Professional Development

Professional Development

The purpose of NEOPA is to provide professional development and support for educational office professionals.

Now, more than ever, the world is moving remotely - so we at NEOPA are too! Come to this page to see new trainings, articles and webinars!

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The Best Assistant Learning Resources

Office Dynamics International is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. That is why we’ve compiled a list of our best assistant learning resources from the past 30 years. This all-inclusive archive features webinars, recorded conferences, e-books, workshops, blogs and so much more.

Meeting minutes recording the actions taken by your council or board are a fundamental part of the meeting process. These are our guidelines for local government meeting minutes. They refer to ordinary business and work or study meetings of councils, boards and committees. Public hearings are governed by different rules.

The biggest problem we encounter in meeting minutes is too much verbiage. Striving to do justice to their job, secretaries sometimes include the arguments that are made, what people say in response, and all the minutiae of discussion. There is a better way! According to Robert’s Rules of Order, minutes should record what is DONE, not what is SAID.

There are six webinars and they will all be offered live at 1:00 p.m. ET on the selected dates. If you are not able to join the live webinar, you will be able to watch it after the live presentation at your leisure. By completing the series, you will receive 6 hours of PSP Credit.

LEARN with NAEOP by registering today!

The Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families & Schools is hosting a workshop on teen dating and sexual violence prevention on Wednesday, April 28,2021, 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. This workshop is FREE! The event will be recorded and made available following the workshop.

If you have questions, please contact Mary Couture,

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