Music and Service List 1972

Friday 4 August Solemn Eucharist 11am

Preacher: The Revd. W R Derry Provost, Midland Division, Woodard Schools

Organ: Cantabile César Franck

Mass: for four voices William Byrd

Introit: Behold, God is my helper Tone VII

Gradual: Quomodo cantabimus William Byrd

Offertory: Si non proposuero, Ierusalem William Byrd

Organ Verse: Adagio (Symphonie V) Charles Widor

Communion: Ave verum William Byrd

Organ: Carillon Orléanais Henri Nibelle

Saturday 5 August St Oswald, King and Martyr Solemn Eucharist 11am

Intention: For the Peace of theWorld

Preacher: The Right Revd, The Lord Bishop of Tewkesbury

Organ: Aria Flor Peters

Mass: in G minor Ralph Vaughan Williams

Introit: Give peace O Lord Tone VII

Gradual: Libera plebem John Joubert

Offertory: O tristia secla priora John Joubert

Organ Verse: Récit sur le Pange lingua Nicholas de Grigny

Communion: I sat down under his shadow Edward Bairstow

Organ: Final (Symphonie 1) Louis Vierne

Sunday 6 August Procession and Solemn Eucharist 11.15am

Transfiguration of Our Lord: Trinity X

Preacher: The Right Revd. the Lord Bishop of Buckingham

Organ: 2 Chorale Preludes J S Bach

Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten; Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott, Vater

Mass: in G (with the Locrian Chamber Orchestra, Leader Bella Holt) Franz Schubert

Introit: Haec Dies William Byrd

Processional hymn 631

Gradual Hymn 347

Collection: Hymn 185

Offertory: Laetentur coeli William Byrd

Communion: Ave verum William Byrd

Recessional hymn 560

Organ: Foie et Clarté des Corps Glorieux Olivier Messiaen

Sunday 6 August Transfiguration of Our Lord; Trinity X Solemn Evensong 6pm

Preacher: The Right Revd. K C H Warner Assistant Bishop of Coventry

Organ Chorale Prelude ‘Allein Gott’ J S Bach

Preces and Responses Richard Ayleward

Office Hymn 560

Canticles: The First Service John Ward

Anthem: Gloria Patri Thomas Tallis

Hymns 161, 376

Organ: Prelude and Fugue in C minor J S Bach

Monday 7 August The Most Holy Name of Jesus Solemn Eucharist 11am

Preacher: The Right Revd. J C S Daly, formerly Bishop of Gambia and the Rio Pongas,

Accra, and in Korea

Organ: Pastorale J S Bach

Mass: in G minor Ralph Vaughan Williams

Introit: In the Name of Jesus Tone VII

Gradual: Locus iste Anton Bruckner

Offertory: Os justi Anton Bruckner

Organ Verse: Improvisation on Jesu nostra redemption

Communion: Christus factus est Anton Bruckner

Organ: Cortège et Litanie Marcel Dupré

Tuesday 8 August Solemn Eucharist 11am

Preacher: The Revd. T E Evans Canon Residentiary of Gloucester Cathedral

Organ: Prélude Vincent d’Indy

Mass: for four voices Claudio Monteverdi

Introit: When I called upon the Lord Tone VII

Gradual: I sat down under his shadow Edward Bairstow

Offertory: Let all mortal flesh Edward Bairstow

Organ Verse: Improvisation on Regina Coeli

Communion: Jesu, the very thought Edward Bairstow

Organ: Final César Franck

Wednesday 9 August Choral Evensong (BBC) 4pm

Organ: Extemporisation

Preces and Responses: Richard Ayleward

Canticles: The First Service John Ward

Anthem: QWuomodo cantabimus William Byrd

Organ: Choral et Fugue Marcel Dupré