
I have been involved in Chinese Arts and Literary Contests for Youth (CALCY) for the last 18 years since 2000. I was a co-chair in the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th CALCY in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. I am one of the two co-chairs in 18th CALCY.

In my opinion, and I am sure in the opinion of many people, the Contests achieved its goal, and that is to promote Chinese Arts and Culture as well as to enhance social harmony. Through the past 18 years, the Contest has been growing and getting larger, gaining wider acceptance in the Chinese community and beyond, as we witness more and more contestants who are of other ethnic background.

I would like to draw your attention to the composition of the Organization Committee. When it first started 18 years ago, there were only a handful of organizing members. Today, it includes contestants who took part in the earlier days, parents of contestants, community leaders. That’s a very strong testimony, and because of this expansion, it has drawn in experience and perspective that continue to make CALCY a better event year after year. The Committee members are all 100% volunteers. I think 100% is an understatement. Not only they don’t get paid, they don’t reimburse gas mileage, etc., these volunteers work much much harder than most paid employees in many organizations. I have many emails that were time stamped at 3 a.m. in the morning to prove it. I am really really impressed by their volunteering spirit.

I am also very proud to see many YCCCA members who have become regular volunteers as well as organizing committee members. They have developed a bond and the kind of loyalty to this very meaningful venture.

學藝比賽項目達四十多項, 學藝主體參賽人數達二千多人次, 連同香港經濟貿易辦事處贊助的香港盃, 參加人次達至五千多人次。除了參賽人數有增長外, 亦見有更多學校參與, 非華裔參加者更為踴躍。令人最感到欣慰和鼓舞的是今年參賽者的表現有很大的進步。這都有賴同學們的努力, 家長、校長、老師的支持、各界人士、各機構和社團的鼎力幫助、再加上各籌委、顧問、評判、主持和義工們的努力, 才能有此成績。謹代表籌委會向各有關人士致以萬二分感謝。


在這裏希望参與學藝的各界人士, 贊助機構和社團, 要繼續支持這項有意義的活動, 為承傳中華文化盡一點力。

For more details, please visit www.calcy.ca.