2009 Meeting Notes

Past Meeting December 9, Fook Yuen1

Installation of 2010 officers

President - Sherrie Clark

VP - James Tamura

Secretary - Ursula Iwaida

Treasurer - Dennis Ting

Great Chinese lunch and annual Christmas activities.. !!followed by


Past Meeting November 10, Ala Wai Community Park. 10 AM

Business Meeting

Officers for 2010 (Election)

President - Sherrie Clark

VP - James Tamura

Secretary - Ursula Iwaida

Treasurer - Dennis Ting

Christmas Lunch

Fook Yuen, McCully Shopping Center

Tuesday, December 8, 11 AM

Cost - $11, member or guest, (to be collected at the restaurant)

Telephone committee will contact all members

2010 Chapter events

Future Planning - NARFE Hawaii 2011 convention, Prince Hotel, Apr 7-8

Newsletter folding - Aug 2010 a

Chapter 311 referendum vote (carry over from the October meeting, (see Oct mtg items below)

Short explanation of the issue provided by Sherrie Clark

The Chapter 311 votes will be submitted by our secretary by the Dec deadline.nd N


Past Meeting October 13, Ala Wai Community Park. 10 AM

Vote on the "NARFE Dues Referendum". Our chapter has 3 votes. Members will have the opportunity to review the referendum issues, see following links , and vote.

Bylaws http://www.narfe.org/departments/member/articles.cfm?ID=1751

Q&A http://www.narfe.org/departments/member/articles.cfm?ID=1752

Distribution http://www.narfe.org/departments/member/articles.cfm?ID=1753


Article 1, Section 2. Membership Categories

A. Regular members: Members who pay NARFE dues.

B. Life members: Members who pay present and future NARFE dues in a lump sum. (Ref. Rule 1, Section 1A)

C. Honorary: Members who have been granted the right to a National membership without further payment of National dues. (Ref. Rule1, Section1B)

D. Members-at-Large: Members who belong to the National Association but not to a chapter. (Ref. Rule1, Section 1C)

Article 1, Section 3. Membership Recruitment.

The association, in addition to direct recruitment, shall recruit members through Chapters. All new members shall meet all requirements of membership by paying NARFE dues. In addition the NEB may establish or eliminate incentive programs to benefit member recruitment and retention. These programs will not have a term in excess of two (2) years. (Note: Section 3A thru 3C will be deleted)

Article 1, Section 4. NARFE Dues

A. NARFE dues for Regular Members shall be $40.00. Reduction in NARFE Dues may be prescribed in the Standing Rules. (Ref. Rule 1, Section 1D)

B. The dues amount for NARFE Life Membership shall be established by the National Executive Board based on actuarial tables.

C. Any member whose dues are in arrears for three (3) months or more shall, after due notice by Headquarters, be dropped from the rolls and all rights and privileges granted under the provisions of the Bylaws shall cease.

Article IV, Section 3. Membership and Dues. Deleted.

Article V, Section 3. Membership and Dues. Deleted.

*_Standing rules:_

*Rule 1. Membership

Section 1. Membership/Dues

A. A voluntary Life Membership shall be available to all eligible for membership upon payment of a non-refundable actuarially determined amount that will yield the approximate equivalent of the annual NARFE Dues at the time of purchase.

B. An honorary member may request recognition under the Distinguished Member program upon written request to the National Office and by resuming payment of NARFE Dues. (Ref Article 1, Section 5A)

C. Members currently classified as Members-at-Large shall be permitted to retain that status unless they drop their membership. If these members subsequently choose to rejoin the Association, they shall meet all requirements for membership by paying NARFE Dues.

D. For dues withholding (DW), a 10% reduction in NARFE dues will be offered. Distribution of dues will be as follows:

(1) For NARFE dues, $9.00 will be provided to chapters. Ten percent ($4.00) will be provided to federation. A 10% reduction for DW members, $8.00 will be provided to chapters while $3.60 will go to the federation.

(2) For Members-at-Large. National Only members will maintain their current status and will pay $29.00 annually to National, 10 % ($2.90) will go to the federations.

