Sample Application - Furbook

Laravel Version: 5

Date: June 2016

Laravel Sample Application: Furbook - show cat profiles

Application Setup

    1. setup Homestead VM (vagrant)

    2. create new Site called FurBook (as vagrant user)

    3. cd /home/vagrant/code

    4. mkdir

    5. cd

    6. composer create-project laravel/laravel . --prefer-dist

    7. This will create new skeletal structure for the project

    8. If you have multiple Sites/Projects on a single Homestead, you can let Nginx manage all of them and route requests according to the supplied URL (even though they all share the same IP)

    9. new site name:

    10. cd /vagrant/scripts

    11. /home/vagrant/code/

    12. on your host machine (not Homestead VM), edit /etc/hosts to allow multiple sites to be accessed, for example if you have 2 sites and, and both are on Homestead with an IP of, have /etc/hosts point to the same IP

    13. cat /etc/hosts

    14. ## LARAVEL



    17. restart Nginx and test changes by going to each Site URL in the browser

    18. and, both should show different index.html

    19. when testing, use Site names ending with .app not .com, since you will be hitting actual live sites with .com

    20. test new site by going to in your host's browser, if you can see a generic Laravel index page, its up and running

    21. give your app an official name

    22. homestead$ php artisan app:name Furbook


This application will show cat profiles,

users going to will be redirected using a Route, to create new profiles goto / (this is Route)

create new Route in /home/vagrant/code/

    1. open the routes.php, add new routes (http pointers)




| Application Routes



| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.

| It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to

| and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested.



Route::get('/', function () {

return view('all cats');


Route::get('cats/{id}', function($id) {

return sprintf('Cat #%s', $id);


Test the routes by going to

it should return: Cat #123

to restrict it to only take in numbers add a 'where'

Route::get('cats/{id}', function($id) {

return sprintf('Cat #%d', $id);

})->where('id', '[0-9]+');


if you need to redirect visitors to a certain page, just add a redirect function

Route::get('/', function() {

return redirect('cats');


anyone going to will be redirected to /cats directory

404 and Error Pages

to create custom error pages according to Error code, create page for each error code in






Views are presentation pages on the Presentation layer.

To create an 'about' page, go to


create about.php

<h2>about this site</h2>

there are over <?php echo $number_of_cats; ?> cats on this site

create a new Route to this page,

vi /home/vagrant/code/

Route::get('about', function () { return view('about')->with('number_of_cats',9000); });

test in in browser,

Configure DB and create Database Tables

edit /home/vagrant/code/

set DB_DATABASE = furbook

create new Cat model, this will be used to manipulate data for cats

create file /home/vagrant/code/

<?php namespace Furbook;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Cat extends Model {

protected $fillable = ['name','date_of_birth','breed_id'];

public function breed() {

return $this->belongsTo('Furbook\Breed');



create Breed.php to link Cats to Breeds, in /home/vagrant/code/

class Breed extends Eloquent {

public $timestamps = false;

public function cats(){

return $this->hasMany('Cat');



run this to create DB Migration, this is a PHP script to create DB table that will generate this PHP code, function up will create the table, function down will drop the table

> cd /home/vagrant/code/

> php artisan make:migration create_breeds_table --create=breeds

cat /home/vagrant/code/


use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateBreedsTable extends Migration



* Run the migrations.


* @return void


public function up()


Schema::create('breeds', function (Blueprint $table) {






* Reverse the migrations.


* @return void


public function down()





Run the process to create Cats migration,

> cd /home/vagrant/code/

> php artisan make:migration create_breeds_table --create=breeds

edit the generated PHP file to include Name and Date of Birth fields, also add the breed_id foreign key


use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateCatsTable extends Migration



* Run the migrations.


* @return void


public function up()


Schema::create('cats', function (Blueprint $table) {

$table->increments('id'); #auto-incremental primary key



$table->integer('breed_id')->unsigned()->nullable(); #column can have NULL values

$table->foreign('breed_id')->references('id')->on('breeds'); #foreign key to Breeds table





* Reverse the migrations.


* @return void


public function down()






Eloquent is a syntax used to talk to the DB. You talk to the DB tables through Eloquent Models


use Tinker to play around with Laravel elements

cd /appname/

php artisan tinker