Quarter 1

This is where you will come to get all information for the electronic things we've done in class, this term.

BBC site on behavior of matter and more!

Intro to Field Guide/Journaling — Check out this presentation for reminders about how-to, why-to, and who-do of Field Journaling.

Mixtures and Compounds — A bit of extra info to review.

Models of Atoms and Website Scavenger Hunt Quiz — Follow these instructions to complete (or access your own copy of) the Models of Atoms through History assignment, and then submit it on my website. This is also the place to access the Website Scavenger Hunt Survey/Quiz.

Rate of Diffusion — How temperature affects diffusion.

Science Is Art — Great description of diffusion - with lots of links to other good info, too!

Video on rates of diffusion — What's it like moving through a crowded hall, versus first thing in the morning when you're the only one here?

Vocabulary Quiz Review — This is the quiz to review the vocab from all three chapters we've done thus far - and maybe even have a little fun along the way!