help with medication. Anything to do with the body and how it works can count. ] and stop the body from aging. Monatomic gold is what is called a superconducting metal. Superconductivity means that if you transport for example electricity through a line made of  this material you will not loose any energy as a result of heat dissipation. So if you input 100% of energy you also output 100% of energy. Now apply this principle to your brain which is a huge sensitive electrical machine the monatomic gold makes your neural pathways act like quantum drive super highways. This means that all your senses will receive input optimally [ in the best or most favorable way ]. In turn these inputs will be processes optimally and those parts of your brain you do not use will become more active, so enhancing your memory, making you better understand problems, allowing you to sense evil, to sense lies, becoming telepathic, and even being able to time travel in your mind by seeing the past or the future. So the Annunaki, which is the name of the Empire, includes races like the Saurians ( or as they are called Reptoids ) , the Agharians ( or Nordics as from their human looks ), and the Greys from Zeta Riticula, were looking for monatomic gold. For the use as intelligent slaves the Annunaki took a man – let’s call him Adamski – and took a part of a rib. This is because the rib is a part of the human body that can be removed without causing too much damage and because the rib contains bone marrow – the perfect source of DNA -. The Annunaki modified the DNA better modification of the humans and implanted it into a woman – let’s call her Mulva -. Mulva then had children with Adamski, and their children like Mulva were genetically modified. These humans worked for the Annunaki, but not a lot of humans knew about the Annunaki, and then for some reason the Annunaki disappeared.



ENGLISH - Zecharia Sitchin - the true scholar who de-mythologized Mythology


and / or ...

ENGLISH - The Anunnaki Gods - The Astronaut Gods of the Sumerians


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