
October 2009

My Honda

We've had our Honda Odyssey for a month now and I love it!! It is a really nice van and has so much room. And I don't mind feeling like a "soccer mom". This picture is not actually our vehicle- I was too lazy to go take a picture- but it looks just like this. Three cheers for our van!

And Baby Makes FIVE

October 20

Well, I am pregnant with our 3rd child- due mid-April. The ultrasound is scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving. I have been feeling more nauseous than usual, but luckily that has started to go away. We've got quite the adventure coming soon!!!


October 24

I won a Wii party at our local library. Unfortunately our ward decided to have a party on the same day. So instead of having a bunch of people come, I invited some friends of ours and their family to play. It was a ton of fun! I had never played a Wii before, but seemed to pick up on it pretty fast since I beat everyone at boxing. The library provided popcorn and we brought some pizza and soda too. What fun!

Happy Halloween!

Trunk Or Treat

Adam has been counting down the days until Trunk-or-treat and Halloween. He has been dying to wear his Darth Vader costume and get some candy. Ryan got to pick his costume from what we already had, and since the Elmo one was a little scary, Spiderman was what he chose (I just love how Ryan "fills out" the costume more than Adam ever did). Since I was sick we didn't decorate our trunk. Ryan was very excited too to get some candy and called it "turkey treat" which cracked everyone up he said it to.

Here they are post-candy. Look how big those smiles are!


Neal and I were both sick so we weren't too excited to take the kids out trick-or-treating, but Neal was tough and took the boys. The boys ended up getting their buckets completely full again and of course got their annual Halloween cookie (we're always sure to go to that house!). As you can see the boys really love those cookies! (November 1st side note: maybe we don't love those cookies as much as I thought- Ryan ended up barfing his up at midnight all over his bedsheets. Yum, orange goo barf!)

LifeSite forNeal, Melissa, Adam, Ryan, and Baby