Music and Service List 2012
Solemn Evensong 7.30
Introit: Lux aurumque Eric Whitacre
Preces & Responses Craig Phillips
Psalms: 28,29
Office Hymn: let all the world in every corner (Luckington)
Canticles: Jesus Service William Matthias
Anthem: My beloved spake John Sanders
Collection hymn: O praise ye the Lord (Laudate Dominum)
TUESDAY 31 JULY For the Unity of the Church
Solemn Eucharist 11.00am
Introit: Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is Stanley Vann
Mass: Missa Brevis Jonathan Dove
Gradual: Litany to the Holy Spirit Peter Hurford
Offertory: O Saviour of the World (1st Mvt of Requiem) Herbert Howells
Communion: Let all mortal flesh Edward Bairstow
WEDNESDAY 1 AUGUST In Honour of the Blessed Sacrament
Solemn Requiem Mass 7.30pm
Requiem Faure
with the West of England Players
Choral Matins 11.00am in Celebration of the H M the Queen’s Jubilee
Introit: O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth William Byrd
Preces & Responses: William Byrd
Psalms : 19, 20, 21
Te Deum: in G Vaughan Williams
Office hymn: Judge eternal, throned in splendour (Tune: Rhuddlan)
Jubilate: in F John Ireland
Anthem: I was glad Hubert Parry
Collection hymn: There’s a wideness in God’s mercy (Corvedale)
+Elgar O hearken Thou (After the Blessing)
SUNDAY 5 AUGUST TRINITY IX Celebration of the 450th anniversary of the PCB 1662
Solemn Eucharist 11.00am
Introit: Grant to us, Lord Wiggall
Mass: Per Arma Justiciae John Merbecke (Kyrie & Creed traditional)
Gradual: Almighty and everlasting God Gibbons
Offertory: O God the King of Glory Gibbons
Comunion: O God the protector Harris
Organ Recital by Carleton Etherington 7.30pm
9.00pm Compline
O Lord, the maker of all thing Munday
Te lucis ante terminum Tallis
In pace Blytheman
Ave Maria Parsons
Evensong at St Mary, Redcliffe, Bristol 4.00pm
Introit: Coelos ascendit C V Stanford
Preces & Responses Piccolo
Psalms: 12, 13
Canticles: in A C V Stanford
Anthem: Ubi Caritas Francis Pott
Solemn Eucharist 11.00am
Mass: Messe de Notre Dame David Briggs
Introit hymn: Light’s abode celestial Salem (Regent’s Square)
Gradual Hymn: Christ, whose glory fills the skies (Ratisbon)
Offertory hymn: All my hope on God is founded (Michael)
Motet: Ave Verum William Byrd
Solemn Evensong and Benediction 6pm
Introit: Grant to us, Lord Tom Wiggall
Preces & Responses: Anthony Piccolo
Psalm: 27, 28
Office Hymn: O holy spirit, Lord of grace (Tallis’ Ordinal)
Magnificat : in A Naylor
Nunc Dimittis:
Anthem: Vast oceans of light Jonathan Dove (from Choir book for the Queen)
Hymn before the sermon: God is love; let heaven adore him (Blaenwern)
Collection Hymn: How shall I sing that majesty? (Coe Fen)
O salutaris Rossini
Tantum ergo Henschel
Final hymn: All for Jesus (All for Jesus: Stainer)