2013 Meeting Notes


Past Meeting - December 10, Fook Yuen Seafood Restaurant

Annual Installation of Officers and Christmas Luncheon.

Chapter Officers for 2014 -

  • James Tamura (President)
  • Ursula Iwaida (Vice President)
  • James Tamura (Secretary)
  • Dennis Ting (Treasurer).

After the buffet luncheon was enjoyed, the gathering participated in a "food quiz/contest" and Bingo.

President Jim Tamura also passed out the schedule of events for Jan, Feb and Mar 2014.

Jan 14, Ala Wai Community Center 10am

Guest speaker - Bricyn Afong, topic Health Insurance Update

Feb 11, Ala Wai Community Center 9:30 am

Aloha Newsletter folding with Waikiki, Chapter 1656

Mar 11, Quarterly Luncheon, details to be determined in Jan.

Past Meeting Tuesday, Nov 12 - Ala Wai Community Center

  1. Guest speakers from Kahala Associates
    • Ms. Christina Laney Wycheck and Mrs. Yumi Laney, provided a presention on Senior Concierge Services.
  2. Election of Chapter Officers for 2014
    • Acclimation for continuing the current Chapter Officers
  3. Christmas Luncheon - Selection of Location; cost
    • Fook Yuen, Tues, 10 Dec @ 11am, members $ 5, guests $10.

Past Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013. Ala Wai Community Center

The guest speakers were from the Hawaii State, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) for this meeting, PONZI schemes were described.

This was our 3rd visit from the DCCA this year and was again very informative.

Senior Fair September 27, 2013

Providing membership information and assistance to HSFC Both visitors

Dennis Ting and Jim Tamura (Chapter 311)

Joyce Matsuo (HSFC 1st VP/Chapter 1656)

Dennis Smith (Chapter 1657)

Past Meeting Tues Sep 10, Luncheon (quarterly)

Gyotaku 1834 South King Street.

The members were reminded that:

1. The NARFE National Call Congress initiative will be the week of September 16 to September 20, especially to challenge the Chained CPI initiative.

2. The Senior Fair will be held 27-29 Sep, 8:00a - 4:30p at the Blaisdell CenterCenter. NARFE-HSFC will have a booth for recruiting and information.

Past Meeting Tuesday, Aug 13, 2013. 10am -- Ala Wai Community Center

Program: Guest Speakers were from Kaiser Permanente (Kawehi Keliipuleole, Nicole Troche, and Skip Ludloff).

Nicole and Kawehi answered members’ questions on Kaiser’s Health plan and its possible changes based on the Obamacare requirements.

Following the question/answer session, Skip led a seated chair exercise program for members..

September Chapter luncheon --

September 10, 11:00 am at Gyotaku Restaurant (1834 S King Street).

Past Meeting Tuesday, July 9, 2013. 10am -- Ala Wai Community Center

Guest Speakers, Ms. Kelly Nakagawa and Mr. Blake Yoshimura from the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA), Office of the Securities Commissioner. presented the subject of How to Spot a Con Artist and Safeguard Your Investments.

New Business and Announcements:

1. On the subject of Chapter support for any NARFE-PAC Hawaii Senatorial candidates, the members concurred with withholding our support until after the Primary Election nominations in 2014. This will be given to HSFC President John Priolo who requested feedback as former NARFE-PAC chair.

2. On the subject of letters to Hawaii Congressional delegation, there was one more set of letters (4) signed and to be given to HSFC 1st VP Joyce Matsuo at the next HSFC meeting on August 6. There were 5 sets sent after the June meeting previously.

3. The August meeting will be on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 10 at the Ala Wai Recreation Center with Guest Speaker from Kaiser Permanente. The September meeting will be our quarterly luncheon, with details to be decided at the upcoming August meeting.

Past meeting - June 11, Lunch @ Fook Yuen


Good food and fellowship for 11 members and guests.

There was no formal program for this quarterly luncheon. However, per HSFC Chapter Vice President Joyce Matsuo’s request a total of 20 letters (4 each for 5 members) were signed for presentation to our four Congressional officials.

Past Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2013. 10am -- 15 Craigside, Nuuanu

Annual field trip -- Tour of 15 Craigside

Past Meeting Tuesday, April 9, 2013. 10am -- Ala Wai Community Center

Guest Speakers were from the State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA), Office of the Securities Commissioner.

Mr. Brian Kishaba and Mr. Blake Yoshimura presented an overview of DCCA’s services and answered many questions and comments from the members.

Secretary’s Minutes:

The minutes for the February and March meetings were read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer’s Reported was waived, but the annual insurance of $75 was passed by majority of attendees and action by the Treasurer will be directed accordingly.

Unfinished Business:

1. Following the recent HSFC Convention, feedback from attendee Luther Chong advised the initiation of the “capwiz” for easier feedback to Congress.

2. The Reading File was circulated including newsletters from the Kaimuki Chapter.

New Business and Announcements:

1. The next Chapter meeting will be our annual field trip to 15 Craigside senior home located in Nuuanu at 10 am on May 14. There will be no transportation from the Ala Wai Recreation Center.

2. The June quarterly luncheon to be held June 11, 2013 at Fook Yuen Seafood Restaurant at 11 am. Cost again is $10 for members and $12 for guests with the Chapter subsidizing the difference.

Past Meeting Tuesday, March 12, 2013. @ Fook Yuen

Good food and fellowship for participating members and guests.

Past Meeting Tuesday, Feb 12, 2013. 10am -- Ala Wai Community Center

A. Guest speaker -- SCOTT SPALLINA

from the City Prosecutor's Office, Elder Abuse Unit

B. Business:

1. Two items of information from HSFC were announced:

a. Closing - HSFC Office in the Federal Building in January 2013.

b. OPM guidance that electronic 1099Rs/Tax Withholding Statement for 2013 will still allow for mailing for members not having internet access.

2. The balance of the meeting regarded the HSFC Convention in April.

a. Chapter 311’s representative

b. Chapter 311 will provide a $25 stipend

c. There will be no Ad placed in the Convention booklet.

3. The Reading File was circulated including newsletters from 3 sister Chapters and copies of the most recent HSFC and Chapter websites.

C. New Business and Announcements:

1. The next Chapter meeting will be our quarterly luncheon to be held:

a. March 12. 2013 at Fook Yuen Seafood Restaurant at 11 am.

b. Cost -- $10 for members and $12 for guests with the Chapter subsidizing the difference.

Past Meeting

Tuesday, January 8, 2013. 10am -- Ala Wai Community Center

After noting the passing of 4 Chapter members in 2012, a moment of silence was observed.

We had 2 guest speakers, Karla Gruenewald and Paula Ailo, from New York Life Insurance providing information on "grandparents" gifting of insurance, need to review insurance policies annually, longterm care etc.

Discussion on the NARFE HSFC convention scheduled for 4-5 April..

A preview of the declared changes by OPM for annual tax filing paperwork in the future (2014). Possible options..

NARFE Service Center Closure

The NARFE Service Center formerly located in the Prince Kuhio Federal Building was permanently closed effective January 18, 2013.

click for more information on the Service Center page.