Awesome upcoming events right after Thanksgiving! Bring a team.

Post date: Nov 20, 2014 10:34:09 PM

1. Tues Dec 2, 10:30-12:15pm, Seeing Oakland Schools in Action: Edna Brewer MS, RSVP here. Come see teachers blend their classrooms using a mix of the best of traditional instruction and educational technology.

2. Tues Dec 2, 4-6pm, @ Cole, Developing Students as Independent Learners Through Personalized Pathways, RSVP here. This session, hosted by Keara Duggan of Education Elements, supports the Next Gen Learning Attributes of Learning Pathways; Learner Profiles; and Flexible Learning Environments. Participants will experience a whole group mini lesson on the importance of and frameworks for developing independent learners and then self-assess where to spend their flex time (e.g., exploring sample lesson plans, reviewing personalized learning plans, working with the facilitator). The session will model a flexible learning environment and includes some direct instruction and participant choice over pathway.

3. Sign up for Alvo's course featuring Michael Horn and Heather Staker, and their new book Blended. Info here (with new details!). Sign up here.

4. Join the Lighthouse Creativity Lab in December to learn how to integrate design and making into your own school setting. Sign up for any sessions through Eventbrite. All Creativity Lab PD is free for teachers at OUSD and Title 1 schools - just use the code OaklandMakes!