Relations with Partners

Relations with partners

School students planting the access track

(Updated 23/7/2017)

"Develop relations with stakeholders and funding partners which are to our mutual benefit."


Partnerships are a very important component of the works undertaken on Mount Elephant, without an array of partners, especially the local community, no works will be achieved. As Mount Elephant grows as a centre for interpretation and education links with other providers such as museums, zoos, national parks and regional and state school authorities will become increasingly important.

MECM also has business partnerships with Vertical Burials Pty Ltd who fund memorial trees.

Also with Agrimac Pty Ltd who provide RTK GPS base station services for surrounding farmers.

We also provide agistment of cattle for a neighbouring farmer to control grass on the lower slopes.


    • Develop strong and mutually beneficial partnerships with all people and organisations which have a business relationship with Mount Elephant.


    • Revisit communication strategies and see if there are any ways to improve the current communication.
          • Review and upgrade the web sites
          • Make use of the monthly Lismore Land Protection Group and other newsletters
          • Maintain communication within the townships of Lismore and Derrinallum
          • Identify opportunities for additional membership from other centres such as Camperdown
          • Identify opportunities for school groups to perform roles such as web site development, newsletters, publication development as part of their curriculum.
    • Maintain a Calender of events for the Mount and publicize these events and encourage local involvement
    • Undertake a range of social activities at the Mount rather than just work at the Mount, making it a cultural focus.
    • Publicize the need for specialist roles within the MECM. Timing of this would be best a few months to a month before the AGM
    • Look at opportunities to offer training through TAFE courses for committee members and if such training exists seek funding to offer training support as part of the role to persons who wish to take committee positions.
    • Investigate technologies such as phone video conferencing to enable members to be part of the committee and have input from their homes. This may be especially beneficial to older members of the community who do not wish to drive at night, younger members of the community who cannot drive and members who are a long way away. This technology may encourage involvement in committee positions from students at local colleges.
    • Ensure that the structure of MECM allows for a range of people to become involved and to use and develop their skills.
    • Ensure through regular feedback that MECM meets community expectations for the management of Mount Elephant.

Trust for Nature

Trust for Nature (TfN) is a joint owner of the Mount and offers the group some valuable resources. TfN offers significant partnership benefits. The committee should continue to enhance this partnership and seek ways to improve the working relationship especially in the area of corporate and philanthropic funding opportunities under the Trusts gift recipient status. The committee should also look to Trust for Nature for more opportunities for volunteer support.


Continue the mutually beneficial relationship with Trust for Nature for the development of the Mount.


    • Continue to look at ways to enhance our relationship with Trust for Nature
    • Be proactive in promoting activities and harnessing resources, especially people resources through the Trust
    • Investigate the possibility of developing an “engagement plan”
    • Look at establishing opportunities for the committee to send articles of interest to be included in TFN newsletters and other appropriate publications
    • Establishing more formal relationships and co-operations with TfN

Partnership Agreements:

The following agreements are in place:

Partner Agreement with Trust for Nature. (Reviewed ................)

Leasehold agreement with livestock owner. (Reviewed ................)

GPS repeater agreement with Agrimac, Ballarat. (Reviewed ...........)

Memorial tree agreement with Vertical Burials, Pty Ltd. (Reviewed ...........)

Works and management agreement with Lismore Land Protection Group. (Reviewed...........)

There are agreements with funding bodies, presently"

Jack and Millie Borbidge Fund. Ongoing. For infrastructure development.

Current Partnerships

Mount Elephant Community Management would like to thank its many partners including:

Lismore Land Protection Group,

Corangamite Shire,

Corangamite Catchment Management Authority,

Trust for Nature,

Kanawinka Geopark.

Derrinallum College,

Lismore Primary School,

Camperdown College,

Landmate crews,

Conservation Volunteers,

Greencorp crews,

International Student Volunteers,

and local businesses and other community groups.

We would also like to thank the following project partners,

The Corangamite Catchment Management Authority

The Department of Sustainability and Environment

Corangamite Shire

The Federal Governments Communities for Nature Program.

The Lismore Land Protection Group

The Jack and Millie Borbidge Fund

Regional Development Victoria.