All about me!

Cheyenne Herland currently teaches 7th and 8th grade science at DaVinci Academy for Science and the Arts. 

Cheyenne's ultimate goal is to facilitate confidence in the processes that enables us to discover our own answers, 

and the practice using the critical thinking skills that empower us to evaluate them. She uses all the resources in her toolbox 

to empower meaningful, natural connections, from walks outdoors to field trips, original songs to lip balm. 

Cheyenne has two decades' experience utilizing plants for food, medicine, health, art and aesthetics. She received her undergraduate degree in botany, with a minor in anthropology from Weber State University, where she focused her studies on examining the ways people need nature, including personal connections with the natural world and the field of Ethnobotany. Her thesis research was a comparative study of the folk medicine of Mexico and Central America and the Hispanic community of Ogden. Cheyenne is a state-certified environmental educator and worked facilitating individual relationships with nature for people of all ages at the Ogden Nature Center for five years, and as Shadow Valley Elementary's Environmental Science Specialist 2012-13. She attributes her family's good health to the holistic blending of whole foods, sunshine, laughter, proactive, preventive care at home with as-needed visits with trusted physicians.

    If you have questions, comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me at: 

or reach me by phone through the school at 801.409.0700