Amazing India

Some pictures of my amazing country (India)

Kanchenjunga (third highest mountain in the world at 28169 feet, photograph taken by my mother Kalyani Banerjee)

Tigers of India

1) A great PBS documentary on the tigers of Ranthambhore

Broken Tail: A Tiger's Last Journey

I personally like Kanha National Park where it is much more probable that you can come across a tiger.

I certainly did!

A picture taken by my mother Kalyani Banerjee of a Royal Bengal Tiger in Kanha National Park

Heritage sites in India (link)

Another beautiful picture of two birds taken by my mother (link)

You can browse more pictures taken by her here

Other links

The Story of India by Michale Wood (a must watch; a beautiful portrayal of India with history interleaved)

50 Amazing Photos of India

More beautiful photographs of India

India travel website

A website dedicated to an old friend Tathagata Sengupta