Soon to come in Science class

Post date: Nov 24, 2014 4:39:57 AM

One of our DaVinci families has a sweet-tempered snake they would like to donate to my classroom. The parents have offered to continue supplying the food and feeding for Levi. I think he would be a great addition to our learning community and feel that we can't pass up the opportunity.

As many of you know, I taught for 5 years at the Ogden Nature Center before moving to classroom teaching and DaVinci. I would use this snake thoughtfully and deliberately, after weeks of the students getting used to him and having discussed our fears - as I did when we got our pet tarantula, Aragaga. The cage will be locked and he will be taken out only by me and held under close instruction and supervision.

Please let me know your thoughts, especially if you have any concerns.