Very basic UNIX

1) Remove files and directories recursively within the present working directory

rm -rf *

2) Sed command to remove first line of file and save it in another file

sed '1d' test.txt > test2.txt

3) awk command to select a column from qstat and sort (to sort by name)

qstat | awk '{print $4}' | sort -k2n

k2 stands for column 2 and n is numeric ordering

4) Shell script to iterate through directories (from Shurane at stackoverflow)


# Shell script to iterate through directories in pwd

for dir in */


echo $dir


5) Shell script to iterate and cd into directories (handles directory names with spaces) (inspired by stackoverflow)


# Shell script to iterate through directories in pwd

for dir in */


echo $dir

# go to directory

cd "$dir"

# run mcc to compile matlab code


# go back to parent directory

cd ..


6) Shell script to iterate through directories (handles directories with spaces) and compiles matlab code in each of these directories


# Shell script to iterate through directories in pwd

for dir in */


echo $dir

# go to directory

cd "$dir"

# run mcc to compile matlab code


/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a/bin/mcc -mv unixfile.m

# /opt/matlab/bin/mcc -mv unixfile.m

# go back to parent directory

cd ..


7) Shell script to launch multiple commands (generate "swarm" of jobs on cluster)

8) Shell script to call cellprofiler on cluster


#S -S /bin/sh

# Shell script to call cellprofiler file

nohup /work/software/bin/cp -c -p timelapse_analysis.cp -i ~/cellprofiler_work/concatenated_and_stabilized_tifs -o ~/cellprofiler_work/cellprofiler_output_demo

# nohup /work/software/bin/cp -c -p yourpipeline_name .cp -i your_path_to_your_images -o your_output_folder_for_this_job

9) SSH login without password using ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id (article by Ramesh Natarajan and anorther article. also see solution by DEinspanjer in an article)

Briefly, do the following

From localhost

> ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048


> ssh-copy-id login@remoteserver


> ssh login@remoteserver

10) Executing a sequence of commands after ssh-ing into a remote server

ssh login@remoterserver "cd codedir/matlab; ./; date"

Inspired by a solution by DEinspanjer in an article on copying ssh-key from a localhost that does not have ssh-copy-id to a remote server

11) Copy a directory

mkdir <new_directory_name>

cp -r <old_directory_name>/* <new_directory_name>

12) How to concatenate within shell script

echo $line >> "shell_cp$"

where $iCount is a variable


cp $1 ${file_name_only}_${iCount}.tif

where $file_name_only and $iCount are variables

13) Store output of unix command in shell variable


14) Look for substring within directory name

for dir in */


echo $dir

# cat file in directory into new file

case $dir in

*44*) gamma_val=44;;

*20*) gamma_val=20;;

*10*) gamma_val=10;;

*) echo "this is the default case ERROR";;




15) Shell script to copy files from all sub-directories (within the current directory) and concatenate them to create

different concatenate files (based on some substring)

for dir in */


echo $dir

# cat file in directory into new file

case $dir in

*44*) gamma_val=44;;

*20*) gamma_val=20;;

*10*) gamma_val=10;;

*) echo "this is the default case ERROR";;


cat "$dir"\results_jv_optimized.csv >> combined_results_jv_optimized_gamma${gamma_val}_sept252013.csv



16) use nice command

if you cannot set priority (due to access restriction)

nice +19

if you can set priority

nice -19

17) Shell script to compile matlab code, wait/delay and then execute compile code


# compile code

/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a/bin/mcc -mv unixfile.m

# delay: verify if compilation worked

sleep 10

# execute compiled code

nohup ./ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a

18) Shell script to iterate through directories in pwd and refer to file in each directory and concatenate and create a single file


# Shell script to iterate through directories in pwd

# and refer to file in each directory and concatenate and

# and create a single file

# delete combined file if it exists

if [ -f combined_initialguess_tcl.csv ]


rm combined_initialguess_tcl.csv


echo "file not found"


for dir in */


echo $dir

# cat file in directory into new file

cat "$dir"\initialguess_tcl.csv >> combined_initialguess_tcl.csv


# /opt/matlab/bin/mcc -mv unixfile.m

# go back to parent directory


19) Shell script to copy file(s) in present directory into each sub-directory


# Shell script to iterate through directories in pwd

# and copies some matlab files into each directory

for dir in */



# copy files into each directory

echo ${present_dir}/${dir}

cp odecall_eclipse_tcl_jv_local_fileptr.m "${present_dir}/${dir}"


