John Pryer

John received his musical education as a chorister at Ely Cathedral, a music scholar at Clifton College, Bristol, and as organ scholar of Keble College, Oxford. Here he graduated and gained the F.R.C.O. diploma, winning the Limpus Prize for the highest marks in organ playing, and the Read Prize for the highest marks overall.

After teaching posts in Bath, Bristol, and at Repton School, he became assistant to Roy Massey at Birmingham Cathedral. Later he played at St. Chad's Cathedral, Birmingham, again at Birmingham Cathedral, then St. Paul's in the Jewellery Quarter.

Presently he is organist of the Oratory Church, Birmingham and of the Alexandra Palace, London.

During his time as organist for Musica Deo Sacra the Liturgy was structured to include organ improvisations as an integral part of it, as in France. John's time was also notable for the use of the Grove Organ, then allegedly unplayable (but far from it!). With the active support of Canon Pouncey, then Vicar of Tewkesbury, and Michael Peterson, then the organist, the Grove Organ was used, to the great interest of all, during the Sunday High Mass.

After his time with Musica Deo Sacra, John was also organist for the Edington Festival.