Malala on the radio

TASK: Malala talks about the right to a quality education for everybody and about the importance of progress. Call it coincidence or whatever but I reckon there are some similarities between Malala and Juliet. They both suffered because of a sexist society. Juliet couldn't be with the love of her life. Malala nearly got killed by Talibans for exercising her right to go to school.

We are going to pay tribute to brave girls who decide to stand up for their right to advance in society, even if it means putting their lives at risk or going against their families who don't allow PROGRESS.

How are you going to do that? Putting yourselves in the skin of Malala. In groups, prepare a radio programme in which you have to interview Malala. Include the following:

  • Present your programme (name, type of programme, presenter,...)

  • Introduce Malala to the listeners

  • Congratulate her on being awarded with the Nobel Peace Price

  • Ask her how she feels about receiving the prize

  • Ask her in which ways she thinks she's contributing to progress in society

  • Ask her if she thinks the Talibans are sexist and tell her to explain why

  • Ask her if she has read "Romeo and Juliet"

  • Ask her if she thinks there is a connection between her story and Juliet's story

  • Ask her if she thinks the situation of women has changed since the 16th century. If so, ask her in which ways

  • Any other questions you think might be interesting

Record your radio programme and upload it to spreaker. We will be listening to them in class on Tuesday, 25th November.

Why a radio programme?

Because ...

  • you will improve your writing, listening and speaking skills

  • you will be able to relate English with other subjects

  • you will investigate and innovate

  • you will carry out a different task apart from the activities suggested in the book

What will I need?

  • a computer/phone with a good microphone

  • internet connection

  • time, patience and the will to experiment and do new things

How do I record a radio programme?

  • the script

(write the script on a google document and share it with the teacher at least a week before the 25th of November)

  • broadcasting

  • lose your fear of being laughed at

  • make sure you check the recording before you upload it

Organisation and contents

  • assign roles (who is going to write the script, who is going to be Malala, who is going to be the interviewers,...)

  • what type of questions are you going to ask Malala?

  • revise the word order in the questions

  • are you going to use music?

  • are you going to include adverts?


  • have fun while you work on this task!


Wonderland (Silvia, Melis..., Mª José B and Mª José B
Malala. ‎‎(Clemente, Ricar...o, Jose Juan and Pedro)‎‎.
Maksym, Pablo Fernández and Pedro Gabarrón
Yaiza, Cecilia, Nerea and Laura
Vero, Rocío and Rachel
Alejandro Martínez,, Andrés and J. Antonio
Watermelon Radio ‎(Daniel, Pablo and Alex)‎
Malala ‎(Alejandro García and company)‎
Radio Programme With MALALA ‎(Antonio Yagües)‎
Talking With Them ‎(Elvira, Marta and Mª Isabel)‎
Malala script ‎(Alberto and company)‎
The Actuality. Malala.
MALALA ‎(Máximo, Jesús and José Ismael)‎



Did it? I don't think so. Listen to these programmes and judge for yourselves.