About me

“Dead stillness is not a real stillness. Stillness in action is a real stillness.

We have to learn to maintain the coordination of mind and body in everyday life.”

Koichi Tohei - founder of Ki Aikido

Misha Sakharoff - DancingSword trainer:

Musician - singer, guitarist, double bass player, pianist, songwriter and composer: misha.info

Athlete - tennis, kettlebells, kungfu, aikido. Ki-Kaizen and yoga trainer.

Therapist - Buteyko VEDB (Voluntary Elimination of Deep Breathing)

Mastermind coach - Owner of private music school and embodied mental training/ peak performance training business built on holistic principles: musikskolePLUS.dk og dancingSword.dk.

Peak performance trainer - Interest in personal development and experience as project manager, coach / teacher, musician and activity in sports have over the years led to the formulation of DancingSword - mental training embodied.

Born in Moscow, Russia in 1966.

Work Experience - Engineer (M.Sc.), project manager (IPMA-C), consultant and business developer for various companies in the Danish telecom industry and the Danish Ministry of Finance. Experience with process improvement, concept, strategy and visioning. Now independent consultant and lecturer. Blogging on physiology og body-mind and personal development. Read more on LinkedIn.