20130608 FoSSP Meeting

The meeting was needed to discuss the many things coming up with FoSSP activities and the many improvements on the park.

In particular everybody was interested in the development in the Sustainability Grant -Surrey Square Park Regeneration from Community Spaces that Julian had managed to procure.

There was also the matter of the CGS and other bids to be discussed.

As usual Daniel had organised everything and there was plenty of refreshments for all of us.We did not have however all the much time as we needed to tackle the pithier issues we were confronted with.

Much was said about expanding our ranks but it is a well known fact that when much is accomplished the smaller is the group that manages that :-).

Anyway several members and a few new ones have expressed their interest in becoming more actives but as usual only time will tell.

Frank managed to arrive in spite of the steep stairs and the meeting went on top gear.

All points were examined and at the end we left with a good feeling and much hope for the future.

The main points of the minutes were (for the full minutes, please email FoSSP):

Present: Daniel (Chair), Serge (Treasurer), Julian (Secretary – minutes), Frank , Coro .

3.2 Signage

Wildlife Area/Park Information sign.

Serge is now liasing with the Service Development Officer (Pippa)- Parks on the design, construction and location of the sign.

The sign will be designed by an outside design agency, and manufactured by a council-approved sign company.

To save on manufacturing costs, one option might be to replace a ‘two post’ freestanding sign with a fence-mounted installation.

FoSSP want to see a draft of the sign design before installation.


Serge to arrange for Pippa to meet in the park, for a site assessment, so that our requirements for the sign can be put into context.

Serge to forward the draft design to FoSSP members for approval, once he has received it from Pippa.

3.3 Sustainability Grant training courses

3.3.1 Training dates

Julian briefed those present with the two available time slots for training and will contact Rebeka to book training dates.

FoSSP to meet informally to discuss vision for the park.

3.3.2 Sustainability Grant award – handling finance/making payments

It was previously decided that the award would be placed in Southwark Council’s bank account, to avoid the need for FoSSP to pay VAT, thereby ‘saving’ 20% of the award that would otherwise be lost.

Julian expressed concerns about handling the finance and accessing the money to make payments for training, tools, and materials, in view of communication problems previously experienced between FoSSP and Southwark Council, during the delivery of the earlier part of the Community Spaces programme.

Frank suggested various possibilities for handling the finance, such as registering FoSSP as a ‘contractor’ and asking Southwark Council to order tools and materials via Southwark’s suppliers, so that they would handle the money, and then they would ‘gift’ these items to FoSSP.


Julian to contact Deborah (Service Development Officer – Parks) for advice/support.

3.4 Raised Planters


It was agreed for FoSSP to incorporate the planters in its proposed management plan under the Sustainability programme.

3.5 “Climbing Trees” play equipment

Ongoing problems with loose handholds. Equipment is now the responsibility of the accountable body, Southwark Council, who are aware of the issues.

4. Cleaner, Greener, Safer award (2013/2014) for the Wildlife Area

4.1 Confirmation letter

Serge presented a letter confirming the award of £20,000 for the project entitled “Surrey Square Park Garden Improvements”, CGS ref 173587.

4.2 Project outline

Nils is the CGS Project Officer who will be working on the project. Serge outlined the main elements of the project as follows:

1) Post and Rail fencing along the Aldbridge Street boundary of the Wildlife Area, with the possibility of planting up the under storey.

2) Rain Garden to be installed near to the Aldbridge Street boundary, consisting of a shallow depression in the ground, filled with a permeable layer of gravel, and covered with semi-permeable materials, to create a wetland environment, with associated species of plants.

3) A partially submerged water tank reservoir, connected to the rain garden by an underground pipe, to top up the water feature as required. Approximate dimensions of tank envisaged: 1m x 1m sq x 0.5m tall. A removable tank lid could be a potential bat roost feature.

4) Website development - a provision made for website training, in order to set up a website.

5) An art feature to replace the ‘bug hotel’ in the centre of the Wildlife Area.

6) ‘QR’ code plaques to be placed on features of interest, to enable visitors to access information via a mobile phone.


Serge to request a ‘sketch proposal’ of the CGS project from Nils to feed into FoSSP’s proposed management plan under the Sustainability programme.

FoSSP – need to provide an outline of the CGS proposal to the local community, once this has been established with Nils Battye.

5. Community Council grant for Poster and DVD – update

5.1 Poster

Serge has sent a progress update to the Community Council.

Posters were handed out at the recent community event on the park.

There are posters remaining for distribution.

5.2 DVD

The target to finish the DVD is by the end of July of this year.

Daniel has interviewed Serge and Julian.


Daniel to complete interviews (Frank and Coro) and finish DVD.

6. Treasurer’s Report

7. Actions from minutes of last meeting (AGM held 26 Jan2013)

7.1 item 2 of previous mins: Daniel to update electronic version of constitution with text agreed at previous AGM, held 28 Jan 2012.

7.2 item 6.1 of previous mins: Veolia Envirogrant. Serge put in a bid.

Action: Serge is waiting to hear back.

7.3 item 6.1 of previous mins: New park notice board.

Action: Julian and Serge to repair notice board, and put up park poster.

8. Friends of parks Conference, Saturday 29 June 2013

Action: Daniel to attend.

9. Sedan Way Green Link – update

The two southernmost ash trees will remain. The other four ash trees and associated greenery appear set to be lost.

Action: Frank will write another letter to the planners (on behalf of FoSSP) to highlight the anomaly in planning strategy between the differing road treatments of Bagshot Street and Sedan Way - adding greenery to the former, whilst taking it away from the latter. Both streets are part of the same East Walworth Green Link!

10. Any Other Business

10.1 Replacement tree for lost fruit tree (Alvey Street border). Julian asked for previously agreed choice of Hornbeam as a replacement to be altered to a Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera). Agreed.

Action: Julian to contact the tree department to make the arrangements.

10.3 Tea Gazebo on the park – serve free tea and biscuits to passers-by in order to meet park users.

Action: keep under review.

11. Dates of Future FoSSP meetings

Saturday 21 September 2013

Saturday 23 November 2013