
We are using GNU C-compiler for ARM with Eclipse IDE. Both are available as freeware. There are various variants of GNU C compiler and I have chosen Codesourcey G++ Lite. The integration of the compiler and IDE can be quite complex, so installation instruction is provided. The various files required are also copied from the various website and provided here for your convenience. A project file is provided so that you do not have to go through the hassle of setting up the project workspace.

stm32InstallationInstruction - This contains the instruction for installing the various softwares required for stm32 software development.

1) Java JRE - This is a JRE installation file, not JRE. You can use Java JDK.

2) Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developer (CDT) - This is Eclipse Helios. You should be able to use a later version.

3) GNU ARM Eclipse plugin - Required to glue GNU ARM to Eclipse.

4) Sourcery g++ Lite EABI - GNU ARM toolchain from CodeSourcery.

5) - Sample project workspace.

6) STM32 Standard Peripheral Library - stm32 library functions for accessing peripherals.

7) winM3 - Serial terminal program for debugging and downloading of program.

stm32 library