Study Guide

The following literatures are recommended for getting familiar with my research area: Jahn–Teller effect and vibronic coupling.

  • Gad Fischer, Vibronic Coupling: The Interaction between the Electronic and Nuclear Motions (Academic Press, London, 1984)

You can learn about vibronic coupling from this book. It is also a good textbook about molecular quantum mechanics.

You can learn the difference in three types of adiabatic approximations: Born–Oppenheimer, Born–Huang, and crude adiabatic ones.

This is the greatest book on vibronic coupling. You can learn all the facts including Jahn–Teller effect and pseudo Jahn–Teller effect.

This is the greatest book on Jahn–Teller effect and pseudo Jahn–Teller effect. You can learn all the facts about them.

  • Isaac B. Bersuker, "Pseudo-Jahn–Teller Effect—A Two-State Paradigm in Formation, Deformation, and Transformation of Molecular Systems and Solids", Chem. Rev. 113, 1351–1390 (2013)

Abundant examples of pseudo Jahn–Teller effect are available.

A brief historical review about Jahn–Teller effect can be obtained.

Applications of group theory to physics are described in detail.

You can relearn chemistry from the viewpoint of group theory, graph theory, and topology. Two sections are devoted to Jahn–Teller effect and pseudo Jahn–Teller effect.

  • Simon L. Altmann, Peter Herzig, Point-Group Theory Tables, Second Edition (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2011) Free Distribution

You can learn all the facts about point group theory from this book.