Wrapping up Progress

3ºB and 3ºC are going to work on a shared webpage created with Google sites where you are going to explain what progress means and implies with all the work you have done throughout the year. For this, you are going to organise work the following way:


You need to organise yourselves into 5 groups:

Group 1 is going to work on "Progress and graffiti". You need to choose the best two presentations.

Group 2 is going to work on the similarities between Juliet and Malala. You need to include the best two radio programmes.

Group 3 is going to work on the emotions in "Romeo and Juliet" and how the story would have been completely different if the main characters had been able to control their emotions. Choose the best two popplets.

Group 4 is going to work on places in Ireland. Choose the best two maps and the best two oral presentations.

Group 5 is going to work on "Ireland and progress". Include your collaborative wall.

Each group has to choose a leader who will have to give the teacher his/her email address. This person will responsible for editing the webpage, but the whole group has to decide which information will be included and help the leader when needed.


You need to organise yourselves into 5 groups:

Group 1 is going to work on how the situation of women has changed since the 16th century using "Romeo and Juliet" as an example. Choose the best two modern versions.

Group 2 is going to work on The Troubles in Ireland. Choose the best two timelines about the conflict. Also, explain how difficult the peace process was using the film "The Boxer" and your conclusions to help you.

Group 3 is going to work on "Progress and terrorism" and how it's possible to fight horror with other means rather than violence. Use the best two smores.

Group 4 is going to work on the differences between Victorian women and women nowadays using "Dracula" as an example.

Group 5 is going to work on "Criticism to progress" using graffiti and references from Dracula. Choose the two best videos.

Each group has to choose a leader who will have to give the teacher his/her email address. This person will responsible for editing the webpage, but the whole group has to decide on which information will be included and help the leader when needed.

The deadline is Friday, 22nd May.

This website will be presented to your parents (in Spanish) during the cultural week at the end of May.

Have fun! And don't forget that the important thing when learning something is to remember that something forever. Not everything has to be learnt because there is an exam. Exams are important to a certain extent. What is really important is to enjoy learning!

I really hope this project contributed to that, even if it was just a little bit.