(3) For Honorary Members. Honorary membership granted before the 2008 National Convention, these members pay $9.00 to the chapter unless this fee has been waived by the chapter.

(4) For Life Members. Life members prior to the implementation of NARFE Dues will maintain their current status and pay $9.00 to the chapter unless they are chapter life members.

(5) For Active Federal Employees (AFE). The special incentive for AFEs was cancelled in 2008. All AFEs recruited before that date will maintain their current status and as long as they remain AFEs, they will be allowed to renew at the special incentives rates. Upon leaving federal service, they will renew under NARFE Dues.

Note: The above will become a new Rule 1, Section 1. The existing Section 1 will become Section 2 and Section 2 will become Section 3.

*1. Reasons the change should be adopted.

a. The adoption of this would put to rest the constant arguments of the chapter requirement. There would be no National dues or Chapter dues - there would be ONE dues, the NARFE dues.

b. This would certainly help our retention efforts. Members could chose to participate in chapter activities or not and both ways they would have one simple and easy dues.

c. It would enhance our recruiting efforts. We will have one dues for new members. No longer do we have to answer what happens after the first year membership fee expires - we presently have to tell potential members that dues depend on the chapter of assignment.*

======= End NARFE Article, 1 of 3 ======

*Q&A. NARFE Dues* /March 30, 2009/

1. Why do we need a single NARFE dues?

*A. For years, we have been discussing the disadvantages of having national dues and chapter dues. If we create a single NARFE dues, there

will be no national dues and chapter dues. There would be just ONE dues; the NARFE dues. Note: at the last two NARFE national convention, resolutions recommending this change have come very close to passing and, NARFE members could choose to participate in chapter activities or not

and both ways they would have one simple and easy dues. This would certainly help our retention efforts.*

2. Would this impact our recruitment efforts?

*A. Yes! It would simplify our recruiting efforts, and we would have one dues; $40.00 for new members. There would no longer be a first year membership fee of $33.00 followed in the second year by dues of $29.00 plus whatever the chapter dues are. We would no longer have to answer what happens after the first year membership fee expires – we presently have to tell potential members that NARFE’s dues depend on the chapterof assignment and that is a large road block.*

3. If approved, would this result in the loss of current NARFE members?

A. It is possible. Under NARFE dues some members will see an increase in their dues while others will see a reduction. However, this isn't a dues increase. It is a reduction in the number of dues categories that NARFE presently offers.

4. What is the major barrier to passing a NARFE dues?

A. Historically, NARFE chapters have established their own dues (anywhere from no dues to $20.00 (+). If the NARFE dues concept passes, every chapter will receive $9.00. The only way this would increase is for NARFE members to approve an increase in the NARFE dues of $40.00.

5. How did NARFE determine the NARFE dues of $40.00?

A. NARFE annual dues are $29.00. The average annual chapter dues are over $8.00 and the Federations get $2.90 (10% of $29.00). That gives a total of $39.90.

6. What can chapters do if they presently have dues of $10.00 or more?

A. They can do fundraising, silent auctions, etc. However, the chapters will collect those assessments.

7. What does a chapter do with $9.00 if their present dues are under that amount?

A. They will be encouraged to increase their services to their members using the additional monies. They could establish chapter newsletters or award gift cards (i.e. luncheon cards from local restaurants, etc.) in drawings among chapter members during the chapter meetings. Both of these tools could be used to strengthen chapter attendance.

8. Active Federal Employees, if they joined under our canceled special initiative dues, what will be their dues?

A. As long as they are Active Federal Employees, they may renew at the special incentives (1 year, $25.00, 2 years, $45.00, and3 years, $60.00). Upon retirement, they will renew at the NARFE dues of $40.00.

9. What happened to the multi-year renewal options?

A. Once the NARFE dues referendum is approved, the multi-year renewal options will go away. We will emphasize our dues withholding program which will provide a savings of 10% over the yearly NARFE dues. (Annual cost: $36.00)

10. What happens to Members-at-Large members?

A. National Only members will continue to pay annual dues of $29.00 until there membership is terminated. If they choose to rejoin the Association, they shall meet all requirements for membership by payin NARFE Dues.

