2. Health.

Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury and pain (as "in good health" or "healthy"). The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"(Wikipedia).

This is the complete definition of health. And I include it here because now you are able to understand it. I want you to pay attention to this particular point:  "... complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". What does this mean?

You have the luck of living in a world where technologies, medical advances, hygiene... make your life easy and healthy. You take a shower and a bathroom in your house, don't you? You go to school, you practice sports, you eat every day, you sleep in a comfortable bed and when you are ill, there is a doctor who takes care of you. (But remember, we are in 21st century and still there are many, many children in the world that they are not as lucky as you are, and maybe they are closer to you than you think).

    Here is the answer to the question: you have to take responsibility for your health. Do not forget it. There are some diseases that need medical care, that's obvious. But there are another diseases you can avoid if you take care of yourself.

    When do I start to do it?

    Right now.  Lets see what you can do for your "complete physical, mental and social well-being".

    There are many things you can do if you want your body to be healthy. For example:

   - Practice sports or physical activities at least three or four times a week. Don't forget the warm-up.

    - Walk: walking is a very good exercise. Have you got a dog? Take a long walk with your parents and your pet every day.

    - Elevator? No, thanks. Stairs.(Unless you live in a 55 floor, of course).

    - Sleep. You must sleep at least 10 or 11 hours a day. Don't sleep on your stomach.    

- Water. Do you drink enough water? You have to do it always, specially after being training and sweating. We are "made from water", did you know that?

    - Computer and video games? If you stay for a long time in front of your computer or playing video games in front of your TV, you will get a great score, but also a pain in your back and a great headache.

   - Hygiene: take a shower every day. Wash your hands when you need it and specially before every meal. Brush your hair and your teeth every day.    

- Sit down properly and watch out your attitude. Your back will appreciate it in the future.

    - Food: eat a great variety of food, and don't forget vegetables, fish, fresh fruit, legumes... Too much chocolate, sugar or sugar-sweetened drinks, for example, are not healthy at all. Of course, you can eat or drink them, but not all the time.

The fowolling tips are extracted from http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/:

    - Eat a balanced diet.

    - Maintain friendships.

    - Take exercise.

    - Laugh. It´s a great medicine for your mind, brain and your entire body.

    - Cry, if you want to. Let your sadness go away from you when you need it.

    - Ask for help when you need it: the longer you leave a problem, the worse it

will get.

    - Studying must be the most important activity when you are a child, but it isn't everything: take it easy.

    - Create a routine and organize your time.

    I know it, I know it, some of these tips you have read at "physical well-being". But, you know what? Your body and your mind are just one thing: you.

    Mind and body work always together. They can´t work separately. If you are not careful with your body´s health, your mind, sooner or later, will fall ill too. And if you are not careful with your mind´s health, sooner or later, your body will fall ill as well. Do you know what I mean?

    Life isn´t like Maths at school. Just remember this: problems in real life use to have more than one solution. If you don´t find one today, don´t worry and don´t feel sad: ask for help or, smile, make something completely different (read a book, go for a walk...); let the problem aside for some hours and be sure that tomorrow you will find out another way to resolve it.


    A society, or a human society, is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or virtual territory, subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations (Wikipedia).

    We all live in a group of people and that make our lives easier. Schools, hospitals, sports, shops, technologies, museums, industry, transports... are possible because of the effort of a group of people: a society.

    In a society, people are related to each other. We have a family, we have friends, we have teachers, we have doctors... What can I do for my social well-being?

    - Be polite to all the people you know. Some nice words will open you many doors now, and they will do it also in the future.

    - Read the news about your neighboorhood, your district or your town.

    - Help people if you can do it.

    - Don´t break the rules. That never has good consecuences.

    (No rules, no society. Without rules this world would be like the jungle).

    - Practice sports. Sports can help you a lot: you will learn how to play according to some rules, you will create relationships and frienships with other children... Sports are very important to a society.

    - Treat the other people as you´d like to be treated.


    Nutrition (also called nourishment or aliment) is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet. (Wikipedia). 


And this is the end of the topic. Keep working!