Non-music Curios

A page for other "curios" unrelated to music.


Virtual PCs - Computer virtualization/emulation

Virtual PC is a cool Microsoft application that allows you to run a virtual computer on your desktop! It virtualizes a computer setup (processor type, RAM, etc.) to run an operating system. You can run basically any operating system that runs on a PC (not Mac) in this program, meaning you can run old programs not usable in modern Windows on the legacy OSes, as well as running alphas/betas like Chicago 58s, Whistler, etc. Click here to go to the Microsoft page to download Virtual PC 2007.

Here are some files:

ISO CD images (.iso format)

Virtual floppy disks (.vfd, .dsk, .img & .ima formats)

Virtual hard drives (.vhd format)

Kits and file collections (usually in a .zip or .7z archive)

Other VPC sites:

VPCLoad - Probably the definitive Virtual PC site, with lots of virtual hard disks, ISO CD images, and more!

US VHD Vault Server - US-based server for VHD Vault

[2nd] US VHD Vault Server - The 2nd US-based server for VHD Vault (besides the main one and AndrewVHD's server)

AndrewVHD's Server - [3rd US server] Extensive server, usually on 24/7

Free VHDs - A site that has free VHDs and ISOs.

Endangered Software Archive - Not TechKnight's site, but its successor, with various old operating systems and applications. A couple files are corrupted or the links are dead, otherwise a good site.

VHD Hustle - A comprehensive site with pre-Windows 2000 versions only. Gives histories and tons of links to download from.

WinWorld - Site chock-full of downloads, from Windows to Mac OS to BeOS and more!


And check out the VPCLoad Forum!


Mini vMac

Mini vMac is another cool application that emulates a Macintosh Plus. It is maintained by Paul C. Pratt, and the Mini vMac website can be found here.


Here are some downloads:



A friend ("9vollt") and I have a site for drawings and pictures: 9vollt & Mr. X Art

See these and others at the full poster gallery.


See more at the Music Curios & More Forum!