Miscellaneous stuff

1) Combining multiple pdf files on Linux (adapted from link)

use gs (ghostscript)

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=finished.pdf *.pdf

Also available on bitbucket github github github

Split PDF in two (link) (link) (link)

2) Editors for code (vi and Sublime Text)

3) Tools for diff (FileMerge on Mac OS X)

4) Mirador for quick data science on data

5) Awesome latex CV template, Rmarkdown CV template

6) Virtual machines (VirtualBox) and run Ubuntu UNIX in the VM

         Download the Ubuntu ISO file here

7) Getting MAC addresses:

    Windows: run command prompt (Start -> cmd), then: ipconfig /all

    Linux, own machine, e.g: ifconfig -a

    Linux, other machine, e.g.: arping -f -I eth1 ipaddress 

8) Augmenting cognition by Michael Nielsen (link)

9) Image/diagram/figure manipulation and editing using Gimp, Inkscape, photopea

       these are open source and free alternatives to Adobe Illustrator

       http://draw.io (link)



       https://biorender.com/  (for making biological drawings and graphical abstracts)

       TikZ Latex program for drawing shapes (overleaf)

10) Password manager (link)

         Best to generate passwords in the browser KeeWeb (link) (link)

         KeePass desktop client

         list by WIRED  

11) PDF editor (link)

11) Online equation editor (link)

Online latex equation (link)

12) Online symbolic equation solver (link) (link)



13) Sign PDF with realistic signatures or grade/mark/sign PDFs


13) Logo maker (link)


14) Writing help with AI and ChatGPT




15) Games

Passage video game by Rohrer

Space invaders retro video game

16) Mac software

Smartswitch for transferring files from Android to Mac

17) Create images online using craiyon



deviantart dreamup