20) Command to store output of ls command in a variable

var=`find *BFP*nuclei*`

echo "$var"

21) Command to delete swap file

# -A shows all all files

ls -A

rm -f <name_of_file>

22) Command to check if directory exists before creating a new directory

# make a temporary directory if it does not exist already

if [ ! -d agg ]


mkdir agg


23) Command to check if directory (using regular expression) exists before creating a new directory

# make a temporary directory if it does not exist already

if [ ! -d position_* ]


mkdir agg


24) Command to issue verbal alert and message by shell script on Mac OS X

say "Execution of Combined Image Analyzer successfully completed"

25) Command to check if file (regular file not directory or device file) exists

if [ -f mKate2.TIF ] && [ -f DAPI.TIF ]


echo "exists"


echo "does not exist"


26) Unzip tgz files in Unix

tar xzvf filename.tgz

27) Unzip tar.bz2 file

tar jxf module.tar.bz2

28) Unzip tar.gz file

gunzip file.tar.gz

tar -xvf file.tar


tar -zxvf file.tar.gz

# -z does gunzip

Adapted from response by Bigwebmaster at this link

29a) Unzip a gz file in Unix

gunzip filename.gz

29b) Unzip a zip file in Unix


30) Secure copy into a remote server

scp -rp dir_name/* user_name@remote_server:/home/dir_name


# secure from remote server to localhost

scp user_name@remote_server:/home/dir_name ./

31) Download a file(s) from a website in a shell script

wget website_url

32) watch (execute a program periodically)

watch -d ls -l

33) Extract first few lines of a file

# extract first 3 lines

head -n 3 >

# Select a range of lines from a file (sed, stackoverflow)

sed -n '2,50p' command_file.txt > command_file_1.txt

34) Print starting from the 3rd line of a file (using tail)

tail -n+3 test.txt

# CAUTION tail -n3 will print LAST 3 lines!

# Select a range of lines from a file (sed, stackoverflow)

sed -n '2,50p' command_file.txt > command_file_1.txt

35) Increment counter

iCount=$(( iCount+1 ))


counter=`expr $counter + 1`

36) Concatenate a number to a filename (also write something to a file)

echo "#!/bin/bash" > "shell_cp$"

37) Cut columns 1 to 9 using cut command (default is tab delimited)

cut -f1-9 test.txt # tab delimited file

other examples see the following link

for example

cut -d':' -f3

will cut the second column from a colon (:) delimited file

# cut all columns from the 1st to the last

cut -d ',' -f 1- combined_hlty_prism_shotgun.csv

# cut all columns from 1st to 3rd

cut -d ',' -f -3 combined_hlty_prism_shotgun.csv

38) Do a dictionary sort on a file based on 2nd column

sort -dk2

# numerical sort based on 2nd column

sort -nk2

# other examples (inspired by Unix concepts and applications: Soumitabha Das)

sort -t ',' -k 2 combined_hlty_prism_shotgun.csv # sort on 2nd field

sort -t ',' -k 1,1 -k 3,3 combined_hlty_prism_shotgun.csv # sort on primary key 1st field and secondary key 3rd field

sort -t ',' -k 1.5,1.6 combined_hlty_prism_shotgun.csv # sort on 6th character of 1st field (useful if mmddyy)

# removes repeated lines (unique)

sort -u

Get unique values in UNIX using uniq (link)

cat file.csv | uniq | wc -l

39) Shell script to sort on a particular column and then take that column out


# shell script to sort compound predictions file based on column name (kegg compounds ids)

# and take out that column

# this will sort on kegg compound ids and then take out that column

# and produce a list of files of compound abundances (without the compound id columns)

# but that have been sorted on compound ids

# the output are files named temp_sorted_3.txt, etc

# then you use paste to paste together all these files like so -

# paste temp_sorted_3.txt temp_sorted_4.txt .... > combined_pasted_sorted.txt

# it also produces a file named kegg_compounds_SORTE.txt

# this has kegg compound ids and names sorted on UNIX

tail -n+2 predicted_compounds_out_3.txt | sort -dk2 | cut -f1 > kegg_compounds_SORTE.txt


for file_name in ls pred*.txt


cat "$file_name" | sort -dk2 | cut -f2 > "temp_sorted_$iCount.txt"

iCount=$(( iCount+1 ))


