Why DancingSword?

Why "DancingSword"?

The logo above symbolizes the following:

1. Yin-yang - symbol of balance of the seemingly contrary elements, focus and defocus.

2. Wave - symbol of accept of ups and downs, patience, peace, trust.

3. Sword - symbol of mental side og performance - ability to protect, guard and attack, dynamically adapted challenge, peaceful awareness.

4. Dance - symbol of physical side of performance - flexibility, dynamics, speed, grounding. Not a typical warrior stance - but a dancer!

Dancing Sword peak performance system can help to answer the questions:

- How to improve personal performance in a natural way?

- How can one learn to deliberately circumvent doubt, self-blame and fear of failing?

Dancing Sword is the result of many years of work to answer these questions. The system originated as self-help - the name dancing word comes from my own experience from kung-fu and tennis. I have experimented with different visualizations for creating peace and security in combat situation - and noticed that the symbols dance and sword worked really well together. "Dance" symbolizes flexibility, dynamics, footwork, quickness. "Sword" symbolizes safety, mental and spiritual strength, deep peace and profound belief in your own strength and abilities. At the same time the union of "dance" with "the sword" symbolizes same unity and consensus as expressed in other contexts of connection between opposites, eg.: Love ↔ aggression, female ↔ male, body ↔ head - yin and yang.

The declaration of inter-dependence

Concepts of "yin" and "yang" is used to understand how opposites in the natural world are interconnected - and interdependent. They are derived from traditional eastern science and philosophy and serve as a primary guideline and a key principle in various forms of eastern martial arts, exercise as well as traditional medicine.

Understanding of the relationship of the opposites and their interdependence are the core basis for my work as a teacher. Once you understand that opposites only exist in relation to each other, you will understand and accept that these opposites can and will periodically replace each other. Understanding and acceptance of this leads to balance and calm, which forms the basis for - and ensures good performance in whichever field you should practice!

Breathing physiology

All the above mentioned is based on normalization of breathing which i train with my students, as exercises aimed at processes in the cells or activation of intracellular (endogenous) respiration. In order to make the exercises work in the optimal way we have to understand physiological processes in the human body. That's why a study of

human physiology is always a part of my teaching.

I have integrated Dr. Buteyko's method in my work. It includes an insight into the physiology of the human body as a system - all the way down at the molecular level. The cause and the symptoms are interlinked, and important factors such as nutrition, exercise and sleep are all fully integrated, as parts of the whole. Buteyko's method is an example of a holistic approach to disease and to the human beings as naturally self-healing. However, it is one of the only holistic therapies (maybe the only) that arose in the 20th century, based on scientific medical research.

The art of balance

Dancing Sword system helps you create and improve your balance between mind and body, head and heart - a kind of focused physicality. The system is used as inspiration for personal development and supports you to improve your personal strength and integrity, on the road to excellence both in sport, in music - and in life. You will learn the following:

- Breathing physiology - normalizing automatic breathing pattern, strong tool creating natural flow, entering the zone,

- Balancing - physically in your body and further between visions and goals, and between head and heart,

- Centering - Using the heart and body to stabilize performance, so it's not just your head that controls

- Trust - your own body's ability and stability - awareness through self-hypnosis and visualization

- Accept - things take time - to walk with small steps, slow progress - but every day, kaizen

- Breaks and pauses - and use them consciously - as a tool

- Stress handling - counteract stress consciously, ensuring a stable and peaceful learning and progress.

Interested? Contact me: +45 20735306 or misha@dancingsword.dk

About Misha Sakharoff - dancingSword coach