2010 Meeting Notes


Past Meeting - Tuesday, December 14

Fook Yuen Restaurant McCully Shopping Center.

Installation of 2011 officers

President - James Tamura

Secretary - James Tamura

Treasurer - Dennis Ting

Great Chinese lunch and annual Christmas activities.. !!follow


Past Meeting - Tuesday, November 9

Ala Wai Community Park. 10-noon.

Meeting Activities

Election of Chapter 311 officers for 2011

President - James Tamura

VP - None

Secretary - James Tamura

Treasurer - Dennis Ting

Dues structure for Chapter 311 - No change, it will remain as $3

With the lack of full slate of Officers, the members agreed to mail or email questionnaires to members with the question on whether Chapter 311 should merge with another Chapter. The questionnaires will contain directions for the collection of responses.

The next Chapter 311 meeting will be the Christmas Party at Fook Yuen Restaurant, 2nd floor, McCully Shopping Center. 14 December, 11 AM. The cost will be $12/person. The installation of officers for 2011 is scheduled.


Past Meeting - Tuesday, 12 Oct

Ala Wai Community , 10-noon.

Meeting Activities

Review of the August Hawaii federation meeting items, national

dues structure starting in 2011.

The possible increase in Chapter 311 income from $3 to as much as $9 from the National. This would minimize the need for Chapter 311 to conduct fund raising activities to meet annual expenses. Short review of past fund raising actiivities i.e. sale of the "Dining Out" booklet, collection of $ from meeting participants.

Meeting location (Ala Wai) for the November 8 meeting and Christmas Party (Fook Yuen, if reservation can be made);

Future meeting place, *in CY 2011", related to the high cost of using the Ala Wai facility.

A review of possible Chapter 311 options for the future related to the membership count, participation in Chapter activities and age of members.


Past Meeting - Tuesday, 14 Sept

Wailana Coffee Shop, 10-noon.

Our guest speaker was Russell Subiono, Charity Review Administrator/Public Outreach for the Hawaii Better Business Bureau Foundation of Hawaii.

Russell provided an excellent rundown on the function, and role of the Hi BBB, funding, authority, Of great interest was the description of "senior" scams and popular scams that target all. ie fake checks etc,, emergency money requests ...... If in doubt, call the HI BBB for advice, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is..

Following our excellent guest speaker, the regular meeting was held...

The treasurer's report was provided by our secretary..

The key item was the vote on the next meeting location..since we do not have the 20 to support the Wialana private area.. So the selection was keyed to Manoa or Ala Wai.

Some members indicated that they would not attend meeting in Manoa since transportation (by bus) was too lengthy.. 2+ hours due to multiple transfers..

Ala Wai was selected for the next Oct and Nov meetings. Next day f/u - We will be meeting in a conference room on the McCully side of the facility.

Discussion on the National NARFE convention and future in 2012,,Nevada and 2014 New Orleans. Also a brief description of the increased dues for the next CY.

Convention reports - Link

DARK July & August - NO Chapter 311 meetings

Past Meeting (Notes) - Tuesday, 8 June

Wailana Coffee Shop, 10-noon.

Guest speaker Representative Lyla Berg.

State of Hawaii, House of Representatives, .. a Democrat and represents - District 18, Hawaii Kai to Kaimuki is current Vice-Chairperson for Education, and member of the Economic Development Committee.

Lyla reviewed the recent legislative session in regard to senior issues and status of final approval/signature by the Governor. In addition, she provided her view of potential revenue issues for the next year in regard to the taxing of pensions. She encouraged all members to communicate with their legislators via telephone or e-mail to voice opinions on the issues..

The more voices/opinions on a topic the better it is for your representatives to understand your point of view. NARFE HI should band with the HI State labor unions to consolidate a point of view for any topic that needs legislative support or rejection.

Lyla also described the forthcoming issue that the voters will have on the ballot.. "change to Governor appointed vs current elected school board..' and how the selection could be made if "appointed" becomes the new process.

Chapter General meeting -

a. Review of meeting dates, locations, issues etc..

1. No meetings for July and August (review of prior decision)

2. Meeting in Sep will be at Wailana

We need participants to qualify for a separate room/space. Please plan to attend and bring a guest.

3. Potential move to the Manoa Marketplace McDonald will be reported on by Dennis Ting at the Sep meeting

b. Scholarship issue reviewed and approved. Chapter 311 obligation (pro-rated amount) is approx $48+/yr.

c. May NARFE newsletter will not be mailed by the federation due to budgetary issues. Chapter 311 will mail copies to those that regulary attend meetings, approx 15. The newsletter will also be available by clicking on the following link.

NARFE Hawaii Federation Newsletter, May 2010

Past Meeting - May 11, 2010, PLaza at Punchbowl,

A tour of the Plaza at Punchbowl assisted living facility replaces the regular Chapter 311 meeting.

Past Meetingi - April 13, 2010, Ala Wai Community Park. 10 PM - Noon

Our guest speaker was John Priolo, NARFE-PAC (Political Action Committee)/Parliamentarian and current Hawaii State Federation of Chapters (HFSC) 1st Vice President. He emphasized the upcoming special election for the vacant House of Representative seat vacated by Neil Abercrombie. JJohn provided us with a great insight into potential problems that can be created for retirees by deliberate actions by elected members to Congress.

Meeting changes -

Our next meeting will be at the "Plaza at Punchbowl" 10:30-noon, 11 May 2010. This event replaces the normal meeting and will be a tour of the facility.

The June 8 meeting will be at the Wailana Coffee Shop, 10-noon. We need participants to qualify for a separate room/space. Please plan to attend and bring a guest.

July and August - There will be no meetings.


Event , March 16 - HPD will be presenting a talk at for Senior Citizens with topics::

1. Elderly Abuse,

2. Safety for Seniors (including crosswalk safety)


3. Issuing of KUPUNA ID cards for Seniors

Time - Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 0900 to 1100,

Location - Kahala Mall - Center Stage


Past Meetingin - March 9, 2010, Ala Wai Community Park. 10 PM - Noon

Mr. Tim Taravella, Director of Development Alzheimer's Association, Aloha Chapter described their various projects and provided information on how any Chapter collection for Alzheimer's can be forwarded to either the local organization or National, along with information


Past Meetingin - February 9, 2010, Ala Wai Community Park. 10 PM - Noon

Bank of Hawaii speakers provided an excellent review of "Long Term Care " in relation to the individual in need and potential caregivers.

Very informative Bank fo HI and NAIC (A Shopper's Guide to Long Term Insurance) handout(s) were provided providing additional details or references.

Members asked a lot of questions during the Q&A period. (note: there was no fraud discussion) (note: there was no fraud discussion

The general meeting topics included,

The question, discussion and membership vote approving "dark, no meeting , for Jul and Aug (summer months)

Alternate meeting locations, since the cost for the Ala Wai Park meeting room has been raised from $20 -30.

The question on where does the "$3" per member come from, was raised.

The audit committee will meet separately to review the "past income costs/expenses"

Collection of $$ for the Alzheimer's Association, and where can the money be directed..

Febuary NARFE HI Federation Meeting. The listing of HI federation officers and Chapter meeting POC and locations are provided below.

Other NARFE Chapter Meetings/locations and officers was discussed.

In particular, Waikiki Chapter will have speakers Charles Djuo (Feb) and Ed Case (March) , 3rd Wed, 11AM, Wailana Coffee House.


Past Meeting - January 12, 2010, Ala Wai Community Park.

Guest Speakers from the Honolulu Police Department discussed topics related to fraud and home safety related to seniors.

