2.  Library in Greek in English in Espanol in Francais in Deutsch in Italiano in Portuguese in Russian in Arabic

2. library in Greek in English in Espanol in Francais in Deutsch in Italiano in Portuguese in Russian in Arabic


This web page was created by the braintumorguy, in Athens, GREECE.   

                               (1)                                         (2)                                       (3)                            (4)

(1) 2015-08-15 me and King Leonidas of Sparta, Greece, in front of the Acropolis Museum, in Athens, Greece.

(2) 2015-11-22 in front of the Acropolis, in Athens, Greece.

(3) 2015-11-26 in Athens GREECE, in Syntagma Square in front the Parliament Building. - in between the water fountain and the Christmas Tree.

(4) 2016-05-30 Beautiful Greece & the Greek Islands from Space on a beautiful clear day. Thank you NASA.

for more information about me, please visit my main web page





 12. biblia gnosis in Greek


 01. books of knowledge in English


 02. libros del conocimiento en Español


 03. livres de la connaissance en Français


 04. Bücher des Wissens auf Deutsch


 05. libri di conoscenza in Italiano


 06. livros de conhecimento no Português


 08. books of knowledge in Arabic


 11. books of knowledge in Chinese


 09. books of knowledge in Japanese


 10. books of knowledge in Korean


 07. books of knowledge in Russian
