Damaged noticeboard replaced

Post date: 22-Jan-2013 11:48:54

October 19, 2012 at 3:05 am

At last after much frustration with the fulfilment of the promise to change the damaged noticeboard at the entrance of the kick-about a brand new noticeboard has been mounted.

Julian and Daniel kept up the pressure with several email and direct communications:

Hi Hemali

Could you please advise on the progress of the repair to the notice-board (adjacent to the ball court) in our park please.

First reported 6 July 2012 by Julian

Kind regards


And eventually to everybody surprise it happened:

Hi Daniel,

Apologies for the delay in responding.

The noticeboard has now been replaced. I will add some contact numbers in the notice board next week.



So here is the brand new thing:




or here.