40) paste together files by column

paste test1.txt test2.txt

where test1.txt has

1 1

2 3

and test2.txt has

10 19

12 34

will produce

1 1 10 19

2 3 12 34

Also paste with a specified column delimiter

paste -d' ' $prev_filename $file_name > temp_file

41) copy files from one source directory to the present directory (without going to the source directory)

cp ./../normalize/module.txt module.txt

# . is current folder

## .. means go back one folder

42) sudo apt-get





For example

sudo pip install pandas

43) tr (transliterate)

# converts ^M on Mac OS X and makes it UNIX compatible

tr '\r' '\n' < ko_ids.txt > ko_ids_modunix.txt

# using tr, convert upper case to lower case

tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' < combined_hlty_prism_shotgun.csv

44) join (link)

join input_json.txt input_gz.txt -1 1 -2 4 --nocheck-order -v 1

45) pr

46) curl

# simple example

curl -O

# an advanced example

curl -X POST -d '{"disease":["EFO_0000253"]}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'\?target\=ENSG00000157764 -k > data.json

47) inverse grep

grep -v

# courtesy Galeb Abu-Ali

48) seq command (sequence)

seq --format="0_%g.dat" 0 6 60

# will print












49) Use paste and seq together to paste together a large number of files (courtesy stackoverflow)

paste $(seq --format="temp_sorted_%g.txt" 3 355) > combined_pasted_sorted.txt

50) xargs

51) Output tab delimited file (using echo)


for file_name in ls pred*.txt


#echo $file_name

cat "$file_name" | tail -n+2 | sort -dk2 | cut -f2 > "temp_sorted_$iCount.txt"

#echo "temp_sorted_$iCount.txt"

# output mapping file

echo "$file_name\ttemp_sorted_$iCount.txt" >> predcompounds_tempsorted.txt

iCount=$(( iCount+1 ))


52) Great compilation of common UNIX commands used by a data scientist (link

53) String comparison in the shell

# Note: have to use single quotes: 'tex' and not "tex"

if [ $file_extension = 'tex' ]


echo “good”


echo "$0: Error, incorrect file extension (expects .tex file)"

exit 1


54) awk command to find file extension and test it

> echo test.tex | awk -F . '{print $NF}'


# -F tells where to split and NF is number of fields in current line

# Here $NF will be 2, so print $2 would print tex

# Full usage in program

file_extension=`echo $1 | awk -F . '{print $NF}' `

if [ $file_extension = 'tex' ]


echo 'File extension correct'


echo "$0: Error, incorrect file extension (expects .tex file)"

exit 1


55) awk command to select from a database

# From "Unix concepts and applications: Soumitabha Das"

awk -F"|" '/sales/ { print $2, $3, $5 } ' file.txt

# selects all rows with sales and the 2nd, 3rd and 5th column

56) uniq command (inspired by Unix concepts and applications: Soumitabha Das)

# select count(*), field_name from table; group by field_name

cut -d ',' -f 1 combined_hlty_prism_shotgun.csv | sort | uniq -c

57) Find name of file only (without file extension) using basename



basename $full_name $file_extension

> paper

58) Compare output of one command to a variable/string/number (using command substitution)

if [ ` echo $1 | awk -F . '{print $NF}' ` = '.tex' ]


echo 'Correct format'


echo 'Incorrect format'


59) Command tee (splits input into two components: one to file and another to standard output)

# display number of users

who | wc -l

> 2

# this however does not display the users who sends output to standard output (in this case it gets piped to wc -l)

# if you want to display intermediate results on the terminal AND pipe them to another command, use tee and /dev/tty

# display users and the number of users

who | tee /dev/tty | wc -l

> user1



# display users, display number of users and save it to file

who | tee list_users.txt | tee /dev/tty | wc -l >> list_users.txt

# even better

who | tee list_users.txt | tee /dev/tty | wc -l | tee /dev/tty >> list_users.txt

60) Difference between double quotes (") and single quotes (')

