
Clouds.mid was composed by Brian Orr, for the Windows 95 Developer Credits Easter Egg.

To hear it (taken directly from Orr's website):

"These are the original instructions to actually see the Easter Egg in Windows 95. Note this doesn’t work in Windows 98 or above, nor under some versions of the Active Desktop under Windows 95.

Create a new folder on the Desktop and name it EXACTLY like this:

and now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for

Then rename it to:

we proudly present for your viewing pleasure

Rename this folder again to:

The Microsoft Windows 95 Product Team!

Double-click the new folder and enjoy the show!"

Whether or not you decide to watch the whole show, when you go to the C:\Windows\Media folder, a file called "clouds.mid" should be there (in addition to everything else). It is a lasting file--it'll stay there unless you delete it.


Note that Orr was promised credit for his composition in the easter egg, but never got it.


Download it (".mid" MIDI format) from this site (Music Curios):

Brian Orr's account:

MP3 recording of MIDI playback (from Orr's site):


Listen to Orr's MP3 recording of MIDI playback: