LaTeX Commands

Editors - TeXstudio BEST (Ubuntu and Mac OS X), Kile (Ubuntu), TexShop (Mac OS X), TexMaker (Windows) (link), TexWorks (Windows) (link)

TeX Installation on Windows (miktex)

Tex on R (tinytex  install.packages('tinytex') )

Overleaf online


$T_{0} = 2.3 \times 10^{5}$/mL.

50\% inhibition


we use a {\bf viral decay study} which

frozen at -80$^\circ$C until tested

model by $\pm$ 50\% on the log scale


\frac{dV}{dt} = - (\gamma + \overline{\beta} \overline{T_{0}}) V




A(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl}

    0 & \mbox{,}  & t < t_{i} \\

    \eta (t - t_{i}) & \mbox{,} & t \geq t_{i}



2) No indent in a paragraph

\noindent    TEXT HERE

3) double spacing

include the line \usepackage{setspace} after your \documentclass line. Before your \begin{document} command,


4) Square brackets

\left[             \right]

5) Tilde


6) Round brackets

\left(    \right)

7) Sum with limits

\sum_{i=1}^{n} m_{i}

8) Quotation marks in LaTeX

`` Here is a sentence in quotes ''

other tips and pitfalls in LaTeX (Top 4 LaTeX mistakes)

9) Iterated product

\prod_{w \in children[u]}

10) Iterated sum


11) Giving space between two symbols in math mode

$ log_{10} \, x $

12) Multiplication sign


13) reference figure or equation


14) Integral

P =  \int_0^{t_{d}} x(t) \mathrm{d} t

15) Lists without bullets and numbers


\item[] first item


16) Citing url in bibtex


title={{Tools for Analysis and Modeling using Differential Equations and Hierarchical Bayesian Models Applied to Within-Host Viral Dynamics Models (Open source software)}},

author={Banerjee, S.},

howpublished = "\url{}",



17) Ugly hack to crop eps file (without using Adobe Illustrator)

original eps file converted to jpg at

then jpg file cropped to remove whitespace at

18) Ugly hack 2 to crop eps file (without using Adobe Illustrator)

generate eps file, include in latex using includegraphics, compile latex file.

This generates a pdf file from eps.

Crop this PDF file using free software PDF scissors

Then include that modified pdf in latex using includegraphics

19) height and width of images in latex


20) Multiple side by side (floating) images in latex (courtesy of Joshua Hecker)

Put \usepackage{subfig} in preamble












} \\






\caption{Figure of ODE plot}



21) Approximate (equation) symbol


22) Latex package and template for Nature papers

23) Capitalize first letter of word in bibtex (protect capitalization with {})

For example, the letter I is wrapped in {}

title={Scaling in the {I}mmune system },

24) Figures resized/smaller (scale)






Supplementary Figure: Title.




25) Asterisk for affiliation

\author{ Soumya Banerjee$^{1,2,3,4}$ $^{\ast}$ }


\item University of Valhalla


 $\ast$ Corresponding author 


26) Capitalize Greek symbols

% upper case lambda


% small case lambda is


27) Part text and part math in equations

\mathrm{d} t

28) Infinity


29) Curly braces and square brackets within math equations


If want bigger then


courtesy link



30) Square root


31) Matrix in LaTeX (link)

32) Displaying code in LaTeX (link)

Use Listings package


code ...


33) Text in math mode

$r \leftarrow \text{minimum} (1,  p ) $

34) Space in math mode

$ \;  \Lambda =  X $

35) Math symbols in latex (link)

36) Matrix in LaTeX (courtesy link here)


\Sigma =


  a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,n} \\

  a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,n} \\

  \vdots  & \vdots  & \ddots & \vdots  \\

  a_{m,1} & a_{m,2} & \cdots & a_{m,n}



37) Proportional to


$ P(\alpha) \propto $

38) Prime symbol in math (like mu prime)



39) Line break in Latex


40) Vector notation in latex (bold vectors, adapted from link)



41) Subfigure in LaTeX




   \subfigure[$M=10000$]{ \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{figures/figure1a.eps}

\label{fraction_escape_figure}} \quad




\caption{Distribution of self. 



42) Change bibliography style to Vancouver (link)


43) Cover letter template (link)

44) CV template latex (link)

45) Latex templates (link) (courtesy by Mayank Drolia)

46) Table of contents (link)

47) Special characters in LaTeX (link)

48) Colors for comments


{  \color{additions}  



49) Renumber latex figures in Supplementary Section (link)

50) plusminus symbol


51) References without a bib file using bibitem (link)


\bibitem{Friedman2010} Friedman J, Hastie T, Tibshirani R (2010) Regularization paths for generalized linear models via coordinate descent. J Stat Softw 33: 1–22.


52) Limit tends to infinity

\lim_{ x \to  -\infty}  (12^{x} + 1^{x} - 10^{x} - 9^{x} ) = 1

53) Bengali in Latex (link)

54) Change language dictionary in TexStudio

55) cleverref package (link)

automatically detect figures or equations and reference them


56) minted package for code (courtesy Mikel Bober-Irizar)


57) code in latex (courtesy Mikel Bober-Irizar)



58) References to other sections as links in latex (courtesy Mikel Bober-Irizar)

(\hyperref[sec:methods:pearl]{see Section The PeARL language})

59) supplementary figures (courtesy Jon Chapman)


\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[name={Supplementary Figure}]{suppfigure}



\caption{Example tasks for 12 taxonomy tags}




60) TikZ code for creating concentric cirles with labels (created using ChatGPT)





    % Draw and shade the area between the circles


        \clip (0,0) circle [radius=3cm];

        \fill[gray!30] (0,0) circle [radius=1.5cm];


    % Draw the outer circle

    \draw[thick] (0,0) circle [radius=3cm];

    % Draw the inner circle

    \draw[thick] (0,0) circle [radius=1.5cm];

    % Draw and label the radius L

    \draw[->] (0,0) -- (1.5,0) node[midway, above] {$L$};

    % Label for the volume of the annular region

    \node at (0, 2.25) {$\rho$};











        % Draw the outer sphere

        \shade[ball color=gray!30] (0,0,0) circle (3);

        % Draw the inner sphere with white color

        \shade[ball color=white] (0,0,0) circle (1.5);

        % Draw and label the radius T

        \draw[->] (0,0,0) -- (1.5,0,0) node[midway, above right] {$T$};

        % Draw and label the radius T+L

        \draw[->] (0,0,0) -- (3,0,0) node[midway, below right] {$T+L$};

        % Indicate the center

        \fill (0,0,0) circle (2pt);

        \node at (0,0,0) [below right] {Center};


    \caption{Illustration of two concentric spheres. The inner sphere has a radius of \( T \) and the outer sphere has a radius of \( T+L \).}


