My Timeline

This will be my record of every major event in my medical school life related to the Army. I imagine this page will get pretty long after a few years...


  • Graduated from college

  • Enrolled in a Master's of Public Health (MPH) program with a concentration in Health Policy and Management

2015 (Masters-1st year)

  • Met with a recruiter on 3/17/2015

    • While I was able to start the process in March, times have changed! With the advent of the DCC, it is vital that you get the ball rolling ASAP! It is ideal that you complete DCC prior to your first year of medical school. You must therefore get your HPSP application going prior to February of your application year! (I mean, it's not the end of the world if you don't get it in by then, but I hope you get my point).

  • Submitted my application for the HPSP on 3/23/2015

    • Two key parts to this are:

      • DCA Application

        • By far the longest Excel spreadsheet I have ever seen.

        • Budgeted about three hours to complete this.

        • Be prepared to answer questions on everything you have ever done and everyone you have ever met in your life in EXCRUCIATING DETAIL, including:

          • Your contact info, address history, driver's license and passport info.

          • All of the above for all of your immediate family members.

          • Names of references for all of your addresses.

          • Educational history.

          • Etc.

      • Motivational Statement

        • Pretty straightforward: why are you here? I:

          • Discussed the principles of Army I found appealing.

          • Mentioned my family's history in the military.

          • Referenced my past experiences, and explained how they led me to Army service.

          • Explained why I chose the Army over the other branches.

        • I had a grand total of 570 words/3500 chars.

  • Took the physical examination on 3/26/2015

    • One of the longest days of my life!

      • Arrived at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) at 6am, finished my physical at 1, went to the HPSP office to fill out paperwork until 2:30.

      • At one point, you need to give a decent sized urine sample. However, they didn't say when that would be, so myself and several other recruits held it in and spent 5 hours in agony (from 6am when we arrived, until 11:30ish when we gave urine samples).

        • Don't be afraid to relieve yourself early on in the day, HOWEVER, if you can't produce a cup of urine before the end of the day, you will have to come back another day and do the ENTIRE PROCESS over again.

    • It is a lot of hurry up and wait.

      • Although, you are likely to be the only "commission" as they called me, and they put me at the front of the line for a few things.

    • Listen to your recruiter when they say to dress well and be super courteous to the physicians - they may be lenient towards you (overlook minor issues) if they like you!

    • Know your own medical conditions beforehand and BE HONEST with your medical and criminal history.


      • You do not want this to happen.

  • Recruiter submitted my application right before the deadline for the May boards

  • Completed my MPH on 5/19/2015

  • Accepted to HPSP on 5/26/2015

  • Commissioned on 6/4/2015

    • My commissioning was very relaxed.

    • Feel free to take as many pictures as you want with your parents, significant other or whoever (I wish I had taken more).

  • Began school at NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine on 8/12/2015

  • Received ID card on 8/25/15

    • This also had some fun troubles...

      • I had been entered into the system to receive a "Green" card as opposed to the CAC card that I was supposed to get.

        • The Green card is essentially a worthless piece of paper.

        • The CAC is essentially an official military license.

      • I had to call the HPSP office once a day for 3 days to clear that up.

    • Moral of the story: call the HPSP office to confirm that you are set to get a CAC card before wasting your time making an appointment and going in to the RAPIDS office.

  • First received stipend on 9/1/2015

    • This didn't come without a lot of effort on my part.

      • My recruiter did not tell me that I needed to fill out my personal information (again) on MODS.

      • My recruiter forgot to have me sign a few forms, which delayed a few things.

      • I ended up calling 1-877-MED-ARMY and asked them to check up on my file. They were able to tell me when I was eligible for my entitlements (the ID card) and directed me to my financial coordinator.

      • The financial coordinator found my file and bumped me up to the front of the line, just in time to get paid by the first of September!

  • Got my initial school deposit back on 9/24/2015

    • Little-known fact: you can actually get money back from your school for the initial deposit you paid upon receiving your acceptance.

    • This can ONLY be done if the deposit was counted towards your tuition.

    • Since the Army pays your full tuition, you should receive a credit from your school equal to the amount you paid for your initial deposit - talk to your bursar about this!

  • Received my bonus in three parts from 11/10/2015-11/18/2015

    • Better late and heavily taxed than never!

    • I received almost exactly 2/3 of the promised amount

      • My friends in the Navy and Air Force HPSPs had similar outcomes

      • I got most of the 1/3 amount back in my tax refund!!!

  • Signed up for BOLC (1st year ADT) on 12/14/15

    • You sign up on MODS

    • I have heard horror stories of people taking their time to sign up and they ended up not getting a slot for the summer after their first year, which messes up your other ADTs you are supposed to do during med school.

    • Therefore, when they e-mail you in December saying that the sign up for BOLC is available, DO IT IMMEDIATELY!

2016 (1st-2nd year)

  • Received Orders for BOLC on 4/22/16

    • There isn't anything that needs to be done for this to happen. You just get an e-mail one day saying that you have new orders waiting for you on the HRC website (see the Acronyms & Links page)

  • Booked my flight to BOLC on 4/26/16

    • This should be done immediately AFTER you receive your orders for BOLC.

    • There is a phone number for a travel agency on the ADT Request page of MODS where you first registered for BOLC.

      • Be sure to have your orders number and CAC card number available.

      • You technically don't NEED your CAC card before going to BOLC, but it will make EVERYTHING easier. Plus, you get TSA prechecked on your flight if you have your card.

  • BOLC 6/10/2016 - 7/23/2016

2017 (2nd-3rd year)

  • Requested a School ADT on 5/17

    • This is essentially a pass on an ADT

    • Your ADT 2nd year is to study for and pass your 1st board exam

    • You still get your officer pay, BAH and food allowance

  • Took COMLEX Level I on 6/12/17

    • Army covered cost of the exam

      • Be sure to submit your score report to the HPSP office

    • Request this as you would any other reimbursement on MODS à CDW

  • Signed up for COMLEX Level II + PE on 9/1/17

    • Army, again, covered me

  • Submitted AHRC 3924 on 10/2/17

    • You must submit this form after every ADT, school ADT or otherwise.

2018 (3rd-4th year)

  • Contacted my preferred Army residency programs 12/2017

    • You must contact residency programs at which you would like to rotate, first!

    • Each hospital has different timelines and applications for setting up rotations, so it is best to go on the safe-side and start looking at their websites and calling-in starting later November.

    • Only after you hear back from the residency program, and are approved, do you go to MODS and submit your request for an ADT (see my 3rd and 4th Years ADTs page for more on this).

      • MODS has been broken for a while, so they had us request through e-mail. If there are problems with MODS, you will receive instructions from HPSP.

  • Took my COMLEX Level II PE (Equivalent to USMLE Step 2 CS) 2/2018

    • Submit your score report to the HPSP office

    • Request reimbursement!

  • Contacted approved hotels for lodging for ADTs 3/2018

    • The Army will only pay for hotels on Army bases or that are Army-associated.

    • The program at which you would like to rotate will likely have a list of approved hotels.

    • Your safest bet is to go to and book through them.

  • Got my orders 5/2018

    • Booked my flights through Carlson Wagonlitt - the travel agency used for BOLC.

  • Took my COMLEX Level II 6/2018

    • Be sure to submit your scores to the HPSP office!

  • Audition Rotations 7/2018-9/2018

    • I did 2 ADTs and 1 non-ADT (non-overlapping, of course!)

      • See here for more on this.

    • MODS

      • You will not have access to this site outside of a military facility, therefore it is an ideal time to look at all of your personal and professional information to ensure that it is accurate - my educational history was entirely incorrect and it took a considerable amount of effort to set the record straight as well as to change my designation from single to married.

        • Get on this ASAP!

  • Submitted all parts of my residency application 9/2018

    • All parts are due by 15 October:

      • CV, personal statement, photo, rank list, various other forms.

    • Since MODS is inaccessible via non-military computers, I submitted the final parts to the person in charge of PGY-1 applications

  • Matched to Tripler Army Medical Center 12/2018

    • Due to report June 1st, 2019

2019-2020 (Intern year)

  • Started residency 06/2019

  • Attended the Combat Casualty Care Course (C4) 09/2019

    • My first TDY.

    • A very familiar style/format as BOLC, and even in the same place, but only 8 days long!

    • See the C4 page

  • Took COMLEX Level III 10/2019

    • Of course, this is where I get my highest score, by far ...

  • My first leave 03/2020

    • I plan on making a page about this at some point.

    • Oh, yeah, my vacation plans were cut a bit short by the whole Coronavirus thing ...

2020-2022 (2nd and 3rd years of residency)

  • Second year starts 01JUL

  • 22APR2022 (3rd year): Took Family Medicine Board exam

  • Graduated 30JUN2022

2022-2023 First attending position

  • Battalion Surgeon in the 3rd Infantry Division (ROCK OF THE MARNE!)

    • Report date: 01AUG2022

    • Submitted credentials on 01JUL2022 (as early as possible)

    • Credentials approved 17SEP2022

      • I literally could not work for the first six weeks on post - it was essentially free leave!

      • This is apparently not uncommon in the Army that it takes well over one month to get the hospital to approve your credentials to start working. This also has the problem that you do not get your specialty pay until this time. Your board certification pay (if you took boards in residency) is back-dated to the day you graduate residency.