Mathematician Project

Project To Be Determined for 2020-2021 School Year...

Mathematician Project 2018 Handout

Choose your Mathematician Google Form 2018

IF you would like to choose a mathematician to research for your project, please complete this form before 4pm on Thursday, November 1, 2018. If you do NOT complete this form, a mathematician will be chosen for you. Mathematicians are first come first serve, which is why we have this Google Form. A list of mathematicians can be found here.

Mathematician List

Project Details

Project Grades

Helpful Websites for Researching:

Math History - more than 1,000 mathematician biographies

This is the best website to use for your Honors Algebra 2 presentation and slide show. This website contains the biographies of more than 1000 mathematicians, as well as histories of various mathematical topics.

Women in Mathematics

Save your presentation as: Hour_YourLastName_MathematicianLastName

Example: 3_Gavin_Euler.doc

When to Cite a Source: