Quarter 3

Splice Your Selfie - Group project to master new video-editing technology, to be done in class. 

Splice Your Sport - Explanation of the principles of Physics through sports and fabulous films! Allowing one class period only for this. Any unfinished work will need to be done at home or after school. 

Work Made Simple

Experiment 1, 2 & 3 - Involves clicking on the link below, accessing the document, making a copy and adding in your own information for your experiment, as well as your video link. Then submit to the Assignment Submission page.

8th Grade Geology Unit Test — Given 2/11/15

8th Grade Geology Unit Test REVIEW

Bicycle Physics

Cafe Culture Style homework — Use this link to do your homework in preparation for our Paris Art Cafe-in-the-Park day! 

City of Lights — Here is the presentation I gave on 2/25 to introduce the Physics unit.

City of Lights: Graphing experiments

Compound Machines — Enjoy this online activity to relearn Compound Machines. Then do the homework in this same folder. Assigned 2/23. Due 2/25.

Discovery of Pasteurization — Some helpful back up info.

Encyclopedia Britannica — How and when our geology formed. Awesome!

Excavation Earth: Fact or Fiction game — By Encyclopedia Britannica. Play some earthly trivia!

Fossil Museum Geological History

Geology Quizlet — Thanks to Leslie Davis, we have a study set for our unit!

Google Translate — To add words from this unit in French!

Newton's Laws TedEd — Newton and a bicycle. Your science teacher is in heaven.

Newtons Laws presentation

Pasteurization Station — Part of the City of Lights Physics unit introduction. Feb/Mar 2015.

Physics Phun/City of Lights vocabulary — Here is the list of vocabulary you'll be responsible for turning into a Quizlet deck. Just to be sure you don't miss any. Find the definitions in your notes or look them up in dictionary.com. Word the definitions so they make sense to you.

Quizstar — Link to Quizstar website, for online quizzes and tests. Remember, you will need your log in information specifically for this site. It was given on ## and you were instructed to write it in your planner.

Ramp Height Calculator

Simple and Compound Machines slideshare — To help with ID of Simple Machines of a Bicycle Assignment. Due 2/25.

Simple Machines: Pulleys — What? If you spread the work over a longer distance there's less force required? You don't say....

Simple Machines Game — Enjoy these online activities to relearn Simple Machines! Then do the homework in this same folder. Assigned 2/23. Due 2/25.

Simple Machines of a Bicycle — Homework assignment assigned 2/23, due 2/25.

Splice Your Self(ie) Assignment & Eval Sheet

Splice Your Sport

Standard 4 Simple Machines pre-assessment — Launch of City of Lights and the tiny intro to our Physics unit. Taken 2/16/15.

Term 3 Standard 3 Pre-Assessment — To be taken the last lab day before we begin the new term/semester. Will count on semester 2, term 3 grades.

Test Corrections - Geology S3 Unit Test — Test corrections due 2/27.

Viritual Rock Collection — Use this link to get instructions for creating your own virtual rock collection. To do this, you will need to identify certain minerals and their properties. Be thorough, include pictures and descriptions and have fun! Assigned 1/26/15. Due 2/2/15.

Work Made Simple Experiment Page template — This is the document you will need to make a copy of and add your video link and information to submit your assignments for the Work Made Simple (WMS,Inc.) Unit. 

Work Made Simple Experiment Page template - printable