Spring (January) 2015

We're making some changes!

To better serve the professional development needs of the district and in consideration of everyone’s pre-semester busy schedules The MSJC Academy has a new format!

We’ll be presenting 3 application/invitation three-day institutes and an open registration showcase day.

MSJC Academy

Innovation Institutes

Mon. Jan 12 – Wed. Jan 14, 2015


Each institute will provide participants with in-depth, hands-on, outcome based training. As these institutes run concurrently, you may only participate in one – but you may apply for all of them if you are interested. Click on a banner to learn more about each institute.

  • Blended Learning with Blackboard presented by @ONE

MSJC Academy: Blended Learning with Blackboard SP15 Institute Presented by @ONE
  • Effective Practices for Online Teaching & Learning presented by MSJC DE Coordinators

MSJC Academy: Effective Practices for Online Teaching & Learning SP15 Institute
  • College Teaching and Learning presented by MSJC Professional Development Committee & STEM


Academy Showcase Day

Thurs. January 15, 2015


The showcase day will feature a variety of presentations designed to reach and inform the diverse MSJC community. Presentations topics will include:

  • Things You Should Know About My Department

  • Blackboard Open Studio

  • Using Graphics To Enhance Reading Comprehension

  • Pathways to Leadership in Education

  • Using Excel Beyond the SUM Function

  • Faculty Orientation

  • Getting to Know Your Academic Senate

  • Your Role in Shared Governance

  • Educational Shifts in K-12

  • MSJC and the Online Education Initiative

  • And more…

Registration NOW OPEN!

The schedule is now available: register today!!

View the Schedule

Register NOW!