
Who We Are

Whether you are new to York County or have lived here all your life, New Friends of York County is a great way to meet friendly women. 

Our purpose is to introduce new and current residents to each other and offer them an opportunity to form friendships through social events or special interest group activities. We're fun, we're exciting, and we offer terrific activities each week of the year. 

We meet on a monthly basis from September through May.

The best part of our group is that you decide how active you want to be--it's all up to you!! There are no requirements to join us other than pay annual membership dues and any costs associated with the monthly meetings when you choose to attend.

Whatever your interest--canasta, book discussions, crafts, wine tasting, lunch and dinner groups, bunco, movies, 500 bid games, mah jongg, walking group or participation in community service activities--we have a group for you.  

Our History

The group blossomed out of the Welcome Wagon club that was started in the 1950s;  in the 1990s it became the Newcomer's Club and in 2005, New Friends of York County was created to welcome all women in the York County area,  providing a group with activities to foster friendship. 

A Board of Directors is in place to ensure regular meetings occur, that special interest groups are formed to support member interests, and that the group continues to evolve to meet membership needs.

Our Current Work

Although New Friends of York County is primarily a social group, our Community Service Group will be collecting non perishable food items at the September meeting to help fill a local food pantry.   

Our Future

As long as there is an interest and member volunteers to do the organizing, the group will continue to sponsor activities of interest for its members in the York County, PA area.