Army Combat Fitness Test

The newest iteration of the Army's physical fitness test. Due to be fully implemented by October 2022, this test will replace the long-loved APFT with tasks that more closely mirror the duties expected to be performed by soldiers in the field. The complexity of the events, as well as that of the scoring system have increased substantially, but not to fear - I will walk you through it all! What follows is a comprehensive summary of the test, but if you would like to get into the nitty-gritty of it, see the official handbook at the bottom of this page.

The official handbook also includes many exercises one may perform in order to prepare for the ACFT. If you are not a particularly active individual, I'd recommend taking a glance at a few of these. It also includes descriptions of the equipment used in the test in case you would like to practice on your own!

Event 1: 3-Repetition Max Deadlift

The deadlift is possibly the best exercise one can do to strengthen one's back and legs. The Army's rationale for including it is that it closely simulates carrying a litter (which you will get plenty of practice with during BOLC).

This particular deadlift is done with a hexagon bar that allows for a safer and more "natural" movement than with a straight bar - the handles are parallel to your feet (in the coronal/transverse plane for you crazy kids who can't get enough anatomy).

The movement:

  • Preparatory phase: you stand inside the hexagon, bend at the knees and hips WHILE KEEPING YOUR BACK STRAIGHT and grab the handles while looking straight ahead.

  • Upward movement phase: On "GO" you will stand up! Being sure to have YOUR SHOULDERS RISE BEFORE/AT THE SAME TIME AS YOUR HIPS, stand up to the straight position and briefly pause.

  • Downward movement phase: Bending your hips and knees AND NOT YOUR BACK, lower the bar slowly to the ground without dropping it. Prepare to repeat the process

The goals:

  • You need to complete 3 repetitions of a given weight to pass this section of the test. You cannot rest between repetitions. If you complete this successfully, you are allowed 1 additional attempt at an increased weight if you so choose (with a 2-minute break)

  • You will have two chances to complete this task with a 2-minute break in-between attempts.

  • The grader will stop your test if they determine you will injure yourself by continuing the attempt.

  • Don't get hurt! If you have never deadlifted before (properly) PLEASE do so before your first ACFT. While this exercise can have some incredible benefits for your health, it can also be dangerous. Be sure to heed my WARNINGS IN ALL CAPS AND BOLD to avoid some of the most common mistakes that can lead to injury. There are hundreds of videos on YouTube that can walk you through how to do this properly.

Event 2: Standing Power Throw

This event measures explosive power such that one would use when lifting/throwing equipment or when helping a battle buddy over a wall (also done at BOLC).

You will use your legs, hips, back and arms to throw a 10-lb medicine ball backwards over your head for distance.

The movement:

  • You will make 3 throws

    • Throw 1: a test throw to gauge about how far you will throw and to give you a little warm up.

    • Throw 2 + 3: record throws (although only the longest one will be recorded).

    • You can swing the ball a few times to practice the motion before making the throw.

    • As you can see in the picture, above, the bottom of the motion looks just like the bottom of the deadlift motion: knees and hips bent with back STRAIGHT. This is necessary to prevent injury!

    • From the bottom of your throw, be sure to have a fluid motion without any jerking movements, also to reduce the risk of injury.

The goals:

  • Throw the ball far!

  • You will be standing in front of a line when you make your throws. If you screw up in some way like by stepping over the line or fumbling the ball, it will count as a "fault." You get two faults before it counts a "0" for that attempt.

Event 3: Hand Release Push-Up

It is great to see the push-up making a repeat performance in the ACFT. A fantastic upper-body exercise with a new twist to ensure a full range of motion on execution.

You will push plenty of stuff in the Army!

The movement:

  • Keeping your body straight (as in the pictures above), you will do a push-up until your elbows are straight.

  • You then lower your body until your chest touches the ground.

  • You must then lift your hands off the ground until a "clear gap" is visible to the grader.

  • Push up again!

The goal:

  • Do a bunch of push-ups!

  • You can only rest with your arms fully extended.

  • Your rep will not count if your hips or shoulders sag, or if a hand or foot comes off the ground.

  • If a hand or foot comes off the ground, you will get a warning. If it happens again, your attempt will be terminated.

Event 4: Sprint, Drag, Carry

Ok, now we're getting the party started! This fresh, new event is sure to test your quick mobility skills and the states of your quick-twitch leg muscles.

Between the sprints and the heavy carries, this test appears to fully embody the spirit of the "combat" aspect of the ACFT. These movements are far closer to what one would expect in a combat situation (at least more so than two minutes of push-ups and sit-ups).

The movement:

  1. 50m sprint: Sprint 25 meters to a line drawn on the ground. Touch the line with your foot AND hand, turn around and sprint back.

  2. Drag: you will grab the handles of a 90-lb "sled" (see the top picture above), and pull it backwards until the ENTIRE SLED crosses the 25-meter line. Turn the sled and go back until the ENTIRE SLED crosses the starting line.

  3. Lateral: starting perpendicular to the starting line, sprint laterally (see the second picture above) to the 25-meter line that you must touch with your foot AND hand. Facing the same direction, laterally sprint back to the start.

  4. Carry: pick up a 40-lb kettlebell with each hand (see the third picture) and sprint to the 25-meter line. Touch or cross the line with your foot, turn around and sprint back to the start.

  5. 50m sprint: Sprint 25 meters to a line drawn on the ground. Touch the line with your foot AND hand, turn around and sprint back.

The goal:

  • The timer stops when you cross the start line for the final time.

  • Make sure you cross the line on each event to get credit! Otherwise, you will be called back to the line in question.

  • Do not throw the kettlebells!

Event 5: Plank

The plank - update coming soon (23MAR2022)

Event 6: 2-Mile Run

The old-reliable 2-mile run. While often criticized for being a bit unrepresentative of what soldiers often do in the field, running is one of the quickest and easiest methods of testing cardio-respiratory endurance, so I can understand why it made the cut.

*If you are unable to run and have a permanent profile stating such, you may perform an alternative event: swimming, cycling or rowing.