A large part of NGLC in Oakland is the Discovery Phase in which we hope to share opportunities to discover and create what Next Generation means for your school and your classrooms. We have invited experts from Oakland and other education visionaries to join us in helping you define what NextGen means for your students and look forward to seeing you at some of our events.

Who is invited?

All people passionate and interested in education in Oakland are invited, including school leaders, teachers, parents, students, and community members, with our existing NGLC planning grant schools having first availability to RSVP. We understand that everyone engages at a different level, and so in the spirit of personalized learning for all, we are providing a "Learning Map" so you can choose the events that work for you. Page 1 covers the learning map and the various categories of topics and learning approaches we recommend. For each category, there are multiple events one could attend depending on what you're interested in learning - no one needs to attend or participate in everything. We're offering a menu of choices for you and your site team to choose what is right for you. Also, the Learning Map is organized by category, not chronologically with the Google Calendar being organized chronologically.

Do I need to RSVP?

Yes. Please RSVP through the individual event links below, most of which are through Eventbrite. Problems? Email Greg Klein.

I'm planning to apply for the launch grant - are there any requirements?

  • Sign up for our events to learn and see schools in action. Problems? Email Greg Klein.
  • In order to be competitive, launch grant applicants are *strongly* advised to see a mix of 5+ schools and gather lessons learned, including one regional visit.

Please reach out to Greg Klein for more recommendations.

Please note that some of the links in the document below may only work if you open the document in a separate browser (see link at bottom of page).

What will this cover?

The events are organized around: 1) See & Learn in schools and seeing classrooms and teachers in action; 2) Experience and Engage workshops to get immersive learning opportunities; 3) Personalized Learning to participate in a self-paced learning opportunities; and 4) Collaborate and Launch with partner opportunities from some of the industry's most renowned leaders. We have also provided various resources for additional learning opportunities. We are hopeful that everyone will find something that is helpful in pushing their practice.

2015-2016 Discovery Phase Map of Events

Having issues accessing the 2015-2016 Learning Map? Please view and download here.

Also, please reference the former 2014-15 Learning Map and Calendar of Events here.