Double quotes allow special meta-characters like $ and ` to be evaluated by the shell

echo "The users online are `who` in $PATH"

> The users online are user1 user2 in /home/dir

# Contrast this with using single quotes

echo 'The users online are `who` in $PATH'

> The users online are `who` in $PATH

61) "Iterators" in shell

for temp_file_name in `ls`


echo $temp_file_name


62) (TRICK) You want to store say file size or some other output from a command in a variable. Say

file_size=`wc -c file.txt`

echo $file_size

> 1071 file.txt

# this would also store the name of the file in $file_size

# so instead of having wc take the filename as an argument give it the filename from standard input

file_size=`wc -c < file.txt`

echo $file_size

> 1071

# now it saves just the file size in the variable $file_size

# inspired by Unix concepts and applications: Sumitabha Das (Chapter 9, The Shell)

63) Display processes with their nice value

ps -o nice

64) Rename directory

mv old_name new_name

65) ls option to ignore some files

ls --ignore *.sh

# does not work on Mac OS X

66) Integer testing in the shell

if [ $iCount = 1 ]


echo “success”


echo “fail”


67) Sleep/wait in shell

sleep 10 # sleep for 10 seconds

68) Splitting a string in shell based on a delimiter (adapted from stackoverflow) CONCEPT - parameter expansion

# Extract the 4 digit number before the underscore (_)


str_partition_array=(${prev_filename//_/ })

echo ${str_partition_array[0]} # access like an array 0th element is the 4 digit number

69) Echo tab in shell script (-e option) (inspired by stackoverflow)

echo -e 'Partition_number\tDthreshold_neg\tSignalp_neg\tDthreshold_pos\tSignalp_pos\tSignalp_output_FINAL' > FINAL_parsed_file_secreted

70) elif command

if [ $iCount = 1 ]



elif [ $iCount = 2 ]




71) A great collection of Unix commands for bioinformatics (link) (pdf)

72) View hidden files

ls -al

# can view for example .bashrc file

73) Redirect to null device

> /dev/null

74) Remove non-empty sub-directory

rm -rf <directoryname>


rm -r <directoryname>

75) Command to reboot

sudo reboot

76) Universal install script (xkcd)

77) Find operating system


78) temporary directory

/scratch (no write access for user)


/var/tmp (has write access for user)

79) grep to search for pattern in file

grep -Ein '<= SB' combined_protein_sequence.fsa.myout

see link for more grep options

80) Compress files

gzip combined_protein_sequence.fsa

81) Tracking memory and disk usage

du -h

df -h

82) Kill process

kill -9 <processid>

83) Path where program or application is installed

which perl


84) find command in UNIX (more on link)

# Find in root

find / -name call_analyze_mcmc_v122allcall4_pnpi.m -type f -print

# Find in specific directories

find /media/banerjees/SAMSUNG/ -name call_analyze_mcmc_v122allcall4_pnpi.m -type f -print

85) Select a range of lines from a file (sed, stackoverflow)

sed -n '2,50p' command_file.txt > command_file_1.txt

86) Generate ssh key and clone repo

man ssh-keygen

ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa

less ~/.ssh/

git clone

87) Create a symbolic link (link)

ln -s <file_path_to_simlinkto> <new_name(optional)>

# will simlink to current directory

88) UNIX commands for bioinformatics (from link)

grep -­‐C2 -­‐Ein 'error|exception|warning' log.txt

find . -­‐type f -­‐not -­‐name "Trinity.*" -­‐print | xargs -­‐I{} rm -­‐vfr {}

gunzip -­‐c myreads.fastq.gz | head

89) How to add a program to PATH variable

If MATLAB is installed on ~/MATLAB/bin

then at UNIX command prompt

export PATH=$PATH:~/MATLAB/bin

90) How to append to PATH (link)


91) Global replace in vi


to replace all instances of foo with bar globally in a document using vi