Multi language In Flight Entertainment System with emergency procedure support

Short Statement of Problem Being Solved:

Now a days as we know passengers travel all over world, so in a flight from India to USA there can be passengers from any corner of world. Which mean for example there can be a passenger who understand only french or japanese. So in a flight from India to USA there will be flight crew who can communicate passengers in Hindi, English and some other regional languages of origin and destination of flight.

So now in this case if any emergency happens then who will be there to communicate a passenger what announcements are being made for all passengers & what emergency procedure they need to follow.

Short Statement of Your Solution

All the flights which has In Flight Entertainment System and support major world languages (if not then we can make them to support other majorly speaking world languages) any passenger who boards the flight starts using them by selecting their prefered languages. So now we have a prefered language by each passenger.

So since all emergency procedures are very much predefined & thereafter we can in-build them in In Flight Entertainment System which can then translate it to any regional language which passenger understands. We can also add a small speaker inside In Flight Entertainment System for emergency cases where a passenger need not to wear headphones to understand. Also at the same time we can start playing an animation of what passenger is suppose to do to follow that emergency procedure.

Thereafter we can also use this feature for more easy interaction between passenger and flight crew who don’t understand each others language.