Quarter 4

7th Grade Science Behind Your Talent Resource Page — To be used in class May 4 & 5.

Adaptation Station Songwriting TEST sheet — This is the worksheet you'll use to come prepared for the Songwriting Workshop. This will be graded in the Test/Quiz category - so DO IT and do your best!

Botanical Facials Recipes — From Ms. Herland's "Science Behind Your Talent" presentation.

Classification Quizlet Homework — Homework assigned March 24, due March 27. Instructions in this link. You must click and read to know what to do.

Classification Station 6 Kingdoms homework assignment — Your job is to create a Google presentation, Glogster, paper poster or booklet explaining and illustrating all 6 kingdoms of life and giving at least 3 examples for each. Click on this link to see the full set of instructions and some fun ideas for how you might create a Glogster for this assignment (you'll need to enter my educator code: 8DEE1E when you start your free account). 

Classification Station Prezi — Shared in class March 24 - 26.

Comparing Reproduction WebQuest — For use in class on April 20.

DaVinci Science Menu week one — Use this to choose the four (or more!) review activities you must complete this week to create your personal Student Review Meal Plan (also in this folder). Be sure to provide evidence for each activity - show your work, even online!

Quizlet Vocabulary Practice — Homework for April 20-24. Due Friday 4/24.

Quzlet Practice worksheet — Homework for April 13 - 17. Instructions inside.

SAGE Practice Instructions — For use in class April 21-22

Student Review Science Meal Plan — Each student must turn in a completed meal plan by Friday, including evidence. Show your work and have fun remembering what you know!

The Science Behind Your Talent — This doc contains the instructions and requirements for the Science Behind Your Talent assignment. Assigned 4/4. Due 4/11.