11. What happens to life members?

A. Once the referendum passes, the life member actuarial table will have to be revised to reflect the new rates for new life members. The old life members will be charged $9.00 to cover chapter expenses. National will collect that and distribute to the chapters.

12. What happens to honorary members?

A. Once the referendum passes, honorary members will be charged $9.00 to cover chapter expenses, unless this fee has been waived by the chapter. National will collect that and distribute to the chapters.

======= End NARFE Article, 2 of 3 ======

*Distribution of NARFE Dues, (If NARFE Dues Referendum is Approved)* /March 30, 2009/

1. NARFE Dues, $40.00 annually. Federation is remitted $4.00 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $9.00, and National retains $27.00.

2. Dues Withholding, $36.00 annually. Federation is remitted $3.60 (10% as required by NARFE Bylaws), chapter is remitted $8.00, and National retains $24.40.

3. Active Federal Employees. As long as they are Active Federal Employees, they may renew at the special incentives. Once they retire, they will pay NARFE dues.

4. Members-at-Large. National Only members will continue to pay the old National dues of $29.00.

5. Life Members. Chapters will be remitted $9.00.

6. New Life Members. New actuarial tables with be established, $9.00 will be remitted to the chapter and $4.00 to the Federation.

7. Honorary Members (Grandfathered). Chapters will be remitted $9.00 unless this has been waived by the chapter.

8. Distinguished Members. They will be charged $40.00 for NARFE dues with $4.00 remitted to the Federation, $9.00 to the chapter and the rest to National.

========== End NARFE Article, 3 of 3 =======


Past Meeting September 8, Lunch, 11 A, Fook Yuen, McCully Shopping Center

Guest Speaker - Randall Yee with topic "Estate Planning for Seniors" - A very informative discussion with a handout listing the various issues related to the estate planning issues, common problems, need to periodically update etc. Lots of questions from members and guests.

A short business meeting followed. Key item will be for the Chapter 311 members to vote on the "NARFE Dues Referendum". Our chapter has 3 votes. Members will have the opportunity to review the referendum issues and vote at the October 13 meeting.

For those who cannot attend the meeting, a "special voter's coupon" was provided in the August NARFE magazine. In addition, the coupon and article describing the issue is in the section above related to the October 13 meeting.


Past Meeting, August 11, Ala Wai Community Park. 10 AM

Chapter Reports, minutes etc.

Short discusion on the Sep meetings will be at Fook Yuen, McCully Shopping Center, 11 A

Guest Speaker from the Alzheimer's Association Aloha Chapter with topic "Understanding Memory Loss".

Recognizing the signs of Alzheimer's disease in contrast to normal aging.

Role of caregiver and identification of local, (Hawaii/Oahu) and national resources for information and assistance

Things to do and consider following the detection of the disease

ID bracelet for the patient and the "success rate"


Past Meeting - July 14, Ala Wai Community Park. 10 AM

Chapter reports, minutes etc

Introduction of members (attending their first Chapter 311 meeting

Short description of future speakers/top for the August and September meetings

August 11 - Alzheimer's Association Aloha Chapter with topic "Understanding Memory Loss".

September 8 - Randall Yee with topic "Estate Planning for Seniors"

Short discusion on lunch meeting locations for Sep and the December installation of officers.

Both meetings will be at Fook Yuen, McCully Shopping Center, 11 AM

Short discusion on other lunch meeting locations for next year 2010

Chapter 311 sponsored lunch (KFC 2 kinds of chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy, slaw and biscuits)


Past Meeting - June 9, Ala Wai Community Park. 10 AM

Chapter reports, minutes etc

Recap of past work project meeting (folding the NARFE HI newsletter), with participating Waikiki chapter members

Short discussion on future speakers for the monthly meetings

Update on the responses to the Chapter 311 questionnaire, membership list, telephone notification list

Update on e-mail notification list, option to include text msg notification described

Chapter 311 sponsored lunch (KFC 2 kinds of chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy, slaw and biscuits)