Important Files & Their Purpose

Kernel Files & System Info

/boot/vmlinuz - The Linux Kernel file

/etc/exports - Information of the file system available on network

/etc/modules.conf - Configuration files for system modules

/etc/mtab - Currently mounted blocks information

/usr/bin - Normal user executable commands

/usr/bin/X11 - Binaries of X windows System

/usr/include - Contains include files used by ‘c‘ program

/usr/share - Shared directories of man files, info files

/usr/lib - Library files which are required during program compilation

/usr/sbin - Commands for Super User, for System Administration

/proc/cpuinfo - CPU Information

/proc/filesystems - File-system Information being used currently

/proc/interrupts - Information about the current interrupts being utilised currently

/proc/ioports - Contains all the Input/Output ports and addresses used by devices on the server.

/proc/meminfo - Memory Usages Information

/proc/modules - Currently using kernel module

/proc/mounts - Mounted File-system Information

/proc/stat - Detailed Statistics of the current System

/proc/swaps - Swap File Information

/proc/version - Linux kernel version #

Startup & INIT

/etc/fstab - Information of Disk Drive and their mount point

/etc/grub.conf - grub bootloader configuration file

/etc/lilo.conf - lilo bootloader configuration file. (Not used in newer linux versions)

/etc/inittab - INIT process and their interaction at various run level (newer Linux versions switched to systemd process)

/etc/init.d - Directory that contains startup scripts during OS init

/etc/rc.d - Directory that contains Run-level scripts for various applications & processes

User/Group & Login

/etc/issue - Allows to edit the pre-login message.

/etc/motd - motd stands for Message Of The Day, The Message users gets upon login

/etc/profile - Bash shell defaults

/etc/passwd - Contains list of system users

/etc/shadow - Contains encrypted passwords for sys users

/etc/group - Information of Security Group

/etc/profile.d - Application scripts directorys, executed after user login

/etc/securetty - Terminal List, where root login is possible

/etc/X11 - Configuration files of X-window System.


/dev/hda - Device file for the first IDE HDD (Hard Disk Drive)

/dev/hdc - Device file for the IDE Cdrom, commonly

/dev/null - A pseudo device, that don’t exist. Sometime garbage output is redirected to /dev/null, so that it gets lost, forever

Network Config

etc/hosts - Information of Ip addresses and corresponding host names

/etc/hosts.allow - List of hosts allowed to access services on the local machine/etc/host.deny - List of hosts denied to access services on the local machine

/etc/resolv.conf - Domain Name Servers (DNS) being used by System

Shell Config

/etc/bashrc - Contains system defaults and aliases used by bash shell

/etc/profile - Bash shell defaults


/etc/crontab - A shell script to run specified commands on a predefined time Interval


/var/log/lastlog - log of last boot process.

/var/log/messages - log of messages produced by syslog daemon at boot

/var/log/wtmp - list login time and duration of each user on the system currently